First movie that made you cry?


Community Member
I can remember the first movie that made me cry: "Fox and the hound", I was like 3-5 or something. That scene where the old lady leaves the fox in the words with the song:

We met, it seems, such a short time ago,
You looked at me - needing me so,
Yet from your sadness
Our happiness grew
And I found out I needed you too
I remember how we used to play
I recall those rainy days
The fire's glow
That kept us warm
And now I find - we're both alone
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart is a memory
And there you'll always be

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart is a memory
And there you'll always be

:m142: it gets me every time

Opps actually now that I think of it; it my have been "An American tale" was the first movie that made me cry. Either way though both sad stories.
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Honestly I don't remember the FIRST movie that made me cry. But here are some that greatly affected me in early childhood:

--The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Yes, I had a crush on Jack. I was literally sobbing when he got struck down from his sleigh. I thought he was going to die. Most little kids were afraid of that movie but I was that one kid who not only liked it, but had a crush on Jack Skellington. I believe Jack was my first crush.

--King Kong/Mighty Joe Young/Godzilla
I admit to crying at these movies. When Kong dies I cried. I was maybe, 6, when I saw this movie for the first time. I remember being so saddened for his senseless death. Poor Kong, trapped by human laws and human rules...the same went for Godzilla. It was the humans' fault he mutated into that big creauture.

--The Land Before Time.
OK. Who DIDN'T cry when Little Foot's mother died?

--My Neighbor Totoro.
I think I was 5 when I watched this movie. We rented this movie everyday for about 5 weeks because I loved it so much. I was touched and moved by the storyline. When Totoro and the girls plant the tree and make it grow, I remember crying. When Setsuki couldn't find her sister I remember crying then too. I guess I could relate with Setsuki because she was so much like myself. This movie started my long time romance with Studio Ghibli and anime.

--Disney's Peter Pan.
I loved Tinkerbell. That movie made me so angry because I wanted Peter to be with Tinkerbell instead of Wendy. When Tinkerbell is trapped from the bomb exploding I remember being a basket case. She loved him so much all this time and now she was going to die without Peter ever having noticed her! That scene where Peter is calling out for Tinkerbell, I thought, was so romantic! LOL!

There are probably other movies out there but I can't whip them out from the top of my head. I'll come back to this thread when I do.
--The Land Before Time.
OK. Who DIDN'T cry when Little Foot's mother died?

I had forgotten about that one. I cried like crazy when I was 4 about that. :mcute:
wow...i couldnt even begin to remember the first one...

a few however...

the fox and the hound got to me
the lion king
the land before time

the little mermaid at the end (i cry tears of joy lots too!!)

im sure there are more but I cannot remember
LOL. The lion king made me tear up a bit, of course being a guy I was pretty good at hiding it.
The Duchess with Kiera Knightley.. I honestly think I only cried because I was pms-ing hardcore.. but.. I sobbed for about a half hour afterwords.. screeching: "I don't even cry like this for myself! It's just a movie!"
Braveheart...your not a human if you don't tear up at the end

I must be a soulless shell then, with no emotions except mind-numbing boredom and hatred towards Mel Gibson.:m140:

I do remember I bawled my eyes out during I Am Sam (although I doubt there was a dry eye in the room). :m142:
The first was probably The Prodigal Planet at age 8 (at the end when the little boy was beheaded). I think I was too young for that film.
I was forced to sit through PS: I love you, it didn't make me cry but god that was morbid.
I can't remember any off the top of my head. No movie has ever made me start sobbing; it would only have been a tear.
I can't really say I've cried watching a movie, but my friends are really sure I got all :m033: while watching Ladder 49.
I cry all together too much at regular things these days...I think We were watching an episode of Reba, and i cried like a little girl UGH....
The last movie I sobbed over was the latest Will Smith movie. But the first? It was probably a Disney film. I'm sure I cried when I saw "Mary Poppins."
I don't remember my first one but I did cry when I watched MARLEY AND ME I thought the entire plot was pointless but in the end when they put the dog to sleep I went off like fountain.
I cry all together too much at regular things these days...I think We were watching an episode of Reba, and i cried like a little girl UGH....

Reba? Hah Reba is so bad it would make anyone cry.

I don't remember my first one but I did cry when I watched MARLEY AND ME I thought the entire plot was pointless but in the end when they put the dog to sleep I went off like fountain.

Don't just give away the ending like that!
Yeah, I'd also say the Lion King. That or E.T. Probably E.T. is first, now that I think about it, though it also scared my pants off just the same.

The Truman Show has me absolutely drowning in tears every time I watch it. I think I cry more each additional time.
I don't remember my first one but I did cry when I watched MARLEY AND ME I thought the entire plot was pointless but in the end when they put the dog to sleep I went off like fountain.

Scratches Marley and Me off movies to see list :m080:
I'm pretty sure one of the first movies to make me cry was Pete's Dragon. At least that's the first one that I remember making me cry.

I also remember crying when I watched The Journey of Natty Gann, and I was relatively young when I first saw that one too.

It was always those Wonderful World of Disney movies that came on Sunday nights when I was a little kid that made me cry!