Georgia Guidestones, Entry 1


Si master race.
Maintain human population below 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

So most conspiracy theorist will talk about how this is a horrible idea, and I am sure the Illuminati/ RCC are behind it as well. Be that as it may, there does seem that there is some population problems arising. One problem being that if/when the honeybee goes extinct then everyone will become extinct. Not that humanity is necessarily killing the bees, but probably we are though.

So what exactly is wrong with maintaining a population so low? If nothing is wrong with that, then what is the problem exactly?
The cost of the guidestones show that the backer behind it has a lot of wealth...if it was a hoax as some claim it would be a very expensive one

I don't believe it is a hoax

The honey bees are being killed by the neonicotinoids in pesticides

This is why mankind needs to drop the big agri chemicals and turn instead to permaculture

The best ways to manage population numbers has been to REDUCE POVERTY

The downside of reducing poverty is that 'developed' societes use more energy and resources which is why we need to push for free energy

Free energy however is being suppressed by the oil cartel behind the 4 biggest oil companies who are also the same people behind the 4 largest banks

This is why we have to expose the cartel and break their stranglehold over our: governments, military, media, intelligence agencies, resources, minds and take back control of our lives, our education, our health, our resources....our earth

In order for this to happen people need to wise up about who these people are, what they are doing, how they do it and why

This is all very just needs people to step outside the false perception bubble that the corporate media has created around peoples minds
Guidestones have been updated:

Yes they have been.

However they are now also being monitored and more then anything the most interesting fact about this monument is as follows. The sheriff's department in the area is monitoring it. This is a private monument not funded by the state or federal government and yet a state institution has dedicated resources to monitoring it.

What I also find humorous is that no one has apparently thought of speaking to who owns the land the monument is on.
Kodus [MENTION=731]the[/MENTION] you managed to post about the guide stones a few months before it was updated.
Yes they have been.

However they are now also being monitored and more then anything the most interesting fact about this monument is as follows. The sheriff's department in the area is monitoring it. This is a private monument not funded by the state or federal government and yet a state institution has dedicated resources to monitoring it.

What I also find humorous is that no one has apparently thought of speaking to who owns the land the monument is on.

Conspiracy theorist!

There's no way the government would be in cahoots with any private interests...the government is the democraticly elected leaders of the people

You are clearly a kook and crazy and should probably go to a doctor for re-education and maybe some powerful psychotropic drugs to stop you talking so much smack about the government

You should be worried about those muslims they are gonna come and chop of your head unless lots of bombs are dropped on them

Forget the guidestones, they're probably just a big joke

The police wouldn't do something that is not directly related to protecting and serving the public so calm your mind besides everyone knows that the freemasons are no more than a glorified social club

Drink some coca cola or something and calm down
Conspiracy theorist!

There's no way the government would be in cahoots with any private interests...the government is the democraticly elected leaders of the people

You are clearly a kook and crazy and should probably go to a doctor for re-education and maybe some powerful psychotropic drugs to stop you talking so much smack about the government

You should be worried about those muslims they are gonna come and chop of your head unless lots of bombs are dropped on them

Forget the guidestones, they're probably just a big joke

The police wouldn't do something that is not directly related to protecting and serving the public so calm your mind besides everyone knows that the freemasons are no more than a glorified social club

Drink some coca cola or something and calm down

Interesting reaction to what is only easily proven fact. We an see the security cameras, we can see the signs clearly indicating who its being monitored by. We know its not state or federal land. The is no conjecture or connecting of dots across space and time or that never existed in the first place. The cameras use power and I would have to assume tax payers have not and are not footing the bill for the setup. Therefore, track payments back to whomever is making them. I am surprised no news agencies have done this yet.
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Interesting reaction to what is only easily proven fact. We an see the security cameras, we can see the signs clearly indicating who its being monitored by. We know its not state or federal land. The is no conjecture or connecting of dots across space and time or that never existed in the first place. The cameras use power and I would have to assume tax payers have not and are not footing the bill for the setup. Therefore, track payments back to whomever is making them. I am surprised no news agencies have done this yet.

carzy, crazy, youre crazy and paranoid

You should probably get help

The guidestones don't mean anything, they're just a big hoax...a conspiracy theory made to trick basement dwelling conspiracy theory whackjobs

Obviously someone very rich didn't mind spending millions of pounds on a hoax

Next you'll be telling me that ISIS are funded and armed by the US or that 911 was an inside job pff...crazy paranoid, schizophrenic nonsense

You should use logic and science next time

logic and science FAIL!
carzy, crazy, youre crazy and paranoid

You should probably get help

The guidestones don't mean anything, they're just a big hoax...a conspiracy theory made to trick basement dwelling conspiracy theory whackjobs

Obviously someone very rich didn't mind spending millions of pounds on a hoax

Next you'll be telling me that ISIS are funded and armed by the US or that 911 was an inside job pff...crazy paranoid, schizophrenic nonsense

You should use logic and science next time

logic and science FAIL!

