- Enneagram
- 1w2 sx/so/sp
There are a few other threads in this section about different enneagram types. I wanted to start one on my own enneagram type, 1w2, even though it isn't as common here as the 5's and 4's seem to be. Unfortonately I can not find a descripton of this type online that appears to be accurate, so if anyone else can then go a head and post it. In general 1w2's are very perfectonistic focused, they must do the right thing at all times, but also take the human element into perspective, and very much want to be good to others. Practical and end-product focused, they strive to be "good" and pure of any ill or evil. Anger is their vice and is strongly supressed, only to come out when under strong pressure. When it does come out, it tends to be very scalding, more so for 1w2's then 1w9,s due to their communication focus.
So, this is really a thread for any other 1w2's on here to discuss their experiences as one, and if anyone else has anything to add in about this enneagram type.
ETA: Kaze posted a very good descripton.
So, this is really a thread for any other 1w2's on here to discuss their experiences as one, and if anyone else has anything to add in about this enneagram type.
ETA: Kaze posted a very good descripton.