Enneagram Tritype


Community Member
Anyone here familiar with Tritype? Do you think its valid? Do you have any explanatory resources?

I was thinking of trying to type myself, but it doesn't appear to be straight forward, there are many combinations.

Well I'm sorta reading up and answering my own questions now, but it would be cool to have some input.
Anyone here familiar with Tritype? Do you think its valid? Do you have any explanatory resources?

I was thinking of trying to type myself, but it doesn't appear to be straight forward, there are many combinations.

Well I'm sorta reading up and answering my own questions now, but it would be cool to have some input.

Part of me wants to learn about the enneagram, and part of me is skeptical it will help me and knows that there is a good chance that once I start learning about it I will probably become obsessive about it and choose to research it over doing things I need to do like eat and sleep. I am not good at learning about stuff that interests me a little. Either I ignore a subject, or I dive in and immerse myself in it. Is this all or nothing approach to things reveal my enneagram type? I think this behavior pattern is pretty typical for an infj. Is it for an istp? Or for your particular enneagram type? What are the most obsessive types for each system? I think in a lot of ways my OCD is really just a hyper analytical portion of my brain which I can not turn off without great effort. It can become tiresome. So should I learn about the enneagram? And does it have advantages to mbti? Hope I didn't ask too many questions. I am a curious boy.
I don't have a lot of in-depth knowledge about enneagram and it's specifics. I've read that it is very nearly akin to a horoscope but I feel like there are pretty solid differentiators within each type that people do embody more characteristics of particular types than others. I hesitate to really talk about tritypes or even wings because I don't really know the best approach to enneagram. That being said, I seem to most definitely be a 9 and when you take a wing into consideration a 9w1. The tritype that seems to fit me the best is 954.

This is pretty dry, but it lays out the foundation well

Part of me wants to learn about the enneagram, and part of me is skeptical it will help me and knows that there is a good chance that once I start learning about it I will probably become obsessive about it and choose to research it over doing things I need to do like eat and sleep. I am not good at learning about stuff that interests me a little. Either I ignore a subject, or I dive in and immerse myself in it. Is this all or nothing approach to things reveal my enneagram type? I think this behavior pattern is pretty typical for an infj. Is it for an istp? Or for your particular enneagram type? What are the most obsessive types for each system? I think in a lot of ways my OCD is really just a hyper analytical portion of my brain which I can not turn off without great effort. It can become tiresome. So should I learn about the enneagram? And does it have advantages to mbti? Hope I didn't ask too many questions. I am a curious boy.

Sorry Dang, I'm late to the party on this one.
If you are curious, I suggest you put the effort in to type yourself... it will probably take you a day at most.
There are a number of Enneagram theories but they all share the same basics.
You can take a couple of tests, and they'll list which type's you are most likely to be.. But from there, you need to read the type descriptions, to make a final decision.

An Enneagram type famous for their 'all or nothing' approach is Enneagram type 8.. But I can usually spot other 8's off a mile off, and I'm not sure that you are one. Type 1 Enneagrams are associated with OCD, but then type 7 is often associated with an over active mind...
I get 7 vibe's from you, and if you are a 7 then your wing would be 6 or 8.. I think you are a good candidate for a 7w8... Then again, as an INFJ I would have expected you to have your enneagram or at least your wing in the Heart Triad... and you did say you relate to type 5...

Idk, but now you have me curious.

I believe my type to be an accurate portrayal of my emotional motivators.
I can't speak for everybody else, but I found the Enneagram to be enlightening, and most useful.
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Sorry Dang, I'm late to the party on this one.
If you are curious, I suggest you put the effort in to type yourself... it will probably take you a day at most.
There are a number of Enneagram theories but they all share the same basics.
You can take a couple of tests, and they'll list which type's you are most likely to be.. But from there, you need to read the type descriptions, to make a final decision.

An Enneagram type famous for their 'all or nothing' approach is Enneagram type 8.. But I can usually spot other 8's off a mile off, and I'm not sure that you are one. Type 1 Enneagrams are associated with OCD, but then type 7 is often associated with an over active mind...
I get 7 vibe's from you, and if you are a 7 then your wing would be 6 or 8.. I think you are a good candidate for a 7w8... Then again, as an INFJ I would have expected you to have your enneagram or at least your wing in the Heart Triad... and you did say you relate to type 5...

