Dreams, do you have them?


Community Member
dont know
Is having lots of dreams in your sleep an INFJ thing? I dream so much, I feel I've almost lived longer than others my age, because even in my sleep I'm experiencing things. Some dreams are good, some just alright and others terrible. But to me they are whole experiences, and feel like a big part of my life in general. Does anyone else ever feel this way? I am at the point where I have given up trying to make them stop or even trying to interpret them, I just sort of expect to be doing stuff and meeting ppl inside my head whenever I go to sleep.

I was speaking to a girl and telling her how I don't like watching scary movies because that'll just fuel the fire of my crazy dreams. Even if those scary things arent real, they will still show up in my dreams and be real to me. I've had to deal with girls that look like the ring girl in my dreams, and worse as well. In telling her that I was surprised to find out that she had never dreamed like that before. Thought everyone had these dreams :P
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Please please please, write them down and post them there are a few of us here that love reading them.
I dream so much, I feel I've almost lived longer than others my age, because even in my sleep I'm experiencing things.

LOL! I like that!
I dream all the time. In color, and in great detail. I look forward to it every night, or on a lazy Sunday when I feel like an afternoon nap.
I rarely if ever have nightmares.
When I quit smoking, (well, to be honest I am a semi retired smoker) I took the Chantix cessation pill.
One of the side effects is vivid dreams. Wow! was it great!

Sometimes in the middle of a dream I can step back from it, realize I am dreaming and change the course of it. I figure when that happens I am in that zone between REM sleep and consiousness.

When I was younger, and was going through a period of duress in my life with work and a bad marriage, I often used it as a means of escape.
I have tons of dreams, and they are usually quite long and involved. Really epic scenery too a lot of the time. I just wish I could remember them better...
@StudebakerHawk : last night i was at the airport on my way to Florida, I had a stopover there before going to visit my grandmother, I had it set up so that the stopover would be extended giving me a little vacation in Florida as well. around checking in time my mom told me to go wait at a friends house because there was still time till boarding. I went to an apartment where there were three or four siblings. They offered be a carbonated drink and I was telling them how carbonated drinks are hard on my throat, one of the guys there took it as a sexual joke, which led to me becoming irritated and telling him to basically get his head out of the gutter. up until this point everything in the dream was like my regular life, i was saying a doing things that i normally do (or at least think) and the events occurring made sense. this however all changed when we all got news that their was a viral outbreak alert which meant i wouldnt be able to go to the airport and my mom and i would have to remain separated because people weren't allowed to leave their homes anymore. next thing i know i was watching tv with a guy, one of the guys at the apartment, where men and women, some dead, some alive, were gathered together in a big metal cage which was being taken into a giant woodchipper. apparently these ppl were supposed to be dead bodies of those that had become infected, but some were still alive. I could see a woman lying down trapped at the front of the cage, struggling and trying to get out, but she was very weak. The back of the cage was taken into the chipper and body parts started flying everywhere. Now what had happened was no longer on tv but something I had witnessed and ended up in the home of the woman's husband, who was showing furniture that needed to be destroyed as well. And that was it. The concept of the movie Contagion clearly influenced my psyche :P

@MindYourHead : being able to control my dreams is a lot of fun but I havent been that successful at it :) must practice more!
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sounds a lot like Honey Badger's dreams


Last night's dream was pretty effed up.

Somehow I ended up in a room where the executions were meant to be carried out. It was here that I discovered that these kids were young teenagers who had slaughtered these chickens and had apparently served them at McDonalds. It was unclear why they did this, but one of them was a female from a third world country who had ripped the chicken apart with her bare hands and thought nothing of it.

I still thought the punishment was extreme because these kids were young and I didn't think any child should be getting executed.

I ended up behind a thick, dark curtain. In this room there was a very large grill like you would see in fast food restaurants and here they had the heat turned up and they were putting the kids down on it and burning them. They were scorching them to the point that all their skin was black and charred. I do not recall any of them screaming, but I do know they were being tortured and brought to the brink of death, but not yet killed. I came in after five of them had already been done. They were escorted out of the room one by one and I do not know what fate they met after they disappeared from the other side.

