George Galloway


Retired Staff
I seriously love this guy.

A video of one of talks about Gaza, last May in NY.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]​
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What do the vids say? I downloaded too much this month and can't see them.

No. Not porn. Some movies.
In the UK the media do their best to portray Galloway as a crazed nutter!

People are not used to seeing a politician on the television expressing their opinions freely and without censor and the media take advantage of that.

UK Politicians in the main political parties rarely express their own opinion as they must 'tow the party line'. There are parliamentary 'whips' whose job it is to keep ministers in line. The problem is the line is not based on principle, it is based on the interests of the rich and powerful and where it doesn't conflict with that, it is based on public opinion gained from focus groups and polls.

As long as the wishes of the public do not conflict with the interests of the corporatocracy then policy maybe implemented. The reality is though that although there is a lot of talk, nothing fundamental is ever changed, which means that politics is reduced to tinkering around the fringes of a problem and never actually solving it, to give the illusion to the public that something is being done.

I enjoy listening to George Galloway because he is not constrained by party politics. He says what he believes and i am sure it has occured to him that he may be attacked and possibly killed for it.

In one of the speeches above he says that he will with his dying breath say the word 'palestine'. This is reminiscent of Martin Luther King's 'I may not get there with you' line. Both men knew/know that if you don't stick to the script as set by the power elites they may well kill you for it.
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In the UK the media do their best to portray Galloway as a crazed nutter!

People are not used to seeing a politician on the television expressing their opinions freely and without censor and the media take advantage of that.

UK Politicians in the main political parties rarely express their own opinion as they must 'tow the party line'. There are parliamentary 'whips' whose job it is to keep ministers in line. The problem is the line is not based on principle, it is based on the interests of the rich and powerful and where it doesn't conflict with that, it is based on public opinion gained from focus groups and polls.

As long as the wishes of the public do not conflict with the interests of the corporatocracy then policy maybe implemented. The reality is though that although there is a lot of talk, nothing fundamental is ever changed, which means that politics is reduced to tinkering around the fringes of a problem and never actually solving it, to give the illusion to the public that something is being done.

I enjoy listening to George Galloway because he is not constrained by party politics. He says what he believes and i am sure it has occured to him that he may be attacked and possibly killed for it.

In one of the speeches above he says that he will with his dying breath say the word 'palestine'. This is reminiscent of Martin Luther King's 'I may not get there with you' line. Both men knew/know that if you don't stick to the script as set by the power elites they may well kill you for it.

Your observations radiate in me.

"And some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony" MLK Jr. - A time to break the silence.

<3 <3 <3

MLK Jr. - Rest in peace my friend.