Eminem - Greatest Artist Ever in My Opinion


I have been listening to Eminem for over ten years now. Although some may find his songs a little too much or radical, I find him highly inspirational. My favorite songs throughout his entire career are The Way I am, Stan (featuring Dido), Lose Yourself, Sing For the Moment, Mosh, Forgot About Dre (featuring Dr. Dre), 3am, Beautiful, and just recently Not Afraid. The Not Afraid music video is so cool!

Find all of his high quality videos from Youtube:
Greatest artist EVER? I disagree with that. :smile: He certainly is different though, and very talented. I just wouldn't say that he is the greatest artist ever.

In my opinion, a great artist is one who can break down barriers, introduce new ideas and receive praise even from those who would not normally find their art appealing. Then you have the multiple medium portion to consider - an artist who can sculpt, and paint for instance. When dealing with music, in particularly, you also have the cross-genre aspect and at last check Eminem was decidedly a one-genre artist.

A white kid performing Rap/Hip-hop... we had a term for that growing up in NYC that I won't repeat here. Nothing new though and nothing that people afterwards haven't done either.

For a couple examples of the real "greats":

Ian Anderson, renown flautist for Jethro Tull who can play a vast array of other instruments


Neil Peart has received praise from Hip Hop, Metal and Jazz musicians for his ability - not to mention his writing skill.
