
The Challenger
I've recently been reading about early ESP research, and finding it really interesting.

I've come to the conclusion that we can't possibly know how every part of the human mind functions, and therefore, it's plausable that ESP could be possible.

I personally don't think that psychics readers get their information from the sprit world, but it's possible that they could be getting it from my own mind, because I have experienced readings where information the reader gets couldn't have been known to them before.

opinions? thoughts?
I think it is a logical fallacy to make the assumption that ESP must exist simply because we do not fully understand the brain. Personally, I feel a lot of the "unknown" parts of the brain are involved with passive processes that might mediate something like protein-folding.

That being said I actually do think ESP is possible in certain cirumstances with certain people. Life in a sense has shown this to me true several times over.
I think if we ever do understand ESP, it'll be a surprisingly mundane explanation such as being sensitive to minute details in a person's expression and/or speech.

The psychics I've heard of can't know just anything they want to know, and even for the types of things they can find out, they don't always know those types of things for each person. Anyway, the field attracts too many charlatans for me to care to investigate.
I don't think people can know the future, they can just guess it.
I'm myself psychic, and I don't predict the future, but the present and past of a person.
I think if we ever do understand ESP, it'll be a surprisingly mundane explanation such as being sensitive to minute details in a person's expression and/or speech.

The psychics I've heard of can't know just anything they want to know, and even for the types of things they can find out, they don't always know those types of things for each person. Anyway, the field attracts too many charlatans for me to care to investigate.

ESP seems like a heightened version of intuition.

I think Kave made a great point about charlatans. I'd also like to add that oftentimes it's not only a matter of honesty but also one of skill and approach. It's important to know what you're looking for vs. what the person can offer.
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