"Eat, Pray, Love"?


Anyone seen "Eat, Pray, Love"?

Looks fun.

Has anyone read the book? What do you think? How does the film compare?

Any interesting thoughts about the book/film's theme or message?
My boyfriend has read it and says great things about it, however I've not read it and not sure it would be my kinda thing anyway.
Heard Julia Roberts is the playing the author which kinda puts me off it, she doesn't fit in at all with what I've heard about the book.
I tried to look up the movie but IMDB wouldn't load. I have yet to see the plot. I will look it up here soon.
I'd rather see Scott Pilgrim. Which...gee, maybe I'll see tonight! who knows!
I read the book. It was given to me by my aunt otherwise I may have never picked it up. It was alright. I don't remember any valuable insights, but it was entertaining. To be honest, I'm a bit jealous of someone with enough money to just spend the year traveling between countries to get their head together. So, it's pretty out of touch.. but at least it's entertaining.
From what I heard it is about some lady who decided to divorce her husband to go travel and find herself. Revolting.
watched it yesterday, was ok. Book was better and more in depth.
...To be honest, I'm a bit jealous of someone with enough money to just spend the year traveling between countries to get their head together...

I'm jealous too.

That said, I'll probably see the movie so I can dream about being able to escape like that.
Saw it.She becomes off balance
..Its about depression and how going to Italy and eating (carbs) can help with that better than drugs...for sure..EAT

Then its about spiritual centeredness and how going to a guru and meditating and cleaning floors in India can balance you .PRAY

Finally its about falling in love with someone WITHOUT losing yourself and having your identity meld into that person and becoming dependant! LOVE
I give it a 3 star.
To be honest, I'm a bit jealous of someone with enough money to just spend the year traveling between countries to get their head together. So, it's pretty out of touch.. but at least it's entertaining.

Exactly. These kind of "discover yourself" films are very self indulgent.
selfish genre'

I read the book. It was given to me by my aunt otherwise I may have never picked it up. It was alright. I don't remember any valuable insights, but it was entertaining. To be honest, I'm a bit jealous of someone with enough money to just spend the year traveling between countries to get their head together. So, it's pretty out of touch.. but at least it's entertaining.

Most of us wish to have enough money so we don't worry about money.Since we don't,story starts on the premise that if there's enough money in our lives,we won't be affected by grievous things we do to loved ones.The reverse of those two things is used often also.The first disconnect.Next disconnect/ fantasy:If we had enough money,we could travel the world,explore human knowledge,and get a grip,on what really- has meaning.And then,after short while,we find success,happily ever after in ecstasy/paradise.Supporting rationale;Beautiful scenery,exotic locations,carefree lifestyle,time/energy to muse/contemplate.Sad.It's all about fantasy and stupid,stupid selfishness.
maybe someone who reads it will be inspired by it to take an internal journey to self-discovery? i hope so!

maybe someone who reads it will be inspired by it to take an internal journey to self-discovery? i hope so!

Thanks for sharing feedback.It helps...I read your"about me''the ,weird,really weird"self statement sounds very infj,to me.Don't let it ruin your day.You'll find out more and more about your self that you like,as time continues...Been there.
Most of us wish to have enough money so we don't worry about money.Since we don't,story starts on the premise that if there's enough money in our lives,we won't be affected by grievous things we do to loved ones.The reverse of those two things is used often also.The first disconnect.Next disconnect/ fantasy:If we had enough money,we could travel the world,explore human knowledge,and get a grip,on what really- has meaning.And then,after short while,we find success,happily ever after in ecstasy/paradise.Supporting rationale;Beautiful scenery,exotic locations,carefree lifestyle,time/energy to muse/contemplate.Sad.It's all about fantasy and stupid,stupid selfishness.
I didn't delve that deep while reading it, but I agree with your analysis.
Oh come on, a married person (with great jobs) that has worked for years has enough savings/retirement saved up for a year abroad.Im sure she had some kind of job in Italy ,it just didnt show it.Im not weathy but I been to 17 counties.You find a cheap place to live,cut on expenses..You sell your car. Its cheap in Asia..why just the starbucks saving alone!! Not everyone is living paycheck to paycheck......thats not the premise...depression is not indulgent fantasy.She was trying not to end up in an institution...to get her head together..have you ever been there? other people just get a shrink and get on the drugs but that makes for a lousy movie.
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From what I heard it is about some lady who decided to divorce her husband to go travel and find herself. Revolting.
From what I heard is is about someone who decided to divorce her husband and get a $200,000.00 advance on a book about going traveling in order to find herself in order to fund her extravagant vacation.
From what I heard is is about someone who decided to divorce her husband and get a $200,000.00 advance on a book about going traveling in order to find herself in order to fund her extravagant vacation.
yep,thats the story of the author (and the get stories for an indulgent book)...but the movie story is fantasy yes..but still possible! IMO
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From what I heard is is about someone who decided to divorce her husband and get a $200,000.00 advance on a book about going traveling in order to find herself in order to fund her extravagant vacation.

I wish I had gotten paid more for my divorce. :(