Gay Icons


Not here.
I saw a friend had posted this video on FB, and there is a part where they say "Duckie was a gay icon." Weird look on my face. Ok, interesting. I never would have thought of him to be one, and perhaps that's b/c my brother and his buddies had a "Duckie" following (style) right after that movie came out. Perhaps it's because I always wished Andy and he would fall in lurve and live happily ever after. lol


Who else do you think have been gay icons?
:( Duckie gay? Nevah...

[video=youtube;z727wXHEJMg] =PL2F265F6BA64EC049[/video]
My Gaydar never alerted me.

"Ladies, I might be able to work out a deal where either one, or the both of you could be pregnant by the holidays. Whaddaya say?"
Duckie Dale

David Bowie and Freddie mercury.
David Bowie and Freddie mercury.

Oddly enough back in the mid 70's, when someone would say that Elton John was Gay, the response usually was, "What? No way!"
Betty White is not gay (I don't think), but why is she a gay icon? Is she the mother gays (who lived in the closet) have always wanted?
Yeah, it's a popular show across the board. But it has special significance to gays because it featured gay characters and storylines back when that was a rare thing.

The biggest gay icon I can think of is Cher, which is interesting since I'm pretty sure she's not gay.
People like Madonna, Golden Girls, Cher, Elton John, Barbara Streisand, Yoko Ono, etc are considered gay icons because most gay men (and some lesbians) are obsessed with them. Not because they are particularly gay.

So many gay guys love Britney Spears and she's not gay.

The new gaycons seem to be: Britney, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Christina Aguilera. I'm sure I'm missing some newer popstars.