Enamored with someone's look?


I'm assuming this is something many it not most have done.

But have you ever been so enamored with someone's look, that you can't get past the appearance? Whether it's the face, the body, etc.

Wanna share?
This guy in my eighth grade classes. but he was a jerk to me, and I was too taken by his appearance to care.

Now I look back, I wonder what the heck I was thinking :p lol

Interestingly enough, they haven't always been that pretty relative to other women. In fact, the most beautiful girl I ever saw was an underweight latina with bad skin, too much makeup and a weird nose. But I couldn't breathe when I was around her.
I have never been so enamored by someone's outer beauty that I ignored what was on the inside. Outer beauty is nice, but it's not the only thing that comes into play. A lot of my crushes when I was younger were passed solely on looks. I stopped liking them if they were asses, though. Of course, that didn't change the fact that I still thought they were physically pretty. I just wasn't interested in anything other than looking, if even that.
Ehm... I am most certainly enamored of my girlfriend's look at this time, but it was the last thing I discovered that was wonderful about her, and in part due to my bias as well. So I guess, no.
I have two big weaknesses: Deep brown eyes & Freckles. :3
But yeah, I will wake up sooner or later.
Sure. And not always people I'm interested in. Some people, girls or guys, just have fascinating faces/hair/style/mannerisms. I have tendency to stare at people, I admit. :D

But as for people I have a bit of a crush on...if I see you acting unkindly, attraction DEAD.
I have never been so enamored by someone's outer beauty that I ignored what was on the inside. Outer beauty is nice, but it's not the only thing that comes into play. A lot of my crushes when I was younger were passed solely on looks. I stopped liking them if they were asses, though. Of course, that didn't change the fact that I still thought they were physically pretty. I just wasn't interested in anything other than looking, if even that.

IME, prettier women often place less emphasis on looks as a requisite criteria in mate selection. I suspect physical attractiveness is demystified to them (if not an out-and-out source of jadedness and insecurity) and, thus, they do not find it all that compelling in others - especially in men where it can easily be interpreted as a signifier of vanity.
Nope not really, don't get me wrong I have been stunned by a persons appearance before but it only lasts a couple of seconds. To me it's more a persons personality, admittedly I can get really carried away with certain characteristics; if a person is really creative or empathetic, strong willed or daring and that can last quite a while depending on how much interaction we have but usually I look at the persons core personality and then kinda slowly start to be more attracted depending on their physical appearance.

So in a way, I kinda go inside out, though both personality and appearance matter, just to different extents.
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IME, prettier women often place less emphasis on looks as a requisite criteria in mate selection. I suspect physical attractiveness is demystified to them (if not an out-and-out source of jadedness and insecurity) and, thus, they do not find it all that compelling in others - especially in men where it can easily be interpreted as a signifier of vanity.

Really? I have found that the prettier the girl (a stereotypical pretty) the more physically picky she is with her men. I have seen beautiful women turn down amazing men who would treat them like gold because they simply weren't pretty boys. It's actually quite common around here.
IME, prettier women often place less emphasis on looks as a requisite criteria in mate selection. I suspect physical attractiveness is demystified to them (if not an out-and-out source of jadedness and insecurity) and, thus, they do not find it all that compelling in others - especially in men where it can easily be interpreted as a signifier of vanity.

I certainly would like to believe that is true, but in my experience, I found the prettier ones were typically self-absorbed. I mean, maybe that's not at all at odds with what you've said, but I do think that, in part, it comes from having grown up being told how lovely they were, and that converting who they are as a person at the core, especially in their formative years.

There have been exceptions, to be fair... but they define the word exception in my otherwise limited experience with this.
I like to think that if I find someone attractive overall, at least enough to really come out of my head to actively want to engage them and interact with them, I try to appreciate everything that individual has to offer. Because on some level I am shallow and petty and I calculate many different levels of what a woman is offering me... its annoying to me that I do that, but its just there and cant be helped. So in the cases where she was exceptionally physically attractive, yes, I spent more time lost in my physical senses with her. But that realization and perception is 1 level of out many in which I am thinking typically. I don't know why I feel societal pressure to feel guilty about that.
IME, prettier women often place less emphasis on looks as a requisite criteria in mate selection. I suspect physical attractiveness is demystified to them (if not an out-and-out source of jadedness and insecurity) and, thus, they do not find it all that compelling in others - especially in men where it can easily be interpreted as a signifier of vanity.

