Favorite Psychology Books & Recommendations


Community Member
Thought it would be a cool idea to throw up a thread of our favorite psychology (and associated topics) books. :)

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I'll start with my recent Enneagram Fetish Phase:

The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues by Sandra Maitri
(I thought this a lovely precursor book because it is primarily the abstract discussion of the concepts behind the enneagram)

The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram
Her other book as well was fantastic. She's an easy read in my opinion. Quite articulate and on point.

She was actually a part of the original group of Claudio Naranjo but apprenticed under Dr. Almaas and was a nice bridge between their approaches.

Personality Types by Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson

Enneagram Beyond the Basics by Herb Pearce

Character and Neurosis, an Integrative View by Claudio Naranjo

Though I do wish I hadn't read this first.
I think people get caught up in sterotyping and pigeon holding themselves when they do this. Just my personal opinion.

Faces of Unity, by A.H. Almaas
This is very spiritual in nature and precedes Sandra's approach so might be a little heavy off the bat. I personally think it's better to sink your feet in the wet sand slowly. Again, my personal take on it. Though he also has very good youtube videos that would be sufficient to evaluate his approach prior to purchasing any of his reads.

The Complete Enneagram, by Beatrice Chestnut, PHD

I felt this an absolute book because it delves into the instinctual varients in more depth. Unfortunately I could not find any concise book JUST on the 27 subtypes though there is the Wisdom of the Enneagram I have not read, nor have I purchased the notebook from Favier(sp?) However his videos of the tritypes are available through amazon which I purchased and liked. I think people tend to miss the point of their approach and it's beneficial only for those versed and not "stuck" on their rigidity in thinking. Also, the videos were uploaded by that avacado chick online. However, I only got to them by a link on my I-Phone, otherwise they are private, which is why I siphoned them through my pinterest. HA!

The Enneagram, Know Your Type. Awaken Your Potential.
This was a cheap kindle read for passtime however they're nice in order to analyze personal takes and approaches on the subject.
Again, just a personal opinion or liking for research.

The Enneagram in Love and Work by Helen Palmer
Not a bad read. Very concise and easy. It is however geared towards a novice who is interested more in "getting along" with people as opposed towards inner work etc. Just my opinion. Other people may prefer her style.

Sex, Love, and Your Personality by Mona Coates PHD
This wasn't a bad read. Similar to the above feel but of course, more geared towards intimacy. I'm also a type 2 and ridiculous so had to read it. :p

What is My Type? by Marie Taylor and Jenny Williams
Again, quick kindle read. I was obsessing. :p

Deep Living by Roxanne Howe-Murphey PHD
I really liked this one however, it's if-y for most I presume. It takes the bold approach of speaking in the 2nd person which might feel "off" for defensive personalities as well as being a little presumptuous (even for me). However, if you can objectively read and consume information minus Fi (or personal feelings and bias) then it is a good book. It's an interesting style so maybe that's why I liked it.

The Seven Ways by Rabbi Ian Bailey
(I thought it was an enneagram book because it was in that genre under amazons recommendations but it turned out to be a Jewish heavy book or, philosophy. I'm gonna leave the recommendation here because I thought it an interesting correlation between the two methodologies of thinking, or approaching self development. Also, I'm a major fan of Relationship Development books by Steven Gutstein and he's Jewish and I noticed the flavor similarities. Or rather, the flavor or history behind the information. This is hard to explain how I connect with the author objectively and subjectively as a crazy person. This is probably why all my hard core crushes are dead guys. :p

The Enneagram Types and Tips for Happiness by Jackie Wells Smith
Again, super quick kindle read and it was cute. lol!
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Okay ... These are just Misc. books I've read and my recent fetish of "attachment theory" reads ...

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Trauma and the Avoidant Client by Robert T. Muller

This book is fucking awesome and I'm almost done. Again, you have to read with the intention of gaining knowledge (not changing yourself. that shit just happens). Trauma does not have to be crazy shit. For me, it's loss in my life that is by no means psychotic in nature as some of the examples in the book. but seeing as our brains are wired with the same coping mechanisms, it's worth learning. If you're not accustomed to reading books meant for professionals you have to push through the first half. Or cherry pick chapters. I always look at the reviews on amazon and this book was ALL A+. And to be honest, I think I'll add one. I've never done it before. That's how much I found the information of value. Love this book.

Why You Do the Things You Do by Dr. Time Clinton and Dr. Gary Sibcy

I'm a quater of the way and having a hard time keeping interest as it's fairly easy peasy. I've been reading psych babble for years so I kind of don't need all the sugar with my medicine. However, I find it valuable enough to finish and maybe it'll be good for slowing my head down. Maybe it's because it uses couples as examples which is a little depressing right now. lol! Either way, I'm gonna finish it, probably be a fan and so I'm adding it as a recommendation.

The Polyvagal Theory Neurophsiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication and Self-Regulation.

Aaaawesome! BUT. .. It is a very dry read. So maybe most would hate it. I also am versed in A&P and sensory integration dysfunction so I'm all over it.

Just Listen

Easy read. Meant for professionals, entrepreneurs and business peeps. It has good info and actually does give a nice sum up of the ANS system, how we regulate emotions etc. So, the former mentioned is probably entirely unnecessary for most. I don't recall the author as I have this on audible.

Speaking of Audible. I also have a Helen Palmer book on audible that is awesome (minus the super cheesy music in between chapters).
It is the ONLY enneagram book on audible by her so not difficult to find if you should so be curious.

I have more but those are the most recent read. Plus. I am a little insecure already exposing I'm a totally lame person! hahaha!
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A h almaas has been a big influence for me and I'd recommend his diamond mind series for those interested in the psychological end of spirituality (the void: inner spaciousness and ego structure, pearl beyond price: integration of personality into being an object relations approach and point of existence: transformations of narcissism in self realization).

Byron Brown, another teacher of the Diamond Approach (like Sandra) has a book soul without shame: a guide to liberating yourself from the critic within that I would recommend.

I'm looking to get more into object relations with my reading and am open to suggestions if anyone has any on the subject.
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