DURF DURFF! I could have told you that: Swine Flu

I couldn't even manage to work myself into a mild startle about this.
I smoke like a fiend and recently, my diet consists of coffee and diet soda. My sleep regimen consists of an average of a whopping 5 hours per night. I haven't been sick in yearrrs! Haha! I come from good stock, my grandma drank a third of vodka a day, smoked three packs of viceroys and had 3 strokes and should have been dead thirty years ago. We're aliens.
So I figured, you ain't got nothin on me, swine flu!!
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It hasn't stopped me from going out at night and rolling in shit with the neighbourhood pigs.
It hasn't stopped me from going out at night and rolling in shit with the neighbourhood pigs.

Nice visual. Hah.

Anywho, if you start hearing about a serious H3N2 pandemic then you can worry.
Yay! and I started it! Even if it is a retarted title.
Sure is an odd time of year for the flu though.
Is this thing a pandemic yet? Last I heard it was hovering just under that.

Ah well, what's another pandemic? I didn't get SARS or Avian Flu either...
We have it here, and it's coming on winter... :shocked:



*sneezes all over the internet*
I always forget that you have your weather backwards :D
No, YOU have your weather backwards!
