Forum activity of different types

Why are there more intuitives on personality forums than sensors?

  • Intuitives are more apt to care/learn about MBTI than sensors

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Intuitives are more apt to use forums/the internet than sensors

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • A combination of the above

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Other (please post what you think)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thats not true! (please post why you disagree)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Regular Poster
I'm sure you may have noticed this too, and perhaps there's already a thread about it, but it seems like far more N's participate in personality forums than S's do. For example, I've seen type-specific forums for INFJs, INTJs, INTPs, ENFPs, ENTPs, and ENTJs, but not a single sensor forum. Another example: the threads posted on the temperament forums at Personality Cafe are as follows:

NF 2,609
NT 1,373
SP 539
SJ 453

I can only think of a few possible reasons:
1. Intuitives are more likely to care about MBTI than sensors
2. Intuitives are more likely to use the internet/forums than sensors
3. A combination of both

What do you think?
MBTI is an abstract analysis of personality. I think Sensors may be more inclined to see it merely as a complicated newspaper horoscope, which is not something anyone would join a forum for discussions about.
I'm sure you may have noticed this too, and perhaps there's already a thread about it, but it seems like far more N's participate in personality forums than S's do. For example, I've seen type-specific forums for INFJs, INTJs, INTPs, ENFPs, ENTPs, and ENTJs, but not a single sensor forum. Another example: the threads posted on the temperament forums at Personality Cafe are as follows:

NF 2,609
NT 1,373
SP 539
SJ 453

I can only think of a few possible reasons:
1. Intuitives are more likely to care about MBTI than sensors
2. Intuitives are more likely to use the internet/forums than sensors
3. A combination of both

What do you think?

you could go further and say the forums established for introverts are generally more active than the ones established for extroverts. it's pretty easy to see why: intuitives (and introverts) are abstract and would enjoy solitary activities such as being online moreso than would sensors. sensors i'd see as enjoying going out to dinner at a fancy restaurant or playing sport with their neighbors as more their idea of fun. personality theories would not only be more boring to a sensor, they'd also make less sense on an (excuse the word) "intuitive" level, because sensors judge things not by concept, but by physical form. and there's not much form to the MBTI, it's all a hazy idea, so it would not be something sensors would be driven to explore (and therefore, understand and be excited by). it's kind of like talking english to a sudanese native; complete different languages. i could see sensors being interested in personality theories if they were made less abstract and more revelant to their physical experience, for eg. if you showed videos of people of all the different personality types, a sensor would probably find that more interesting and enlightening than a pure verbal discussion about those same types.
May beat me to it, I would say it has more to do with introversion and extraversion. Could it be that more N's are Is instead of Es
It's about the only place an introvert can enjoy a large gathering and be perfectly comfortable.