Favorite Sci-Fi Novels?


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I've been getting really into science fiction recently. I'd say my real introduction to science fiction was Ender's Game about three years ago. Then I was given The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell (highly, highly recommended!) and recently read Herbert's Dune, which was frickin' epic.

I find myself fascinated by science fiction because it presents the most outlandish situations that still have a hint of possibility to them. It asks the biggest questions and shocks the reader with a viscerally relatable, yet highly unfamiliar setting.

Anyone else into sci-fi? What are some favorites?
The Hyperion series by Dan Simmons....incredible, beautiful ending...
Not really into Sci-Fi. I read more Fantasy. I would recommend Tales From the Flat Earth by Tanith Lee.
Try "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett....kind of like if Monty Python got a hold of the apocalypse...lol
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I don't do those weird names, odd planets and things you can't make any sense of in the books I like to read. :D And I also have a certain respect for authors that are able to create a new meme like he did back in 1895. You mention a Time Machine and there's no need to explain what it is, how it works or where you can go. Thank you Mr. Wells!
i like the left hand of darkness, and flowers for algernon. i have read a few more, but not many! i have read the time machine and dune though.
Sci-fi isn't really my cup of tea, but if we can count dystopies, then perhaps Kallocain.
I've been thinking of reading this...

As for my favorite, Grass by Sheri Tepper.

It is the best sci-fi series of books that I have read hands-down....each book has it's own individual plot and they all get tied together in the end...but just the writing skill of Dan Simmons is amazing....and he takes what would otherwise be insignificant details and turns them into something that will blow your mind. I can also appreciate when I book has a decent ending...there is nothing more frustrating than reading a great book with a bad let-down of an ending....this series not only has a good ending....it went far beyond what I expected and was simply beautiful.
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One series: Ian M Banks - The Culture
I like some of the short stories, but I like the long stories as well. Some of my favorites authors are oldies but goodies: Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, and a few others. Any book that deals more with the characters than the planet or the otherworldly situation is usually my favorite type of book. Oh! Kurt Vonnegut is good as well.

EDIT: I guess I should list a few -

The Illustrated Man
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Breakfast of Champions
The Essential Ellison (short story collection)
Fahrenheit 451
Cat's Cradle
Slaughterhouse Five

Etc., etc., etc.
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The Island of Dr. Moreau I was particularly
fond of when younger.
David Brin's Earth is awesome: http://www.amazon.com/dp/055329024X/?tag=infjs-20

I'm told his Uplift series is very good.

Yes. [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] 's suggestion of Hyperion is excellent and Good Omens is satirical and witty along with being a great yarn taking place here on earth!
[MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION]'s suggestion of Grass by Sheri Tepper is as well! I've read almost every book of hers...especially "Beauty".

omg "The Sparrow"! What a roller coaster ride of a book - isn't it? When I read it years ago I could not put it down. Did you know they're making it into a movie?

Almost any book by Greg Bear. The Foundation Series will give you goosebumps as it eerily paints a realistic future for us on this planet if we keep going like we are now. Ugh...

This book has stuck with me over the years. Great sci-fi! "Seeds of Time" by Kay Kenyon.

My preference is Fantasy - but I will read a good sci-fi if it has great character development and meaning beyond war. All of those books I listed involve the classic struggle of the Hero. :D
Beggars in Spain!!

And everything from Isaac Asimov and Douglas Adams.
omg "The Sparrow"! What a roller coaster ride of a book - isn't it? When I read it years ago I could not put it down. Did you know they're making it into a movie?

I did hear about that! I'm not sure how I feel about it, though. I'm always a little tentative about my favorite books become movies. For instance, I'm shaking in my friggin' boots about Ender's Game coming out in 2013. It seems so invasive to me. The Sparrow could be done well, but I think only if they stuck strictly to the book. Complete with broken timelines and disorientation....and butt rape. *sigh*