Ever changing...


Retired Staff
messed up
Does the INFJ constantly evolve around their situation in life?

Do we constantly change pieces of ourselves over time?

Are we the same person we were 10 years ago?



I feel like I am constantly growing and changing, even when I feel like I have it all figured out, something else changes, so I must adapt...

maybe this isnt just an INFJ thing...
I'm NOT the same person i was 5 years ago. Heck, i'm not the same person i was a few months ago. I've changed so much in the last 10 years that in some ways I think i'm unrecognizable from the person I was. I do think i'm changing bit by bit. A little bit here, a little bit there, but i doubt it's as obvious to anyone else as it is to me. Interesting question.
I'm NOT the same person i was 5 years ago. Heck, i'm not the same person i was a few months ago. I've changed so much in the last 10 years that in some ways I think i'm unrecognizable from the person I was. I do think i'm changing bit by bit. A little bit here, a little bit there, but i doubt it's as obvious to anyone else as it is to me. Interesting question.

Exaclty! this is how I feel...
I feel that if I am not constantly evolving then there is something wrong with me.

I don't like to feel stagnant.
I really don't change all that much aside from minor adaptations for unusual conditions. That doesn't mean I am stagnant, though.....life and I intersect dynamically. My essential mode of operation is always pretty much the same though, but it is built on a very broad, almost timeless construct. It always the same, but it has lots of fluidity built in.
As time goes on experience accrues. By analysing this accrued experience or by examining it we can foster further development. Here is a thought experiment:
Take an unsolvable riddle, as time goes by the one that proposed the riddle gives you more hints that perhaps may bring you closer to the answer. You never get there but you can get closer with time.

Life can be said to be the ultimate riddle, unsolvable, never ending,mind boggling.
As time goes by we are given more pieces to the puzzle. These pieces can be then understood and the realisations gained integrated into complex paradigms of understanding and perception. It is perhaps from these paradigms we gain direction and guidance from " within" and as such when the paradigm evolves so can we.

Bryan Magee said:
There are no final answers but there is an awful lot to learn

We perhaps evolve as we learn and we may keep on learning until we reach the answer which is impossible; so thus we may keep on evolving
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For some non-infj insight... I feel like I am changing although I think I am the same person as before. Little changes over time, one more experience added to make a complete work of art.
Empirical experience expands the scope, I also rely on accruing knowledge over time through continual learning.
yes well said NAI, I too feel the same...if I dont progress as a person, what else am I here for?
As time changes, people can change, as we tend to take our experiences so personally that we let them shape us. But I find that piecing together your past understandings and perspectives with your present ones is key in forming your "true" self; you should never let yourself discard who you were 5 years ago, because it was a reality then, as much as you are the reality now.