Experiences with Reiki?


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Anyone have any experiences (positive or negative) with reiki, as a practitioner or recipient, or both?
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My mom is a Reiki healer, though she hasn't done any Reiki healing for months now... Her friend is a Reiki healer too and I heard Reiki helps with depression so she did some healing for me few years ago. I don't remember much of it anymore, other than it was really relaxing and I almost fell asleep, lol. I did feel the energy from her hands, though! As they don't even touch with their hands and your eyes need to be closed. It's hard to explain... It was a bit tingly. o.o Also she gave me some messages from spirits/angels etc. or something? That my aura was light blue & light pink and then she said something else which might not be better to tell here. ._.

My mom did make ''dead'' flowers come back to life, they were all flabby/wilted etc. and after the Reiki healing they were alive for many days. I think they were tulips. :P
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I had Reiki done on me twice and both times it was a very powerful experience. The first time I saw a glimpse of the woman giving me Reiki in her life. When I say I saw her, I mean I saw a psychic vision of her in her life. It wasn't a happy experience in her life. Usually when this happens I open my eyes as just a reaction because the visions are VERY strong and come with their emotions along with the emotions of whoever else is in the vision. The woman broke the session because she said the energy was really powerful. She was supposed to be healing me but I think it ended up being the other way round.

The second time. A woman did just a few sweeps of Reiki on me before she cut my hair. I felt the stress in my neck and shoulders just get swept away with the sweeping of her hands.

A few years later I became a Reiki practitioner and am about to receive my Reiki master certificate. I mainly only practice Reiki on people in my close inner circle and myself because there is much healing needed in these areas. Occasionally I participate in Reiki shares or what's called healing circles, but I have to be careful about who I touch in these as I am very susceptible to visions about people's lives. Generally stuff they are having difficulty dealing with. It's not that this is a "bad" thing. I mean that's why these people seek Reiki because they need some sort of healing. I avoid it because I have so much healing going on in my own life that I have to care for myself first.

I decided to seek my Reiki master certificate because I'm fascinated by the concept of healing loving touch and of course the exchange of energy that happens when I touch people. Those visions are really cool and I can really help some people if they're open to hearing what I have to say. But like I said right now I'm focusing most of that energy on myself and just a few close to me.

For me Reiki is like an energy portal. Kind of like a wormhole. The best way I can describe it is like a Vulcan mind meld. Once you make the connection the energy moves back and forth between the people involved. Some people have very strong energy, some not so strong, some people give healing even when they are receiving healing.

Even without "Reiki" there is a tremendous amount of power in just 'touch', at least there is for me. Just think about how you feel when someone hugs you or puts there arm around you when you're feeling bad. Touch by itself is very powerful. It is love multiplied a hundred thousand times. I just want to add that Reiki is 'touch' with focused intent, which magnifies the energy even more.
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I had Reiki done on me twice and both times it was a very powerful experience. The first time I saw a glimpse of the woman giving me Reiki in her life. When I say I saw her, I mean I saw a psychic vision of her in her life. It wasn't a happy experience in her life. Usually when this happens I open my eyes as just a reaction because the visions are VERY strong and come with their emotions along with the emotions of whoever else is in the vision. The woman broke the session because she said the energy was really powerful. She was supposed to be healing me but I think it ended up being the other way round.

The second time. A woman did just a few sweeps of Reiki on me before she cut my hair. I felt the stress in my neck and shoulders just get swept away with the sweeping of her hands.

A few years later I became a Reiki practitioner and am about to receive my Reiki master certificate. I mainly only practice Reiki on people in my close inner circle and myself because there is much healing needed in these areas. Occasionally I participate in Reiki shares or what's called healing circles, but I have to be careful about who I touch in these as I am very susceptible to visions about people's lives. Generally stuff they are having difficulty dealing with. It's not that this is a "bad" thing. I mean that's why these people seek Reiki because they need some sort of healing. I avoid it because I have so much healing going on in my own life that I have to care for myself first.

I decided to seek my Reiki master certificate because I'm fascinated by the concept of healing loving touch and of course the exchange of energy that happens when I touch people. Those visions are really cool and I can really help some people if they're open to hearing what I have to say. But like I said right now I'm focusing most of that energy on myself and just a few close to me.

For me Reiki is like an energy portal. Kind of like a wormhole. The best way I can describe it is like a Vulcan mind meld. Once you make the connection the energy moves back and forth between the people involved. Some people have very strong energy, some not so strong, some people give healing even when they are receiving healing.

Even without "Reiki" there is a tremendous amount of power in just 'touch', at least there is for me. Just think about how you feel when someone hugs you or puts there arm around you when you're feeling bad. Touch by itself is very powerful. It is love multiplied a hundred thousand times.

