hi guys! first poster here
i'm a long time lurker, i've finally decided to join this wonderful forum as i am in need of some help of my own. after reading so many threads here, i've concluded that we INFJ's are really the best at helping each other out! i really hope i've posted this in the appropriate category, if not i apologize for that.
i'm a freshman at a small college (about 1700 students) in boston. my first semester here was enjoyable, though i did found myself having some thoughts about whether i could see myself here for a whole four years within the first weeks. i'm a psychology major, and it is something i'm very very passionate and serious about. while i'm in school, being in a place where i can the most experience and preparation i possibly can is of utmost importance to me.
my second semester here has been a different story. since its beginning, i've been having a lot of ups and downs, my beloved cat passed away, increased friend drama/fighting and general unhappiness with things around me. i've made a cool, close circle of friends at this school but am now realizing that those are actually the only people i really am in contact/hang around with here. i feel like i've kind of isolated myself, and its the worst feeling ever. i think this is an introvert thing, but do any of you find that you always tend to make a small circle of friends and lose touch with others outside that circle? seeing the same faces around everyday has began to nauseate me and bring back memories of high school. i feel like making new friends at this point seems like a daunting task, everyone here seems to be in their own social circle and the fact that this school has such a small student body isn't helping me either. i have this constant feeling of almost..suffocation. like i can't spread my wings. i could be wrong, but the vibe i get here is that student involvement here isn't that great which is of importance to me. at the beginning of the year, i was very excited for the first meeting of art club and found the attendance dropping each meeting to about 3 people...
this week, the idea of transferring to a new, bigger school (one still in boston) dawned on me once again and i've really been giving this thought. i decided i'm going to attend next (fall) semester at my current school, and possibly apply for a mid-year transfer. i know this is a rational plan, but the idea of now knowing what i'm doing is racking my brain! i just feel very non-secure in life and its bringing me down. my N is really working on me here, i have this deep inner feeling that something else awaits me. this feeling of needing to just get out. the other side is me is just so unsure and worried about whats really right for me, how well an INFJ like me would fare in a school of say 20,000 students. i keep having this future image of myself at a different school being miserable and regretting my decision, yet at the same time i have this feeling that this is just something where i need to say fuck it and just do it.
since this is my first time posting, i'd just like to tell you all that i'm basically a poster child of many an infj description out there. witholding, reserved but sociable, etc. for any of you who attended a larger college/university, how well did you find it to suit your needs/personality? how do you deal with that feeling of uncertainty, or when things in your life are rocky?
any and all advice on my situation would be so so appreciated. i know this is probably long, to those who read, thanks a bunch.

i'm a freshman at a small college (about 1700 students) in boston. my first semester here was enjoyable, though i did found myself having some thoughts about whether i could see myself here for a whole four years within the first weeks. i'm a psychology major, and it is something i'm very very passionate and serious about. while i'm in school, being in a place where i can the most experience and preparation i possibly can is of utmost importance to me.
my second semester here has been a different story. since its beginning, i've been having a lot of ups and downs, my beloved cat passed away, increased friend drama/fighting and general unhappiness with things around me. i've made a cool, close circle of friends at this school but am now realizing that those are actually the only people i really am in contact/hang around with here. i feel like i've kind of isolated myself, and its the worst feeling ever. i think this is an introvert thing, but do any of you find that you always tend to make a small circle of friends and lose touch with others outside that circle? seeing the same faces around everyday has began to nauseate me and bring back memories of high school. i feel like making new friends at this point seems like a daunting task, everyone here seems to be in their own social circle and the fact that this school has such a small student body isn't helping me either. i have this constant feeling of almost..suffocation. like i can't spread my wings. i could be wrong, but the vibe i get here is that student involvement here isn't that great which is of importance to me. at the beginning of the year, i was very excited for the first meeting of art club and found the attendance dropping each meeting to about 3 people...
this week, the idea of transferring to a new, bigger school (one still in boston) dawned on me once again and i've really been giving this thought. i decided i'm going to attend next (fall) semester at my current school, and possibly apply for a mid-year transfer. i know this is a rational plan, but the idea of now knowing what i'm doing is racking my brain! i just feel very non-secure in life and its bringing me down. my N is really working on me here, i have this deep inner feeling that something else awaits me. this feeling of needing to just get out. the other side is me is just so unsure and worried about whats really right for me, how well an INFJ like me would fare in a school of say 20,000 students. i keep having this future image of myself at a different school being miserable and regretting my decision, yet at the same time i have this feeling that this is just something where i need to say fuck it and just do it.
since this is my first time posting, i'd just like to tell you all that i'm basically a poster child of many an infj description out there. witholding, reserved but sociable, etc. for any of you who attended a larger college/university, how well did you find it to suit your needs/personality? how do you deal with that feeling of uncertainty, or when things in your life are rocky?
any and all advice on my situation would be so so appreciated. i know this is probably long, to those who read, thanks a bunch.
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