Epiphany Thread


Into the White
Epiphany: a sudden, intuitive perception of, or insight into, the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

State your most recent epiphany (preferably of the day).

I should take life less seriously.
As I walked out of calculus this morning, "Life is a game best played by making your own rules".
As I walked to lunch from anatomy, "How intelligent you are, what beliefs you hold, and the reasons why you chose the red pill do not matter. All that matters is what you do in their names." This was immediately followed by "Damn this rabbit hole!"

Our time here is surrounded by suffering we must overcome with some form of joy.
We all have our moments, some are just more public than others about it.

You have to make decisions for yourself sometimes, even if it means other's will suffer consequences from that decision.
We all have our moments, some are just more public than others about it.

You have to make decisions for yourself sometimes, even if it means other's will suffer consequences from that decision.

Seems to be the policy around here.
As extremely introverted as I am, I still have a need for social interaction. Not having these needs met can break a person.
After all, I got what I wanted. I wanted to feel the whole spectrum of emotions, to be brought to my minds edges, to feel alive and experience it all, and I did. I wanted to love again, and I told myself I was prepared for whatever pain it would cause and it would be worth it. I wanted to give my all, and I did. I wasn't prepared for the pain, but I got what I wanted. So now, maybe it's alright to have to go through some painful residue. This was a very satisfying realization I came to today.
bears are so cute

they look like giant hamsters

I should make a sports car.
While lying in bed I just realized that, in the Terminator mythology, the reason Skynet immediately declared war on the human race after gaining sentience was because it was built as a military defense(/offense) system. Why should a machine gain consciousness and immediately determine that it needs to go to war with everything else? Is world domination the end goal of any rational organism? No, the entire context for it's existence was militarism and warfare, hence its entire conceptualization of the world would be framed in those terms. It's not surprising that a creature that could only think in terms of combat objectives would determine such a course of action. Which makes me think, if/when computer software is able to approximate consciousness/sentience, I hope it's something that frames its existence in terms of cancer research or efficient library organization or something, not threat assessment and military strategy.

(I don't claim this to be a life-changing epiphany.)
The few epiphanies I've had have been powerful and personal. Realizing I was a strong introvert was an epiphany. It allowed me to retreat into my true self and feel less pressure to expend energy thinking out loud like extroverts do. Listening is so much more relaxing than expounding.
My existence is a product of chance, another step in a chain reaction which has been going on since the beginning of time. My "personality" is a product of social conditioning, trial and error and adaptations to experiences. Who I am has nothing to do with me.
If you change that sentence to read "entirely of just me" at the end, I would agree. There is no singularly that is true--meaning that you are incapable of having a personality without influence from the "other"
If you change that sentence to read "entirely of just me" at the end, I would agree. There is no singularly that is true--meaning that you are incapable of having a personality without influence from the "other"

Yes this is true. I haven't fully thought through this concept yet. It's an idea that has been collecting and reforming in my mind over the past while. I haven't quite refined it yet, but I think what you are saying is true about being incapable of having a personality without the influence from the "other."
I certainly don't have epiphanies every day. They have been scattered around at odd times in my life. I also have different kinds of epiphanies.

There is the kind of epiphany where for a moment I get a glimpse of the whole, like when for a brief moment I see that the entire universe is engaged in a Great Dance.

There are teeny tiny epiphanies where I suddenly see what is REALLY going on. Like I used to be very in favor of the peace talks, but when Arafat walked out on Oslo after being offered like 99% of what he said he wanted, I realized that my perecption had been fatally flawed. It was click click click, OMGosh some people don't want peace. How can that be true? But it's true. Click click click I suddenly saw the middle east problem as the ugly evil thing it really is, and how the peace talks were actully making things more violent.

And then there are the really odd little epiphanies, if that is even the right word, when I feel to my core the gears of the universe turning, when I sense that I have done something pivotal and life altering. For example, there was a time when I set up a meeting between a particularly significant rabbi and the cardinal of vienna. Me? I'm a nobody. But I got two major somebodies to meet and talk, and somehow, something inside of me just sensed that by arranging this meeting I had altered the future into a different course.

My most recent epiphany? Lets just say that when I was very young, I made a bargain with G-d. I told Him I would go through whatever I needed to go through, no matter how painful, if He would make me into a saint of goodness and wisdom. Well G-d took me up on it. (Indeed this was one of those moments where I felt the gears of the universe changing.) Fast forward to about two years ago. I was in the middle of a serious depression (I'm bipolar), and I mean the kind of screaming pain and madness depression where you pray to die in your sleep just so that the pain will stop. I was in a Yahoo chat room and someone came in who was very suicidal, doubting G-d, all the usual. His question was why should he love a G-d that has sent so much pain into his life. I felt this deep peace and calmness and replied, "Because every morning, the sun comes up again. Because kittens bat little jingly toys around on the floor. Because the sound of the birds singing is so lovely." It was a brief moment of clarity, it left as suddenly as it came. But then I was amazed that I had said what I said. Somehow, in the pit of hell, I had seen heaven. For one moment, I had been wise. And yes, all the pain I've gone through to get to that moment was worth it.
After all, I got what I wanted. I wanted to feel the whole spectrum of emotions, to be brought to my minds edges, to feel alive and experience it all, and I did. I wanted to love again, and I told myself I was prepared for whatever pain it would cause and it would be worth it. I wanted to give my all, and I did. I wasn't prepared for the pain, but I got what I wanted. So now, maybe it's alright to have to go through some painful residue. This was a very satisfying realization I came to today.

After all, I got what I wanted. I wanted to feel the whole spectrum of emotions, to be brought to my minds edges, to feel alive and experience it all, and I did. I wanted to love again, and I told myself I was prepared for whatever pain it would cause and it would be worth it. I wanted to give my all, and I did. I wasn't prepared for the pain, but I got what I wanted. So now, maybe it's alright to have to go through some painful residue. This was a very satisfying realization I came to today.

I relate quite strongly to this.