Final Fantasy


Regular Poster
Just as it seems much easier to find Miyazaki fans in a crowd of INFJs, there seems to be a lot of Final Fantasy fans here too, yet I havn't found any threads specifically about the series, so I decided to start one myself. Not only that, but a group too, so your invited to join.
I stand by my assertion that FFT was the best of the series, all of the series.
Awh hellz yesa! I even had to change my avatar back to the first avatar I ever used here. When I played FFVII when I was 17, I was HOOKED. The Final Fantasy series was the trigger that sparked my passion for Japan.

12 years later, I'm fluent in Japanese. Currently playing through FFXII.
I was watching my brother play 13 (cuz I don't have the Xbox!) and it has a story line that potentially rivals that of 7.
I was watching my brother play 13 (cuz I don't have the Xbox!) and it has a story line that potentially rivals that of 7.
waah, awesome! my little brother got it, but I havn't played or seen it yet. I'm way excited.

just as a warning, please no FFXIII spoilers on this thread.
otherwise I'll have to release the wrath of my soul upon you:m140:
I never really got into the "new" consoles, but I absolutely LOVED (and LOVE) FFV and FFVI! :D
My favourites are FFVIII and FFXIII. Didn't like FFX and FFXII too much, probably because of the characters which weren't that interesting to me.

First I was a bit skeptical about FFXIII because I didn't like the previous ones so much. Though, when I started playing it, I was hooked almost immediately. I like the characters in it, especially Lightning. :D
My favourites are FFVIII and FFXIII. Didn't like FFX and FFXII too much, probably because of the characters which weren't that interesting to me.

First I was a bit skeptical about FFXIII because I didn't like the previous ones so much. Though, when I started playing it, I was hooked almost immediately. I like the characters in it, especially Lightning. :D

The Characters in 13, really. I couldn't stand them, they were all so overdone. One was angry, one was sad, one unbearably happy and another overly heroic hero. So typical, nothing human about them.

I'll admit, I did enjoy sazh. He was theonly character that seemed real to me.
^ Yeah, I admit that they were kinda overdone but that's probably why I liked them. IMO Vanille was a bit annoying though because she was making these weird sounds all the time... at least in the English version.
FFVI and FFVII (respectively) are my favourites, but I admit I lost interest in the series after the abomination that was FFVIII (sorry Jupa. :tongue: ).
FFVI and FFVII (respectively) are my favourites, but I admit I lost interest in the series after the abomination that was FFVIII (sorry Jupa. :tongue: ).
D: You what? I loved FFVIII XD It was such an achievement to get a totally unique game out of a series based on magical principles - it had little magic but a whole lot of plot :)
Personally, I've liked all the games I've played, but my favourites are FFVIII and FFVII - I haven't played XI or XIII though.
Actually from what I remember, FFII was pretty good (I played it when I was about four XD).
The only one I ever played was Final fantasy IV, on the SNES. I think it was decent, though not as good as Zelda: A Link to the past (which is what I feel like, incidentally)
D: You what? I loved FFVIII XD It was such an achievement to get a totally unique game out of a series based on magical principles - it had little magic but a whole lot of plot :)

You'll have to forgive me if I don't do cartwheels about the plot of a game where the writers were so lazy they just gave all their main characters amnesia so they wouldn't have to bother coming up with any real back-stories for them. =P

I honestly struggle to see what anybody liked about that game. To me, the plot was rather shallow and uninteresting (the focus on the romance angle just didn't work for me at all), the combat system was garbage (that "draw" rubbish was horrendous), the character designs were soulless (practically all the characters look like teenage girls and even the names were utter trash. "Squall Leonheart"? Really?!) and the music was some of the worst my ears have ever had the misfortune to be assaulted with (the music in Estar being the main offender, in fact it was that part that finally made me give up on the whole thing). Oh yeah, and I didn't like the card sub-game either (though in its defence I might not have given that part of the game enough attention to really get to grips with it).

The only part I remotely liked about the whole thing was the parade (at the end of disc one, IIRC), and a friend of mine who struggled through a bit further than I did reckons the bit on the moon is decent too.

Really though, for me that game represents the death-knell of Square. IMO they haven't produced even a single decent game since, especially since the merger with Enix.[/rant]
Final fantasy VIII is amazing! That game changed my life. This was the first final fantasy I played, so it is my favourite purely for that reason. I was, like, 8 years old when I played this. I still remember when I unwrapped it at Christmas.

I honestly struggle to see what anybody liked about that game. To me, the plot was rather shallow and uninteresting (the focus on the romance angle just didn't work for me at all)...

I actually found this extremely emotive. I think FF8 pulled off the romance the best. Rinoa and Squall felt like they could be a genuine couple. I mean, remember the scene where he breaks her out of that Esthar jail/bubble thing!? That was beautiful! When he rescues her from floating off into space! It was so moving.

and the music was some of the worst my ears have ever had the misfortune to be assaulted with (the music in Estar being the main offender, in fact it was that part that finally made me give up on the whole thing)...

Man, the music would send me to sleep at night! Balamb garden, Fisherman's Horizon! Beautiful (sniff)

Oh yeah, and I didn't like the card sub-game either (though in its defence I might not have given that part of the game enough attention to really get to grips with it)...

Nah man, the card system was awesome. FF9 was quite convuluted and nowhere near as enjoyable.

Really though, for me that game represents the death-knell of Square. IMO they haven't produced even a single decent game since, especially since the merger with Enix.[/rant]

Dude.... FFX!? That was the most incredible, epic experience in a computer game ever.
I actually found this extremely emotive. I think FF8 pulled off the romance the best. Rinoa and Squall felt like they could be a genuine couple. I mean, remember the scene where he breaks her out of that Esthar jail/bubble thing!? That was beautiful! When he rescues her from floating off into space! It was so moving.

Totally agree. They even had a SONG!!! Eyes on Me by Faye Wong!

And Squall and Rinoa's romance was the closest thing ANY of the FF RPGs have gotten to happy ending kinda closure.
Best FF commercial ever.

[ame=""]YouTube- Final Fantasy X Japan Commercial 2[/ame]