Final Fantasy Kingsglaive

Permanent Fixture
Anyone else like its art direction as much as me? I haven't seen the movie, so can't comment on the story; but the art style, to me, is absolutely gorgeous!
Never even heard of it until this thread. I'm far more interested in this than that one with the Japanese teen brothers.

Im looking forward to both. The first 12 minutes of the movie is on youtube. What do you think of the style?
It was a beautiful movie... which is part of the problem with it. While there was a story, the pace of the movie was too fast to really let anything sink in. The entire movie seemed like the point was to dazzle the viewers. It's as if they didn't want to waste their precious computer rendering time on the other required parts that make a movie good. I don't think it was bad, but it looked so good that I wanted it to be perfect.

Another thing that I just checked to confirm, it is 24 frames/sec. I think this was a terrible choice for this kind of movie. It looked too choppy for how fast it was.
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I'm a bit tickled by both Lena Headey and Sean Bean voicing characters. It's like FFGoT.

I agree with it being beautiful and I enjoyed its artistic direction, but yeah, it reminds me of what happened with The Spirits Within - they spent more time rendering the individual strands of the main protagonist's hair, than really developing a solid plot and dynamic characters. The graphics were lovely, IMO (for the time), but not enough time was spent developing the other aspects of the film. The same thing seems to have happened here (although I honestly like this better than I do The Spirits Within).
I actually really hated the movie. The terrible voice acting and god awful script was just too distracting to feel completely immersed. It is such a shame!
I actually really hated the movie. The terrible voice acting and god awful script was just too distracting to feel completely immersed. It is such a shame!
I tend to appreciate something for what it provides. The voice acting does suck, but it's not something that makes me hate a film. I think there are things that could have made it better, and yes I am disappointed that it isn't as good as it could have been. But for me, disappointment doesn't make me hate something. The reason I'm saying all this is because I don't agree with evaluating something in relation to your expectation. However, everyone has their own particularities of what makes them tick, and I can't oppose that.
Well it looks pretty, but the story seems fairly generic and there's not much to the trailer that makes me interested. That is except for the fact it's got Sean Bean, and I will watch just about anything if Sean Bean's in it.