For the Bible Tells Me So...

Not even going to bother watching it.

The Bible, and proper Biblical Christianity is against Homosexuality. Does that mean you should care about the opinionions of some people who believe a magic sky daddy created the world in 7 days? Are you that weak you need to care about someone elses opinion to form your own?
It was a pretty good, eye-opening documentary. It was encouraging to see some genuine Biblical scholars applying themselves to make their arguments, using historical linguistic context. My own interpretation would not take so much accuracy for granted (i.e., assuming that Paul's doctrines as he wrote them must be correct, whether condemning or allowing homosexuality), but those arguments should be very handy for those who already Biblical literalists. There's nothing liking beating a fundamentalist at his own game.

I thought Jesus Camp was better, but then I don't have as much personal interest in homosexuality as a homosexual would.
I thought Jesus Camp was better, but then I don't have as much personal interest in homosexuality as a homosexual would.

Side-tracking abit, for a seasoned horror movie buff, Jesus Camp takes first place as the scariest movie I've every watched.
Leviticus 20:13 said:
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Matthew 5:17 said:
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Seems pretty damn straight-forward to me.

Of course if you want to worship in a major monotheistic religion that allows homosexuality...

Qu'ran Sura 4:20-21 said:
Against those of your women who commit adultery, call witnesses four in number from among yourselves; and if these bear witness, then keep the women in houses until death release them, or God shall make for them a way. And if two (men) of you commit it, then hurt them both; but if they turn again and amend, leave them alone, verily, God is easily turned, compassionate.
Hey, at least in Islam you're not put to death for it... if you repent and amend anyway. Still the more compassionate of the three major monotheistic religions.
An amusing quote from a muslim writer.

Mikail Juma Tariq said:
Why do some sins offend us more than others? Why are there such strong feelings about homosexuality? One psychological explanation is that we are threatened by that to which we might succumb. A man who is secure in his masculinity will be less threatened than one who has homosexual impulses himself. This is an interesting idea, especially when applied to a broad spectrum of sins. Why does pederasty offend so? When the victim is four years old, and is seriously injured, this feeling is understandable. But when the victim is sixteen years old, and the lynch party is composed of grown men, one certainly may speculate that they are engaged in exorcising their own demons, expiating their own lust.

Which is worse, the man who has sex with a six year old girl or a six year old boy? If you immediately answer the one with the boy, perhaps you would do well to examine your own proclivities. A six year old child is not a suitable object of sexual desire regardless of gender. Which would you rather stand next to in Juma prayers (congregational prayers on Friday), a homosexual who is in a monogamous (faithful) relationship with another man or a pimp who keeps young women enslaved in prostitution by supplying them with cocaine? Let us not judge the sins of others by our own problems.

Promiscuity is very wrong. AIDS is spread by promiscuity. Many homosexuals are promiscuous. Many are not. Some practice "safe sex" to avoid transmitting this and other diseases, others do not. Teenage girls are frequently made pregnant by older men. Boys don't get pregnant. Which is worse, a man who seduces boys or girls? Too frequently, religious commentators on sexual behavior get stuck with the obvious fact that all sex outside marriage is forbidden and fail to acknowledge different degrees of wrongness. If a boy and a girl are going to engage in sex before marriage, being careful not to transmit disease and not to produce a child they are not prepared to care for certainly diminishes the number of wrongs being committed. "Safe sex" outside of marriage is still wrong, but much less so than "unsafe sex", which can hurt so many more people. So if teenage boys are impelled to have sex, would it be better for them to have sex with each other than to cause girls to conceive unwanted children? God judges these matters, it is not for us to say, but the very question should make us evaluate our attitude towards homosexuality differently. Promiscuous homosexuality is terrible because it kills people by a horrible, debilitating disease. Monogamous homosexuality is wrong, but is it worse than a man and woman living together without marriage? Is it as bad as using a prostitute? Is it worse than abusing drugs like cocaine and ecstasy, or drinking alcoholic beverages like beer, wine, whiskey, etc.? As the prophet Jesus said, "Judge not lest ye be judged."

The Highlighted bit was my favourite, and a personal opinion of mine.
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Seems pretty damn straight-forward to me.

Of course if you want to worship in a major monotheistic religion that allows homosexuality...

Hey, at least in Islam you're not put to death for it... if you repent and amend anyway. Still the more compassionate of the three major monotheistic religions.

If you don't want to watch the documentary, then I don't see any point in you commenting on it. The verses you mentioned are addressed in the documentary. :mno:

As it says it the beginning of the documentary, "A 5th grade education of God is long as you are in the 5th grade." :m173:
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An amusing quote from a muslim writer.

The Highlighted bit was my favourite, and a personal opinion of mine.

The documentary also provides an interesting theory as to why people are threatened by homosexuality. :m129:
Sum it up for me! I'm on dialup speeds damnit. I don't care if my 5th grade knowledge of the magic sky daddy is limited. I wanna know science.
Sum it up for me! I'm on dialup speeds damnit. I don't care if my 5th grade knowledge of the magic sky daddy is limited. I wanna know science.

The documentary is a historical interpretation of the Bible that is collaborated by some religious leaders. It tries to put the 6 verses on homosexuality and the story of Sodom into the correct historical context. It also follows six Christian families and how they dealt with it when their children came out as gay.

There is some cute attempt at science in the documentary.
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It [also] follows six Christian families and how they dealt with it when their children came out as gay.

The way I see it, that has nothing to do with the religion and all about how much they love their family members. A truly "Christian" family would have (how I interpret the bible) have turned their children over to be killed. Whereas a truly loving family just wouldn't care.

If you're going to be religious; I say follow your religion completely through its hypocrisies, to the bitter end.
The way I see it, that has nothing to do with the religion and all about how much they love their family members. A truly "Christian" family would have (how I interpret the bible) have turned their children over to be killed. Whereas a truly loving family just wouldn't care.

If you're going to be religious; I say follow your religion completely through its hypocrisies, to the bitter end.

That would be the whole, "5th grade education of God..." thing. It's a lot more complex than that.
No, Religion is rather simple and pure. It's only "Politically Correct" Social Apologists for religion that try and make it complicated.
A truly "Christian" family would have (how I interpret the bible) have turned their children over to be killed.

Whoa, whoa, you're completely skipping over one of the biggest reforms of Jesus's teaching there. Don't take things straight from the OT; check what's said in the NT too.
Sure, but he didn't delete a single word of The Law, he states that as well, In The New Testament.
Sure, but he didn't delete a single word of The Law, he states that as well, In The New Testament.

That's another reason why Biblical literalism is self-defeating. (Though you should also distinguish between God's law and the law of Moses.) Christianity should give Jesus's reforms more weight than the laws of the Old Testament, since it is, after all, Christianity.
Except christ was only there to reaffirm the earlier laws of god, and provide some new ones. The old ones still had the same strength.