early retirement from CIA

just me

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Senate Intelligence Committee chair wants to know more. Wants to read a trip report someone saw that now is not available. Wants to know a lot. Benghazi events leading up to a nightmare. Did someone fail somewhere? Who takes the fall? Whoever does, it wasn't their life that was lost.

Should Obama have accepted his resignation? In the time he accepted it? Clinton lied about his supposed affair. He stayed President.
Is it just a way for Obama to name head of CIA? Was there a falling out? Was classified information leaked? Was someone abandoned?

Stay tuned to Hollywood for more, or can we believe any of it? Noticed another important, key player was murdered around the same time or so. Coincidence?

I like the Feinstein's analogy of "just starting to peal the onion." Also like the way she held her hands while saying it several times.

Any thoughts, please share.....if you care.
This whole situation is pretty wild and I don't think anyone has the full story as of yet. The father of Paula Broadwell, the biographer that Petraeus allegedly had the affair with, had this to say about the current situation

“This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out. There is a lot more that is going to come out. You wait and see. There’s a lot more here than meets the eye."

What's really interesting a few other high ranking military officials were dismissed pretty recently as well. General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette. There are talks that there were a few high ranking military officials (including Petraeus) that no longer wanted to follow the orders of the Obama Administration's foreign policy because they didn't agree with it at all. We didn't even get the full story regarding the 9/11 consulate attack because Paula Broadwell had given a speech on 10/26 talking about how we had kept Libyan militia members prisoner at the consulate. I follow the blog of a man named Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter and Bush Sr, and he talks about how we were torturing prisoners over at the Benghazi consulate as well as storing weapons that were eventually given to the opposition forces fighting against Assad in Syria. I feel like what's going on now is the tip of the iceberg, very very curious to see where it goes.
Well, I have not asked any questions that are not already being asked. Will get back to this thread later. Too many things going on in an area that interests me.
Draw the lace and black curtains, and shut out the whole truth.

CIA has supposedly done a lot of good. They supposedly use some tactics many other countries use. Where are they when you need them, though. Didn't they leave Rambo behind in Vietnam in the movie? I often wonder why they showed that as something they would do??