- Enneagram
- 2w1
I believe we are all lightbeings trapped in this body and in this material world.
It prevents us to get back to the source we all came from and are part of.
This source is good, its light, its love, its peace...and we are part of it. In our origine we are also good...we are light....
We all love the same peace, the same love, the same recpect, the same kindness etc..
Its all light what we love because we are lightbeings.
Nobody of us likes rudeness, disrespect, violence, misbehaviour etc all things what belong to darkness....
But like i said before as a human we can get affected by darkness ans it can occupy us and influence us to bring darkness into the world are own.
We might start to behave in a way we dont like to be treated ourselves.....
Sometimes we hold grudges..
Sometimes we are so angry perhaps because someone did something so terrible and we just cant forgive this person it seems...
But when we hold that anger and grudges inside of us, although it might seem logic, we actually hold that darkness within us..
When we are able to forgive someone genuine from te heart, we release ans let go of all that darkness that was occupying us...
We get back to our natural original state where we feel good and happy...
The light shines much brighter again.
First of all you have more quality in your life but most likely you will not be able to spread some of that darkness that was inside of you into the world because you already released it from inside of you by genuine forgiving someone from te heart...
Love can do that......forgiveness is a sign of love......the way of Christ....

It prevents us to get back to the source we all came from and are part of.
This source is good, its light, its love, its peace...and we are part of it. In our origine we are also good...we are light....
We all love the same peace, the same love, the same recpect, the same kindness etc..
Its all light what we love because we are lightbeings.
Nobody of us likes rudeness, disrespect, violence, misbehaviour etc all things what belong to darkness....
But like i said before as a human we can get affected by darkness ans it can occupy us and influence us to bring darkness into the world are own.
We might start to behave in a way we dont like to be treated ourselves.....
Sometimes we hold grudges..
Sometimes we are so angry perhaps because someone did something so terrible and we just cant forgive this person it seems...
But when we hold that anger and grudges inside of us, although it might seem logic, we actually hold that darkness within us..
When we are able to forgive someone genuine from te heart, we release ans let go of all that darkness that was occupying us...
We get back to our natural original state where we feel good and happy...
The light shines much brighter again.
First of all you have more quality in your life but most likely you will not be able to spread some of that darkness that was inside of you into the world because you already released it from inside of you by genuine forgiving someone from te heart...
Love can do that......forgiveness is a sign of love......the way of Christ....