
Detective Conan

Doesn't Cast Shadows
Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I feel there's enough psychology underlying the topic to justify it going into the psych parent forum. Mods may move if they disagree.

I sort of started thinking about this topic from the Firefox 4 discussion, but it's also been a topic that pops up frequently. Often when a new product (specifically an electronic) is released, people become gravitated to one product or another. This really doesn't confuse me, as I empathize with that gravitation, which usually results from positive experiences with other products made by the same manufacturer. What really confuses me is why people sometimes dislike others that like another competing product (PS3 v. 360, PSP v. DS, iPhone v. Android v. W7P, Mac v. PC, Dub v. Sub, et cetera). Why do fanboys/girls feel a need to confirm their own choice by proving any other choice is inferior? If you were to visit other forums that revolve around discussions of phones, games, or even television/movies/books, I'd bet you'd occasionally find a thread that compares two products that are somewhat similar and tries to prove one's better than the other. I honestly don't find anything wrong with this initial, but, again, I'm confounded by the flamewar that quickly ensues from such attempts (which are more or less considered "trolling" these days).

This topic isn't really inquiring about the reason for fanisms to exist, but rather why people see a need to allow conflicting fanisms to occupy their mind to such a degree as they sometimes do.

So, forum, what's your personal opinion on the topic?
PC's suck. Srsly. I grew up with them. I have owned a mac for 6 months and not going back. Just throwing that our there.

I don't think anyone has to do this, it's probably instilled in us. This is an interesting topic that fits well into the growing psychology that is emerging this century that deals with consumerism.
I like to keep an open mind to all new things. I find my preferences don't really rely on the actual technology rather on the market it appeals to. For example I love video games but the type of game I enjoy most is probably more available say on Nintendo vs. Xbox. Although I love call of duty most of the games I enjoy are more puzzle oriented and therefore I would tend to gravitate toward the system that would play those type of games the most. For me that doesn't mean that I don't value the other system, just that I have more experience and derive more pleasure out of the aforementioned one.

I honestly don't understand the die hard approach either. I think both OS have a lot to offer. :)
Oh, like; Ship to Ship Combat, Broken Base, Fan Dumb ?

I don't know, Us vs Them mentality + Need for conflict + Need for 'antagonists'?
A feeling of wanting to be incorporated + wanting to be belonged + wanting to have meaning, done by eliminating the competition, equals having a struggle (and a struggle is good!) ?
One would assume they are trying to persuade you into using the same product they use.

"Hey, macs suck, there's x y an z wrong with them, don't use them, pcs are better because of x y z". All it really is is supporting products they use and at the same time sway you into using the same one.. the more people that use their product the more support the product gets...

Can't use a pc/mac example without talking about how crappy macs are. :D Who the f uses a mac? No one, no one. Pc's are so much better for software compatibility. A significant amount of applications are designed specifically for pcs, you get caught up with a lot of compatibility problems while using a mac. Not worth the headaches, not worth the headaches..
Oh, like; Ship to Ship Combat, Broken Base, Fan Dumb ?

I don't know, Us vs Them mentality + Need for conflict + Need for 'antagonists'?
A feeling of wanting to be incorporated + wanting to be belonged + wanting to have meaning, done by eliminating the competition, equals having a struggle (and a struggle is good!) ?

Can't use a pc/mac example without talking about how crappy macs are. :D Who the f uses a mac? No one, no one. Pc's are so much better for software compatibility. A significant amount of applications are designed specifically for pcs, you get caught up with a lot of compatibility problems while using a mac. Not worth the headaches, not worth the headaches..

Macs can run windows...
I don't involve myself in fan-ism debates, and while I might be loyal to people, I have no allegiance to particular brands. I will research purchases and ask questions if I don't understand something, but I try to keep it as impersonal as possible. And if a brand fails to meet my expectations, I simply search for something that better meets my needs.

I think much of this has to do with the way I was raised...everyone always arguing over that kind of thing drove me crazy.

As far as why many people feel the need to get into a pissing contest over pushing their own brand...I would guess that like many things in life, they identify with those items. If someone agrees with you, you feel good, important, validated. If someone tells an individual that their truck is a POS, it gets taken as a personal reflection on themselves. Apparently, for some, you are what you own.
It might also have a lot to do with the fact that we live in a one-up culture. Every time someone has something they express pride for, people feel the need to discuss their own item as well in order to validate their choice and feel like part of "in" group. Sometimes they bash the other item if they used it in the past and didn't like it. Sometimes they over-value their own item to combat insecurity.

Either way, eventually it becomes an argument of who's stuff is better than who's. If you have a side and are trying to argue for it, you often don't want to admit the good aspects of the item you're arguing against. So, you end up hating all of it.

Personally, it annoys me. I'm a Mac person because I do so much with graphics, and I hate hate hate how long Windows take to turn on. I also like that I never have to worry about viruses. Really, my Macs have always worked better for longer and without additional complications.
However, if you're a programmer or a gamer, Windows are better. If you want a personal computer for less cost to do things like use Microsoft Office and the internet (which is all some people need), then Windows are better.
It's all about what you need. No need to get hostile, right?