Face Book advertisements


Time Lord
A lot people on here have a facebook page. So I thought I'd see if this occurence is happening to every one or just me.

My face book page has a strip on the right for face book advertisements, that anybody can make. I have been geting a flood of LGBT advertisments which bothers me for one reason.

while on in ten of the ads I've recieved are awarness and responce adds like this one or this one which while I don't support, I can respect.

however I'm getting more adds for LGBT Bars and social sites, which even the latter wouldn't bother me if the links wern't adorned with half naked men.

I think that Facebook has kicked most of the ads for the bars off, except maybe for club orlando which is not exclusivley LGBT to my knowledge.

so here the question, have your face book pages been getting alot of LGBT adds clean or other wise? and what do you think about them?
I haven't noticed any such ads.
I'm usually up in everybody's FB business to notice the ads lol.
Try clearing your web history. Advertisements can now be made to track key phrases that appear often in your internet history to advertise to you. So I'm going to take a wild guess that if you've read and replied to any of Satya's threads on gay issues then this might be the culprit.

I actually disabled all of the cookies and internet history records on my internet browser. You can go to options to either clear web history or take off the tracking. I notice that advertisements I get when I do this change every time I open or close firefox and tend to be based on the first web page I visit that time.
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I knew Satya was up to no good!
Hush! Our indoctrination agenda must be witnessed by a complete and utter silence.
I used this to block ads in Opera, and I don't see ads on Facebook anymore.
Try clearing your web history. Advertisements can now be made to track key phrases that appear often in your internet history to advertise to you. So I'm going to take a wild guess that if you've read and replied to any of Satya's threads on gay issues then this might be the culprit.

I actually disabled all of the cookies and internet history records on my internet browser. You can go to options to either clear web history or take off the tracking. I notice that advertisements I get when I do this change every time I open or close firefox and tend to be based on the first web page I visit that time.

Interesting thanks, i'll try that, like I said for the most part it doesn't bother me. Just for the fact that half naked me keep poping up on my page.


I thought Iposted this in the news section, could a mod move it there. Thanks.
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