Idk, but now you have me curious.

I believe my type to be an accurate portrayal of my emotional motivators.
I can't speak for everybody else, but I found the Enneagram to be enlightening, and most useful.

What would you need to know about me in order to be able to know my enneagram type? I just met a girl and pretty easily figured out she was an infj just by asking her the right questions. Do you think you can figure me out by doing the same? I have a feeling you would enjoy the challenge. Plus that way I can avoid taking boring tests and I can just learn about my type to see if it resonates. Honestly I feel like I am pretty multifaceted so it might be easier said than done. Are you game?
I do think my tritype is very descriptive of me and explains a lot of how I relate to INFJs and how others perceive me. The vast majority of INFJs seem to be 4s and while I could totally be into the 4 life, it's just not my authentic self and also the way I handle stress is different from 4s. I don't identify with unhealthy 4s but I have been an unhealthy 9.

I wish there were more free information about tritypes online. At one point in the video they explain how meeting a person with your same tritype goes very naturally. I've met other 9's and there is a lot of similarity but like other INFJs there is also some difference. 9w1's are more similar and seeing other 954 stuff really hits home with me. Like INFJ-As are more relatable to me. Those are my tribe. I must find the one other 954 INFJ-A out there haha! We are too busy being awesome though. Might be tough.
I do think my tritype is very descriptive of me and explains a lot of how I relate to INFJs and how others perceive me. The vast majority of INFJs seem to be 4s and while I could totally be into the 4 life, it's just not my authentic self and also the way I handle stress is different from 4s. I don't identify with unhealthy 4s but I have been an unhealthy 9.

I wish there were more free information about tritypes online. At one point in the video they explain how meeting a person with your same tritype goes very naturally. I've met other 9's and there is a lot of similarity but like other INFJs there is also some difference. 9w1's are more similar and seeing other 954 stuff really hits home with me. Like INFJ-As are more relatable to me. Those are my tribe. I must find the one other 954 INFJ-A out there haha! We are too busy being awesome though. Might be tough.

What is INFJ-A? I am an infj. How do you discover subtypes?
I do think my tritype is very descriptive of me and explains a lot of how I relate to INFJs and how others perceive me. The vast majority of INFJs seem to be 4s and while I could totally be into the 4 life, it's just not my authentic self and also the way I handle stress is different from 4s. I don't identify with unhealthy 4s but I have been an unhealthy 9.

I wish there were more free information about tritypes online. At one point in the video they explain how meeting a person with your same tritype goes very naturally. I've met other 9's and there is a lot of similarity but like other INFJs there is also some difference. 9w1's are more similar and seeing other 954 stuff really hits home with me. Like INFJ-As are more relatable to me. Those are my tribe. I must find the one other 954 INFJ-A out there haha! We are too busy being awesome though. Might be tough.

Since I made the OP I took the liberty of collating all the Type 8 tritypes

The 9 Archetypes/Tri-Types of the Type Eight Enneagram:

852 - The Strategist (258, 582, 825)
853 - The Solution Master (358, 583, 835)
854 - The Scholar (458, 548, 845)

862 - The Rescuer (268, 682, 826)
863 - The Justice Fighter (368, 683, 836)
864 - The Truth Teller (468, 648, 846)

872 - The Free Spirit (278, 782, 827)
873 - The Mover & Shaker (378, 738, 837)
874 - The Messenger (478, 748, 847)

It's been said that we each utilise all 9 Ennea but to different extents.
I actually can't just pick one tritype, they all seem to fit depending on... what mood I'm in?!

Presumably, I rely on 7 the most, followed 6 and 5... Idk, My thoughts are all confused at the minute.
Everyone else seems pretty content with just picking the one tritype. Most the 5's over at INTPf have contented themselves with 594.
854 seems to cover me pretty well, but as I say, so do all the others..