I think this may be true for mature, self-scrutinizing women, particularly if they've had some social difficulties (contrary to popular opinion, being beautiful doesn't always make interactions with people easy.) I'm not sure it's true for the average beautiful woman, though.

And it sure isn't the case with most really handsome guys.
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I can certainly say that appearance is usually the first thing you see. I would guess the whole internet is changing that a bit but still, long distance romances aren't ideal. I think it is a bit untrue to say it doesn't play any part in the equation. Eventually it becomes apparent, no matter how attractive you find someone, if you aren't compatable and things won't work out. I would guess that Billy's answer is uncomfortably honest (like most of them) in that I too would calculate the odds of success vs. output vs. all variables when I meet someone that I am interested in. However, I would say that I am not totally lost on looks. I have preferences but they are not set in stone.
IME, prettier women often place less emphasis on looks as a requisite criteria in mate selection. I suspect physical attractiveness is demystified to them (if not an out-and-out source of jadedness and insecurity) and, thus, they do not find it all that compelling in others - especially in men where it can easily be interpreted as a signifier of vanity.

Gosh Korg I wish!!! ^^
I also agree with what was said before---I for one, have never been so smitten with appearance. I can easily say objectively "oh, that person is very attractive" but only objectively. It's really strange---I really do fall for personality very hard, and I feel like I'm definitely able to look beyond the face and what I see. That's why when I look at myself in the mirror, it's so hard to look at myself in the way other people do---just completely based on physicality. For a long time (even now) I've had a hard time quantifying "my beauty" or what other people see. I felt blind, I was almost afraid that I was plain-looking. I think it's just a lifelong thing of mine that I need to get over. I still don't even know how pretty I am, I think. It just makes me cringe to think that that's the way much of the world judges.
I don't know. I can't think of any male whom I have specifically appreciated solely for his physical appearance. I can look at a guy and admit objectively that he is symmetrical, pleasant-looking, etc. I wouldn't say I feel an attraction to him at that point.

When I notice a person, I begin to formulate my own idea of what they must be like beyond the surface, and by then then I've begun to form an emotional attachment to the idea of them. (I find this a little shallow in itself because the idea I have of them can usually only be based on a book I saw them reading or the kinds of clothes they wear or how they speak to others or something of the sort.)

As as [MENTION=3380]NuthatchXi[/MENTION]; mentioned, the behavior of the person always changes things. If I see someone I was previously attracted to behaving rudely, for example, I'm no longer interested on any level. On the other hand, if I see someone I was not previously all that impressed with reading a book I really love and writing in the margins of it or something, then, yeah, I'll jump to a new conclusion and have this new-found interest, and I'll usually find them more physically attractive.

It's just difficult for me to separate the sensory from the emotional, I guess.

I wrote the above response after reading the rest of the replies in this thread. I initially interpreted the question a bit differently. I thought we were being asked, like, if we'd ever been in a relationship with someone and never gotten over how beautiful they were no matter how many times we saw them. Something like that. (There is something like that mentioned in one of the Twilight books... Bella thinks she'll eventually get used to Edward's physical appearance but comments that she never does. And there are theories that humans are very into visual novelty.)

I don't feel like I, personally, ever get over stuff like that. But I really don't know...
This guy in my eighth grade classes. but he was a jerk to me, and I was too taken by his appearance to care.

Now I look back, I wonder what the heck I was thinking :p lol

Please don't be who I think it is.


This entire topic happens too me often. :)
Please don't be who I think it is.


This entire topic happens too me often. :)
Lol Sam, yes it is.

You may now go vomit

[It's ironic that he is now "enamoured" by my appearance]
I couldn't be too enamored with someone else's look; I rarely got my choice of anyone who others would consider physically attractive. Sure when my husband got down to 175 he was pretty good looking and I'd like him to get back there, but he was 260 when we met and I was 180 and a size 16.

I'd always been passed over because of being a plain jane.