At one point I fell on the grill but because I was fully clothed only my leg was burnt. I remember screaming that I was burning but I do not recall feeling the pain. I got up just as they were about to bring in the final kid.


I remember looking down at the grill which was now dirty and had burnt on residue. I remember feeling almost nothing at the sight. All six children had been punished and I needed to get out of there.

That's when I woke up.
I have a lot of really bizarre ones! They're always so realistic, I don't realize I'm dreaming. I often dream I'm another person, with full awareness of my own back story/scenario/personality. It's so, so strange, lol. Last night I dreamed that I was a high schooler dating Rupert Grint on a youth outing dedicated to flood relief victims, and when we started going through the buildings and houses (still standing in water) looking for salvageable house stuffs, everything was from the 1940s and 50s era, and Rupert found his old house from a past life. And all the apartment numbers were oddly stylized, colorful and Willy-Wonka-esque. Yeah.:m083:
Actually, I dream surprisingly little. Most nights are uneventful.

And when I do dream, the dreams are very simple- usually encompassing just a few moments.

For instance, one night I dreamt I was looking at a painting. It looked to be middle-ages and slightly macabre- I remember lots of red and a skeleton, and stuff strewn around on the ground in the image.

And then I saw a deck of cards in the painting, upon which was written 'Glossotechnia'(The name of a card game a friend of mine created). I thought 'Hm! So that's where he got the name from!'

And then woke up.
I find that I have awesome lucid/vivid dreams when I'm feeling good and healthy. When I'm stressed or sad I can't remember them :( I almost never have nightmares.
I'd classify mine as nightmares than "dreams", per se. Very rarely are my dreams nice, but they are unfailingly useful in navigating my psychological issues. And wonderful inspiration for poetry & drawings. They also like to be pure nonsense that leaves me with a headache in the morning. The brain has a wry sense of humor, methinks.

When they are kind, it usually entails a formless Radiant Shadow enjoying some wonderful natural scenery. The Shire seems to be pretty popular for modern travels.

I read somewhere that dreams are a result of the brain consolidation and synthesizing information, experiences, linking memories, etc. while one sleeps. I wonder if I will have more pleasant dreams when I go to college and actually learn things...
i used to have a very involved dream life. i used to have experiences in my dream life that would carry on from one night to the next. or i would wake up, go to the kitchen for a glass of water, and then return to my dream. and would meet recurring characters that i never met in my waking life. lucid dreams and control over my dreams and so on. places and people and events that seemed too detailed and real for my brain to have constructed. i used to wonder how all that stuff got in there. at times i also had vivid and terrifying nightmares. now, i'm not too sure whether i dream anymore at all. i think it might be because my waking life changed. i gained a lot more control over and interest in my waking life. although, i hardly believe that people in general have a wild dream life just because they have a lousy waking life. i can't really explain it.
I'm sure I have them, I can just almost never remember them.

When I do, I typically wish I hadn't remembered them. Often unpleasant, graphic deaths, post-apocalyptic/apocalyptic and such.

Egh. I remember in one, I was living with my siblings and we knew that a storm was coming, that it would be devastating, and that we couldn't possibly withstand it if we stayed. As a consequence, we moved to a house in the middle of an ocean, no land in sight, a deck all around it. Kind of like this: 355614493_1da9e90f50.webp

The storm came and brewed, and lasted through the night. When I woke, it was still a bit dark out, but morning was on its way. I walked out through the front door, to the calm - only to find that at some point in the middle of the night, my little brother had fallen into the ocean and drowned, and I got to find his corpse, in vivid detail, floating in the icy waters. I can still see it. After this dream, what struck me was this - we left to escape the storm, to be safe, and no matter our efforts, death happened anyway, perhaps as a result of our intervention.