Wyote, if you wouldn't mind, would you look at all the Tritypes of the Type 9 and tell me why you don't relate to the others so well.
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952 Problem Solver Archetype
953 Thinker Archetype
954 The Contemplative Archetype

926 Good Samaritan Archetype
927 Peacemaker Archetype

963 Mediator Archetype
973 Ambassador Archetype

*am I missing some here? as I said I don't really have a full grasp of tritype

"If you are 459 is described as being intuitive, knowledgeable, and accepting. You want to be original, wise and peaceful. Highly self-aware and reflective, you are very shy, reserved and self-conscious. You need regular quiet time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Easily flooded with emotion, it is difficult for you to voice your feelings and ideas to others.
Your life mission is to delve deeply into the mysteries of life and share your insight with others. A true philosopher (also, contemplative), you are happiest when you can write about your discoveries and discuss them with others. Making sense of your world is a never ending quest.
You can be so focused on your inner world that you can become inhibited and appear to be indifferent to others. Insecure, you become moody and expect others to initiate and come toward you.
Your growing edge is to recognize that your need to pull away into the private world of your making to ponder your thoughts and feelings keeps you from engaging with others. true contemplation leads to higher knowing that we are all connected in the universal unconscious."

"The 459 is more reserved and passive. They wait to be included. They are approachable but hope that others will come towards them. They are quiet in their demeanor. They project a sense of stillness. Their energy is soft and yielding. Dissatisfaction is hidden like in the 479.
The 954 is more contemplative and the 952 will be more focused on others.
9s have a great capacity for depth, they just avoid conflict. Introspective 9s with 5 in the tritype are the intellectual 9s. (9s with 4 are the deep, emotional 9s. The 9 with the 459 tritype is all of the above.
The 459 is the most reclusive type on the Enneagram. They are humble, modest and discreet. They can be ethereal and dreamy They are passive and unassertive. They are shy but usually display a pleasant countenance. They have complex inner worlds. the objective with the subjective. They are gentle, sensitive and avoidant. Since they are so reserved, they express their anger in a passive-aggressive manner."
As far as how I relate most to the 954. It's actually somewhat easy for me, but when I read the differentiators they seem pretty negligible. I could be any of them given a different mood or day, but as an overall trend I am more consistently 954. Also in the video I posted it talks about the order in which the heart, head, and gut are used. So when I think about that it solidifies the 954 for me pretty well. They are used in that same way, I sometimes type as 5 (a common thing for 9s) and I still very much identify with 4s on a deep level. Though being a 9, I enjoy all the types quite a bit and am a bit of a chameleon which is also an INFJ trait.

Side note: I am some sort of a variant/hybrid of these two fellows. It's kind of funny watching it like I find these to be sexy dudes because I see myself in them lmao (I'm straight).

Anyone here familiar with Tritype? Do you think its valid? Do you have any explanatory resources?

I was thinking of trying to type myself, but it doesn't appear to be straight forward, there are many combinations.

Well I'm sorta reading up and answering my own questions now, but it would be cool to have some input.

I've been super skeptical about Enneagram for most of my life and haven't studied it because I found it nearly impossible to type myself: every test I took gave me a different answer, but that was largely because I didn't have the framework to analyze my results: I felt one number was an oversimplification of who I am and I found that I related to a few of the numbers. It wasn't until I stumbled upon tritype that it all made sense.

The types that I kept being drawn to were 4,5,8 and 9. I read Riso & Hudson's "Personality Types" and Ian Morgan Cron's "The Road Back to You" which clearly confirmed that I am indeed an 8--especially after reading Riso & Hudson's 8w9 "The Bear" description. I really suggest researching how wings effect numbers, it can help you narrow down. Also, if you connect to 2 types that are adjacent each other (i.e. 8 and 9 or 4 and 5) chances are, one of those might be your dominant type and the other a wing.

Tritypes is what brought it all together though. If you are familiar with the basic theory of the Enneagram, then you know the system is trisected into 3 types: instinct (1,8,9) heart (2,3,4) and head (5,6,7). Well I am NOT all instinct! I'm very much a thinker and a feeler too and the Tritype theory agrees! We all operate from instinct, heart and head, though we have preferences. All the sudden, my relating to the 4 and 5 made sense because those are heart and head types. With more web research into tritypes, I realized I'm an 8-5-4, which according to Katherine Fauvre's 27 Tritypes, is the 'Withdrawn 8'--the description fits me very well. I can't find the 27 Tritypes in print, but found most of the types transposed here:

Here are the building blocks of tritype theory that I successfully used to type myself, blending the posting I found on 16 types, Katherine Fauvre's Tritype theory and Karen Horney's 3 trends (moves away, moves toward, moves against). I find Horney's trends to be the most helpful in typing others based on their behavior.

