Dream interpretation help?


I keep having a "recurring dream" (different dream aesthetically, but it feels like the same type of dream). My waking recollection is that I'm at boot camp, barracks or a base. The dream then quickly advances to that of being sent to war, against my will. The dream has a sense of futility, that I'll die if don't escape being sent to war. It's never very "military". There's no camo, army stuff or army tanks etc. But there's always guns and I somehow know that I'm being sent to war against my will. These dreams are sometimes terrifying. Feelings of helplessness and apathy other times.

Besides the obvious feelings I just described, are there any other dream symbols I'm missing? Thanks.
Is there a certain event that happens when you have this recurring dream? An argument, a situation, something you're really struggling with IRL?

Symbolically, you're in a place you don't want to be, forced to do something you don't want to do, with escape being your only option from impending doom and it all feels pointless. Do you feel that way about anything IRL?

Guns typically represent anger/aggression which makes sense because of your self-described terror and helplessness and futility. The military aspect could symbolize a feeling of being forced to follow rules or self-discipline. Feeling apathetic is interesting --can you give me more details on what's happening when you feel this way? DO you die in these dreams and how do they typically end?

There is a particular relevant message your subconscious is trying to work through here. The dreams will most likely stop when you have found some type of solution or closure.
Is there a certain event that happens when you have this recurring dream? An argument, a situation, something you're really struggling with IRL?

Symbolically, you're in a place you don't want to be, forced to do something you don't want to do, with escape being your only option from impending doom and it all feels pointless. Do you feel that way about anything IRL?

Guns typically represent anger/aggression which makes sense because of your self-described terror and helplessness and futility. The military aspect could symbolize a feeling of being forced to follow rules or self-discipline. Feeling apathetic is interesting --can you give me more details on what's happening when you feel this way? DO you die in these dreams and how do they typically end?

There is a particular relevant message your subconscious is trying to work through here. The dreams will most likely stop when you have found some type of solution or closure.

In my dreams I don't die. I'm always afraid of death in my dreams. I'll be yelling at people "we could DIE people!? Why are we wasting our time risking death!" and I'll be wondering "why am I not wearing a helmet or body armor!? I have to get out of here or I could die within the first 30 seconds of battle and what a waste if a soldiers life that'd be. I never actually die in these dreams. My apathy builds into action and if I don't wake up from the fear and terror I can usauly get the sense that "I'm going to escape and flee to Canada or Mexico". It honestly might be lucid by that point though, like my mind is waking up to save me from the terrible dream!

IRL I do have arguments with myself over my career and current job. I left a job/career that I loved for a "more lucrative prestigious 'real' job". I feel like I'm back in high school where falling in line is most important. Robot and soldier must be equivalent to my subconscious. I have sort of decided that I am going to go back to my old job once I've saved up a few years expenses and stuck it out long enough in my corporate job to "prove to people" that "yes I DID TRY it and I hated it". This is my 2nd corporate job and I'll probably have to stick with this for 2 or more years before I go back to the job/field I want (education).

Maybe my subconscious is telling me I can't wait that long?

... I do have day dreams of picking up my laptop and ripping it from the wall so that it tugs the wires and pulls all the other laptops to the ground and then I throw the laptop through the window and flee the building never to return! :) haha. Scary thing is as I'm daydreaming this I catch myself gripping the sides of my laptop ready to pick it up! :gasp:
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Maybe my subconscious is telling me I can't wait that long?

Perhaps and it sounds like you're on the right track --but I'm not suggesting you quit your job :tape: Ruminate about it a little while longer and I'm sure you'll get more clarity through your dreams or otherwise. Good luck!
Perhaps and it sounds like you're on the right track --but I'm not suggesting you quit your job :tape: Ruminate about it a little while longer and I'm sure you'll get more clarity through your dreams or otherwise. Good luck!

Haha. I wasn't insinuating that you were insinuating that I should quit :). Don't worry, I'm not going to do anyhing rash. I do appreciate the help on the interpretation. I guess I better get used to this dream ...
I think you hit the nail on the head on all accounts.