Interesting, I've had another water-themed death for another one of my loved ones before, come to think of it (though in life, I don't have a problem with water... I think o.O). Don't really feel like discussing that one, though. :/ At least, not the details of what my cousin went through in the dream, just how she was found upon her death (more benign than her ordeal) - in a semi truck, found at the bottom of a lake, that somehow had been drained to facilitate finding the body (it was a dream, what can I say). As always, graphic corpse.

Then there was that one where any time someone touched another person (just a poke, that's all) their body started expanding exponentially until it was a warped, pulsating, oozing, bloody, even slightly greenish mass, that if it didn't destroy another upon contact, did the deed itself. In this one, I saw the house that was across the street from one of my old residences, a mother, father, and three kids. The daughter got infected, turned into one of those masses, then killed her father. Then, you know how places like McDonalds and stuff sometimes has numbers outside counting how many people they've served? The outside of their house had one of these, but it started rapidly shuffling through the placeholders for all the numbers, I'd imagine counting down, until it got to a single one. Zero.

And, of course, it always feels real.
Ah, dreams! Yes I have dreams and nightmares. I like nightmares more because life doesn’t seem so bad when I wake up.

One of my favorite dreams:
I was flying on a magic pancake to unfound parts of the world. Through out the journey I would invite people to join me and sure enough, they made their own carpet sized pancake and they would followed me across our journey. It was fun until for whatever reason I decided to eat MY pancake and fell out of the sky…and that’s when I woke up. xD

One of my nightmares:
I was in a spooky mansion filled zombies and disfigured creatures ready to chew my face off. Lucky me I was loaded with shotguns. The scary part was that the mansion was sinking in a pool of lava and to make things worse I had a limited amount of time to kill every creature and get out as fast as possible. Something that didn’t make any sense because all I had to do was climb out a window and believe me I saw A LOT of them but I simply couldn’t leave as I had zombies to exterminate…zombies that were going to eventually die in a fiery pit anyway….:noidea:

Sometimes, when I have the time, I like to recreate my dreams and nightmares via Photoshop. These 2 are old nightmares. They are not exactly like the nightmares but they are pretty close to the real thing.


Yes, and they are my personal obsession... Before I head to work.. again... here's one I had a long time ago that was pretty hard to grasp what it meant. In real life, my apartment I lived in was on top of this big hill/road. I walked up there everyday coming back home. In my dream as I'm getting near the top, I see the street lamp, but somethings different. As I get closer it looks almost like hugs bananas bunched in the shape of a tree. I then realize they are NOT bananas. They are quite colorful.... and they are HUGE spiders. Red, black, blue, yellow, you name it. I slow my pace, and I see this itty bitty black spider come down the post, comes down towards me and bites me.

So years later I interpret it, and yeah...

To see a spider in your dream indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or perhaps you want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power or an overbearing mother figure in your life. Alternatively, a spider refers to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior. If you kill a spider in your dream, then it symbolizes misfortune and bad luck.
On a negative note, spiders may indicate a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship.�It represents some ensnaring and controlling force. You feel that someone or some situation is sucking the life right out of you. To dream that you are bitten by a spider represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship.

Okay gotta run.
I have dreams very regularly, although, my dream recall has somewhat... gone xD
I used to be able to remember the majority of the detail in my dreams but now I barely remember anything at all o.O
It's quite sad really, I miss remembering the dreams I used to have.... ah well (: I will try and recall them again more often :)
Nope. Only dreams I know of that I remember though, have a lot of detail to them and follow a real-life, logical pattern. The situations and places are all fictional but it's as if they really could happen and usually have a very lasting effect on me after I wake up from them as well.

Due to sleep apnea though, the likelihood of me actually having and remembering a dream though is rare; I usually don't hit that level of sleep long enough.
Yes I usually do, in colour, very vivid and realistic usually. Sometimes when I wake up I forget to leave events that happened in my dream as fictional. :D I usually remember them for at least a while after waking up, and I try to remember all the details of them to memory if they were awesome.
I wish I had fewer dreams, mine usually aren't pleasant. I guess there's some good in it (occasional lucid dream), but most of my vivid dreams involve me dying/ being betrayed... and that's no fun.