I also find that the Enneagram is way more useful for understanding myself and others in the day to day: it's also easier to type people. I find the MBTi to be too quantitative and easy to mistype ourselves and others. I don't have that problem with this framework. The trickiest part for me is figuring out the stacking order (gut-head-heart, heart-head-gut, etc.)

GUT: physical presence in the way that a person takes up space
8 (moves against) - take up space unapologetically and just seem solid
9 (moves away) - take up space apologetically and seem unsubstantial physically in the unhealthier levels while more in flow in the healthier levels
1 (moves against) - take up space somewhere in between, rigid, tense, clenched

HEART: information a person consciously or unconsciously presents about him/herself
2 (moves toward) - present as more unimportant, humble, a 'servant'
3 (moves against) - present as more of a consistent winner, sometimes regal
4 (moves away) - present as more intense, self-referential, deep, sometimes erratic

HEAD: orientation towards thinking and ideas
5 (moves away) - think more for the delight of 'big ideas' about human behavior and creating new concepts to keep reality aligned with their 'cerebral landscape'
6 (moves toward) - think more for the responsibility of assessing and defending current beliefs/people to figure out what/who is reliable and what they can be certain about
7 (moves toward) - think more for the delight of staying on the move (mentally or physically) in search of new ideas to stimulate their minds with

Resources I Use Most
27 Tritype Descriptions - http://www.the16types.info/vbulleti...1-Tritype-archetypes-and-variant-descriptions
Karen Horney's Trends - https://www.enneagramspectrum.com/1...s-against-away-from-and-the-enneagram-styles/
Tritype basic overview - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritype
Enneagram Institute (everything under their "learn" menu) - https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/how-the-enneagram-system-works/
Instinctual Stacking - http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/content.php/133-Instinctual-Stackings

Enneagram 8 didn't sound like me at all.
But 8w9 sx/so and tritype 8-5-4 pretty much nails me.
@ElleG What an excellent post with many, many good insights and resources! I'm looking forward to more opportunities to talk tritype with you. Plus, it's cool to see an 854 around :) @Sinny if you're still interested, I have some more info that I hope might help:

I used to HATE tritype because I thought it messed with the overall enneagram system. Turns out, I was just overwhelmed by the complex interactions between the types. One thing I found helpful was to look at the enneagram institute's type interactions (I don't know where to find it so I haven't provided a link, sorry!). Understanding how the types harmonize and clash can speak to ideas of conflicting inner motivations, and help you understand how they would play out in heirarchal order.

I've been working on condensing enneagram and other type theories into smaller components that make it easy to see all the parts of the typology at once, in combination.
Here's a general overview I created to simplify the process of finding a tritype, while upholding the subtleties of wings. Every tritype with wings will definitely have a 1, 2, 4,5,7 and/or 8 somewhere in it, but might not have a 3, 6 or 9. While it is more common to have a 3, 6 or 9 somewhere than not to have any of those three. Thus, a non-369 type would be an especially rare combination that I would call a "fringe type" - uncommon and challenging to societally normative roles as opposed to cooperative with them, like 3's. 6's and 9's.

To get my tritype, I just paired one of these 8:
125- "Mentoring" Temperament (+ve: edifying/ -ve: pedantic)
127- "Promoting" Temperament (+ve: optimistic/ -ve: demanding)
145- "Sophisticating" Temperament (+ve: nuanced/ -ve: fastidious)
147- "Visioning" Temperament (+ve: visionary/ -ve: fussy)
258- "Training" Temperament (+ve: realistic / -ve: autocratic)
278- "Emancipating" Temperament (+ve: encouraging/ -ve: pushy)
458- "Subverting" Temperament (+ve: inventive/ -ve: resistant)
478- "Disrupting" Temperament (+ve: unhindered/ -ve: provocative)

