EPs and IJs, EJs and IPs


Into the White
They're supposed to be naturally attracted to each other. Going beyond the famous ENP and INFJ attractions, does anyone know how these letter combinations attract each other in general?
I think the EJ/IP makes sense because based on letters alone, each is attracted to their complement. They have different strengths and weaknesses. Each has what the other wants or lacks. For example, as much as I'm in doubt about my type, if I identify as INFP, it would make sense for me to be attracted to EJs because they are more outgoing, more direct, and more decisive where as I would consider INFPs as introverts would be more reserved, less direct (usually because they don't want to hurt someone's feelings) and may think over something for longer periods before making a final decision. So, I can see where an INFP may feel attracted to the EJ persona. EJs have a commanding persona and generally seem to know what they want and clear about it. EJs may like INFPs because they are more willing to compromise, will likely listen or think through things, be more spontaneous, less direct and therefore, more willing to probably go with the flow with whatever the EJ suggests. This relationship could mimic the traditional dominant/submissive partner relationships of the past. EJs can help the IPs see the reality of circumstances because they are likely more practical while the IPs can help the EJs see the benefit of imagining other possibilities or perspectives (ideals).
EPs and IJs are both share a dominant Perceiving function. EJs and IPs share a dominant Judging function. Extroverts have their dom function extroverted (Ne, Se, Te, Fe). Introverts always, always have their dominant function (P or J) that's opposite to their outward preference (IXXP or IXXJ). So they may/may not, depending on the other functions and circumstances and the individuality of both parties, connect really well because they relate. Both Perceivers/Judgers but one's extroverted and another is introverted. A complementary pair, no? But then again, I have the most affinity for other INJs. ENPs...are too flighty. I had one ENTP that I really connected with but still couldn't quite be still and concentrated enough for my taste.
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