Oh yes, hugs are very healing, it gives you that nice warmth in your heart and makes you feel good & loved. :) Touch is indeed powerful and wonderful, since it helps with getting more oxytocin which decreases stress hormones, thus makes us feeling more relaxed and comforted.

That's so cool that you're getting Reiki master certificate! Reiki is a way to transfer that loving energy from universe, which is healing.
Oh yes, hugs are very healing, it gives you that nice warmth in your heart and makes you feel good & loved. :) Touch is indeed powerful and wonderful, since it helps with getting more oxytocin which decreases stress hormones, thus makes us feeling more relaxed and comforted.

That's so cool that you're getting Reiki master certificate! Reiki is a way to transfer that loving energy from universe, which is healing.

Yes, it is cool, thanks. I'm really enjoying it and I feel it's helping me and the people close to me. I just wish I had more energy to help more people. Spread the love :hug:
Yes, it is cool, thanks. I'm really enjoying it and I feel it's helping me and the people close to me. I just wish I had more energy to help more people. Spread the love :hug:

I'm glad it's helping you and others. Love is important~ :m085:
I have had two notable Reiki experiences.

1st time: I was an incoming freshman at my college, and I did Reiki in a group of about a dozen people. It was led by a girl who had become a Reiki master or whatever its called, and she was also a senior at my college at that time. I went in thinking it was BS, but then I felt cool or warm magnetic 'energy' while interacting with people in the group.

2nd time: My senior year, there was a demonstration on Reiki at my college. I went to it, and one of the people running it was the same person who ran the group I had been in my freshman year. The demonstration was stupid, especially the pendulum spinning thing (the idea is that the chakra energy spins the pendulum on its own, but its really the person holding it who is spinning it). Anyway, she offered to do a private session with me at a discounted rate (she had graduated but still lived in town), and I went ahead and did it. Later that week I went to her apartment and laid on her table while she 'manipulated the energy'. I still couldn't bring myself to actually believe in it, but I still felt the 'energy' moving around during the session like it was an extension of my body somehow. Speaking with her afterward, she was incredibly intuitive, almost borderline psychic (and I suppose it is worth noting that she actually believed herself to be psychic to some extent, i.e. seeing auras and having visions). I felt pretty euphoric at the end of the session, and overall it was a good experience.

I think that there is something to Reiki that is beneficial even if I can't accept the idea of 'energy'. All the chakras correspond approximately to glands in the endocrine system, so I think chakra meditations are a good exercise for bodily awareness. Reiki has the added benefit of another person focusing on parts of your body and having positive regard/concern for you. That might be a powerful tool for people who are dissociated from their bodies due to trauma.
I knew a lady who was like a master Reiki practitioner or something, she frequented national conferences and was in the upper echelons. Very kind woman but she only ever gave me a very brief demonstration which was my introduction to Reiki. I was open to it as I have always gotten comments from others about my own powerful touch. Later I found out that reiki principles aren't really power oriented but more clearing oriented which makes sense. Anyway my experience with her gave me a bit of the warm tingleys but at the time I chalked it up to the power of suggestion.

Years later I had a full session with a group and it gave me that same exact feeling, like exact. So I decided there's something to it for sure. Don't know what it is but it gave me a very specific feeling both times which I've not gotten through any other means. It also came with a feeling of love/peace which was subtle, calm but absolutely present both times.
Sorry but reiki is pure placebo. My ex girlfriend believed in it. She did it on me and I felt a tingling where she said her hands were. I then did it on her and she felt the tingling too. However I didn't actually do anything. I just sat there and bullshitted to see if she felt anything. She did.

That being said, placebos have a measurable effect
Didn't experience Reiki yet but I have read some articles about it. They say it's good for people who experience depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.
Hi I've been a Reiki practitioner for about 4 years now and I must say it does help me to fall asleep. Or if I am feeling some pain from an injury, I find it relieves some pain. I've had some rather intense experiences with others where I do not doubt it being real. I know that when giving a healing often I get a healing too. Reiki passes through the practitioner first then through the hands to another person. So in a sense when I give a healing I also receive one.
I've been a reiki master for several years, though I don't "practice". it always has bothered me that people pay for what the universe freely gives. Reiki is about opening yourself to allow healing energy to flow through you, you as the channel don't add anything to the energy, it simply passes through you.
I think to benefit from it you must agree to accept the healing the universe gives you. you are free to refuse to allow it in as well. . I always used it as a charkra healing tool
I don't believe in it but I do think that life is a hard experience for many, we're often looking for an easy way out. But there's no easy way out at all. It only takes time until love comes to everyone.
I have little interest in getting Reiki healing but I am curious what my energy is like, so that might be fun to try.