With one of these 8:
Contains 3,6 & 9- Mediating/Normative (has a completely
Contains 3 & 6- Dedicated/Reliable (has a non-mediating gut type- 8w7 or 1w2)
Contains 3 & 9- Smooth/Charming (has a non-mediating head type- 5w4 or 7w8)
Contains 6 & 9- Amicable/Accessible (has a non-mediating heart type- 2w1 or 4w5)
Contains only 3- Driven (only mediates with 2w3, 3w2, 3w4 or 4w3)
Contains only 6- Ardent (only mediates with 5w6, 6w5, 6w7 or 7w6)
Contains only 9- Mellow (only mediates with 8w9, 9w8, 9w1 or 1w9)
Doesn't contain 3,6, nor 9- Firm (only has non-mediating type combination)

As for stacking, I like to differentiate the stackings like this:
Gut-Head-Heart ► Intentional: decides how to advantageously interact with their environment.
Gut-Heart-Head ► Impactful: emphasizes what kind of emotional resonance they want to create.
Heart-Gut-Head ► Passionate: wants their presence to convey to others how they see themselves.
Heart-Head-Gut ► Discreet: carefully plans how they wish to come across to others.
Head-Gut-Heart ► Deliberate: decides what impact they want to make on their environment
Head-Heart-Gut ► Proficient: wants to be perceived of as competent, and presents self as such.

So in my case I could have found my tritype like this:
1. Pick a "fringe temperament." I identified mostly with the "subverting" temperament- (inventive/resistant), which gives me 458.
2. Pick a "balancing temperament" I identified mostly with the "mellow" temperament- (only mediating my physical presence, not my thinking or self-image) which gives me 9.
3. Fill in any "fringe" type wings: So, my tritype would have 4w5, 5w4, and 8w9/9w8.
4. Sort out ambiguous wings: I decided I identify more with 9w8 than 8w9 (retreating as opposed to dominating)
5. Determine stacking: This is still tricky, but maybe adjectives/descriptions might help? I identify with the "Discreet" stacking.
6. Finalize: 4w5, 5w4, 9w8.

Other helpful characterizing factors:

Realistic Self-Image (Service): Two (controls shame)
Mediated Self-Image (Achievement): Three (denies shame)
Idealistic Self-Image (Individualism): Four (acts out shame)

Realistic Strategy (Investigation): Five (controls anxiety)
Mediated Strategy (Loyalty): Six (acts out anxiety)
Idealistic Strategy (Novelty): Seven (denies anxiety)

Realistic Presence (Dominance): Eight (acts out anger)
Mediated Presence (Placidity): Nine (denies anger)
Idealistic Presence (Reform): One (controls anger)

So, my tritype would be a Discreet type that primarily presents an idealistic self-image. That idealistic self-image is made manifest through a realistic strategy: I investigate ways to ensure my individualistic image remains intact. Practically, this means that I spend a lot of time learning new things so that in my day to day life I can be that odd person that does things differently than other people based on my wealth of knowledge (in my case, about social interaction and intellectual discussion). How I interact with my environment is almost least important, because I only apologize for my imposition and try to keep the peace if people have a problem with my intellectual strangeness, which causes me to physically avoid people who don't understand me or the things I'm interested in, and gravitate toward people who are easier to talk to.

Discreetness (heart-head) also describes me better than Proficiency (head-heart) because I care more about people seeing me as "aesthetically" unique than as intellectually competent. I'm about refining an informed style first (4w5), then eventually mastering obscure knowledge (5w4), then finally providing a protective sanctuary for myself & others when I can (9w8).

The so/sx/sp stacking adds a whole other layer of depth, too- as it frames all of the above points in a "making strong social connections by getting involved" context.
@ElleG What an excellent post with many, many good insights and resources! I'm looking forward to more opportunities to talk tritype with you. Plus, it's cool to see an 854 around :) @Sinny if you're still interested, I have some more info that I hope might help:

I used to HATE tritype because I thought it messed with the overall enneagram system. Turns out, I was just overwhelmed by the complex interactions between the types. One thing I found helpful was to look at the enneagram institute's type interactions (I don't know where to find it so I haven't provided a link, sorry!). Understanding how the types harmonize and clash can speak to ideas of conflicting inner motivations, and help you understand how they would play out in heirarchal order.

