Envy of Virtues


find wisdom, build hope.
Corollary to [MENTION=3538]Arsal[/MENTION]'s topic.

This is a topic that doesn't seem to be mentioned pretty often.
Also, this 'virtue' does not refer to any specific set of virtues, religious or non-religious. It can refer to anything good that's non-physical within a person. Behaviours, attitudes, personality, words, skills, attributes...

Do you think there's an objective standard of any virtue? (At least within a specific group/range.)
How about 'good personality' in general?
Do you often find people envious with virtues?
Do you often find yourself envious with people's virtues?

And going towards attraction;

With the copious amount of Nice Guy Syndromes, Nice Guys
I don't know if there is an objective way to determine virtues, however I've seen some traits called "virtues" in some societies, and vices in others. So, I guess the collective has a say in it. It makes me wonder if there is a universal set of traits and qualities that all of human kind deem as Virtues.

Are people envious of virtues in others? I think so.
Am I envious of people with virtues? Sometimes. I find myself admiring those with certain virtues that I would like to incorporate in my own character. Some of them require years of experience in life, some of them require a predisposed perspective on things, some of them require growing up in a certain background, environment etc. I am not envious of all virtues, and I certainly don't care if they are seen or not as such by everyone.

Byronic hero sounds like a lot of drama, heartache and complicated encounters lol I don't think I'd be attracted to that. But I am attracted to character, general attitude, outlook on life, etc. more so than looks.

And I believe everything is in the eye of the beholder.

Good idea for a thread [MENTION=2172]Trifoilum[/MENTION].:thumb:
thanks /blushes the credit is [MENTION=3538]Arsal[/MENTION]'s, though. I'm just expanding.
Byronic hero sounds like a lot of drama, heartache and complicated encounters lol I don't think I'd be attracted to that. But I am attracted to character, general attitude, outlook on life, etc. more so than looks.
Agreed. Byronic heroes often have attributes that are very ambiguous. In one way people consider one attribute as problematic, a vice even; but other people would consider it very attractive. (see Draco In Leather Pants)

But very often, they are hot. That surely has effect; but the question is, are looks the main point?
And I believe everything is in the eye of the beholder.
Agreed in certain ways, but in that case, the discussion won't be working! *blushes*
Do I find certain virtues or character traits in others attractive? Yes, most definitely, and I do value these over a person
three of pentacles