I've been working on condensing enneagram and other type theories into smaller components that make it easy to see all the parts of the typology at once, in combination.
Here's a general overview I created to simplify the process of finding a tritype, while upholding the subtleties of wings. Every tritype with wings will definitely have a 1, 2, 4,5,7 and/or 8 somewhere in it, but might not have a 3, 6 or 9. While it is more common to have a 3, 6 or 9 somewhere than not to have any of those three. Thus, a non-369 type would be an especially rare combination that I would call a "fringe type" - uncommon and challenging to societally normative roles as opposed to cooperative with them, like 3's. 6's and 9's.

To get my tritype, I just paired one of these 8:
125- "Mentoring" Temperament (+ve: edifying/ -ve: pedantic)
127- "Promoting" Temperament (+ve: optimistic/ -ve: demanding)
145- "Sophisticating" Temperament (+ve: nuanced/ -ve: fastidious)
147- "Visioning" Temperament (+ve: visionary/ -ve: fussy)
258- "Training" Temperament (+ve: realistic / -ve: autocratic)
278- "Emancipating" Temperament (+ve: encouraging/ -ve: pushy)
458- "Subverting" Temperament (+ve: inventive/ -ve: resistant)
478- "Disrupting" Temperament (+ve: unhindered/ -ve: provocative)

With one of these 8:
Contains 3,6 & 9- Mediating/Normative (has a completely
Contains 3 & 6- Dedicated/Reliable (has a non-mediating gut type- 8w7 or 1w2)
Contains 3 & 9- Smooth/Charming (has a non-mediating head type- 5w4 or 7w8)
Contains 6 & 9- Amicable/Accessible (has a non-mediating heart type- 2w1 or 4w5)
Contains only 3- Driven (only mediates with 2w3, 3w2, 3w4 or 4w3)
Contains only 6- Ardent (only mediates with 5w6, 6w5, 6w7 or 7w6)
Contains only 9- Mellow (only mediates with 8w9, 9w8, 9w1 or 1w9)
Doesn't contain 3,6, nor 9- Firm (only has non-mediating type combination)

As for stacking, I like to differentiate the stackings like this:
Gut-Head-Heart ► Intentional: decides how to advantageously interact with their environment.
Gut-Heart-Head ► Impactful: emphasizes what kind of emotional resonance they want to create.
Heart-Gut-Head ► Passionate: wants their presence to convey to others how they see themselves.
Heart-Head-Gut ► Discreet: carefully plans how they wish to come across to others.
Head-Gut-Heart ► Deliberate: decides what impact they want to make on their environment
Head-Heart-Gut ► Proficient: wants to be perceived of as competent, and presents self as such.

So in my case I could have found my tritype like this:
1. Pick a "fringe temperament." I identified mostly with the "subverting" temperament- (inventive/resistant), which gives me 458.
2. Pick a "balancing temperament" I identified mostly with the "mellow" temperament- (only mediating my physical presence, not my thinking or self-image) which gives me 9.
3. Fill in any "fringe" type wings: So, my tritype would have 4w5, 5w4, and 8w9/9w8.
4. Sort out ambiguous wings: I decided I identify more with 9w8 than 8w9 (retreating as opposed to dominating)
5. Determine stacking: This is still tricky, but maybe adjectives/descriptions might help? I identify with the "Discreet" stacking.
6. Finalize: 4w5, 5w4, 9w8.

Other helpful characterizing factors:

Realistic Self-Image (Service): Two (controls shame)
Mediated Self-Image (Achievement): Three (denies shame)
Idealistic Self-Image (Individualism): Four (acts out shame)

Realistic Strategy (Investigation): Five (controls anxiety)
Mediated Strategy (Loyalty): Six (acts out anxiety)
Idealistic Strategy (Novelty): Seven (denies anxiety)

Realistic Presence (Dominance): Eight (acts out anger)
Mediated Presence (Placidity): Nine (denies anger)
Idealistic Presence (Reform): One (controls anger)

So, my tritype would be a Discreet type that primarily presents an idealistic self-image. That idealistic self-image is made manifest through a realistic strategy: I investigate ways to ensure my individualistic image remains intact. Practically, this means that I spend a lot of time learning new things so that in my day to day life I can be that odd person that does things differently than other people based on my wealth of knowledge (in my case, about social interaction and intellectual discussion). How I interact with my environment is almost least important, because I only apologize for my imposition and try to keep the peace if people have a problem with my intellectual strangeness, which causes me to physically avoid people who don't understand me or the things I'm interested in, and gravitate toward people who are easier to talk to.

Discreetness (heart-head) also describes me better than Proficiency (head-heart) because I care more about people seeing me as "aesthetically" unique than as intellectually competent. I'm about refining an informed style first (4w5), then eventually mastering obscure knowledge (5w4), then finally providing a protective sanctuary for myself & others when I can (9w8).

The so/sx/sp stacking adds a whole other layer of depth, too- as it frames all of the above points in a "making strong social connections by getting involved" context.

Thanks @Jonathan! Happy to join in on these types of discussions. Also, your explanation for stacking is SUPER helpful. Thanks for sharing!
Hey guys,
I finally took at short test on this and scored 7-2-9.
Does anyone know what that means? The internet is not my friend right now.
@Free just lead me here in a randomly indirect way. People should check it out.

@ezra is that supposed to be your tritype? 729 - The Harmoniser. Gentle hearted, innovative and helpful. Seeks harmony with sense of humour whilst retaining ability to inspire.

Sounds like you to me :wyotethumb:
@ezra is that supposed to be your tritype? 729 - The Harmoniser. Gentle hearted, innovative and helpful. Seeks harmony with sense of humour whilst retaining ability to inspire.

Sounds like you to me :wyotethumb:

A five minute quiz told me so, so I must be!
Does sound like me :D
Thanks man
Free just lead me here in a randomly indirect way.

The kitten chasing that giant ball of thousands of strings intertwined again?

I'm a novice when it comes to Enneagram, but it's very interesting. I feel the need to dive in now.

I tested as a 125

125 – The Mentor Archetype

The 125 is focused on helping others through their information, being a mentor and being of service. This is a scholar archetype. Caring but practical and knowledgeable. The life mission is to manifest ideals that help people in need and the blind spot is an over-focus on procedure or protocol that gets in the way of being of true service to others.

If you are a 125, you are very diligent, caring, and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, helpful, and wise. You are very idealistic and see what needs to be doe and the simple and effective ways to do it. You are intensely private but care about people.. You seek practical systems and procedures to measure results and effectiveness

Your life mission is to use your wisdom to provide the information needed to manifest ideals that help those in need. A true mentor, you are happiest when you can help others improve themselves.

Your blindspot is that you can be so identified with your standards and procedures that you can fail to trust your heart and can appear to be overly judgmental, cold and indifferent. You can also over-give and then feel overwhelmed.

A comparative of 125 vs 135 which I found interesting and kinda frighteningly spot on.
Basically, I see the 1-2-5 as tipping things, in the heart triad, towards the sort of self-sacrificial idealism of 1 -- but at the cost of competency preoccupation which 3 brings. A warmer, maybe less scientific person, who will more readily throw science out the window for the sake of helping others. Both Twos and Threes have a kind of workaholism, so I see that as persisting, but Threes work better alone, and I think the 1-3-5 is ultimately the more reclusive trifix combo, the scholar, the diligent student, the expert practitioner, whereas 1-2-5 is more like the field doctor, or medic, or veterinarian. Objective, but involved, and conscious of others. Maybe they do a lot of detailed work on their own, but they see themselves moreover as being in service of others. In some ways, 1-2-5 is a more "balanced" trifix/tritype. 1-3-5 gets overloaded with competency issues and comes out becoming too rigid, too logical for humanitarian work -- people seem too chaotic, 1-3-5's know their own abilities and studies best, so they stick with those. They aren't "by the book" but would rather write the book themselves. They suffer more from feeling that they lack the innate ability to help others, so they practice more, try to get ahead, prepare, theorize, get involved with projects that keep face-to-face interaction to a minimum, but want to get things just right. More perfectionist, more critical.
Hmm. Food for thought.
Good Tritype Overview