Millions of pounds would at its minimum equal no less than 3.2 Million US dollars though admittedly I have not looked at exchange rates recently. My research indicates the company that brought the stone, set it up and carved it was paid no more than $50,000 for it.
Millions of pounds would at its minimum equal no less than 3.2 Million US dollars though admittedly I have not looked at exchange rates recently. My research indicates the company that brought the stone, set it up and carved it was paid no more than $50,000 for it.

No one would do a granite monument like that for 50 thou

As you say they had to buy the land as well

It cost millions in total

Some say the stones are to communicate to us now but they contain within them a sun dial or moondial or star chart or something...there's a hole for alignment...anyway its so that people in the future can re-calibrate time

If you think about it....if you were going to build something that could withstand any natural or manmade catastrophe what would you build it out of? You'd build it from granite...its the most durable thing out there

The messages are put in multiple languages because who knows from what corner of the world the survivors who stumble on it came from

It's a very creepy thing as it seems to be saying that a catastrophe is going to occur and that the el-ites have pre-knowledge about it

Ted Turner is said to be involved and he is part of a clique of billionaires including bill gates, george soros and oprah winfrey who have all been discussing population control

They have also funded the creation of the seed bank vault on svalbard to protect all the seeds of all plant life on an ark for plants

These people are definately plotting something and laboroatories funded by soros and gates were right at the heart of the ebola outbreak. Of course a disease would be the perfect way to curb the global population for these guys because it doesn;t damage the just targets humans

Here's the archontic view of humanity:

'Secret billionaires club';read=147610

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]THE NEW WORLD DISORDER
Secret billionaire club seeks population control
Gates, Rockefeller, Turner, Oprah, Buffett, Soros, Bloomberg attend
Posted: May 24, 2009
6:48 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Bill Gates
WASHINGTON - Some of the richest men and women in the world met
secretly recently in New York to conspire on using their vast wealth to
bring the world's population growth under control.
The meeting included some of the biggest names in the "billionaires
club," according to the London Times - Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted
Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg.
The meeting at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel
Prize-winning biochemist and president of Rockefeller University, was the
inspiration of Gates and took place three weeks ago.
"The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the
billionaires' aides were told they were at 'security briefings,'" the Times
reported today.
Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, speculated that
the secrecy surrounding the meeting may have been due to concern that "they
don't want to be seen as a global cabal."
Get the inside story on the globalist insiders who have been meeting
for decades in highly guarded secret. Learn from author who penetrated
According to the Times, the billionaires were each given 15 minutes to
present their favorite cause. Over dinner they discussed how they might
settle on an "umbrella cause" that could harness their interests. Taking
their cue from Gates, the report said, they agreed population control was
the No. 1 issue.
(Story continues below)
In February, Gates, 53, outlined an ambitious plan to cap global
population at 8.3 billion - about one billion fewer than currently
Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, said the billionaires would continue to meet over the next
few months.
A guest at the meeting told the Times population growth would be
addressed as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial
"This is something so nightmarish that everyone in this group agreed
it needs big-brain answers," said the guest. "They need to be independent of
government agencies, which are unable to head off the disaster we all see
As to secrecy, the guest said, "They wanted to speak rich to rich
without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting
them as an alternative world government."
As you know I am more interested in fact than speculation. The small piece of land where this is located in Georgia would not cost that much. The granite farm where the stone was cut from is close by as well.

Yes clearly stone has a good chance of survival out of the natural elements we know. However there are man made materials and processes that would last longer than granite. If billionaires really were involved they would know this and could afford it. Plastic for instance with UV protectant built in would last far longer than granite. The inscriptions in the pastic would far outlast inscriptions in granite. Plastic also has a better chance of surviving an explosion though perhaps less of a chance of intense heat.
Billionaires were not responsible for this.
As you know I am more interested in fact than speculation. The small piece of land where this is located in Georgia would not cost that much. The granite farm where the stone was cut from is close by as well.

Yes clearly stone has a good chance of survival out of the natural elements we know. However there are man made materials and processes that would last longer than granite. If billionaires really were involved they would know this and could afford it. Plastic for instance with UV protectant built in would last far longer than granite. The inscriptions in the pastic would far outlast inscriptions in granite. Plastic also has a better chance of surviving an explosion though perhaps less of a chance of intense heat.
Billionaires were not responsible for this.

You are speculating that billionaires aren't involved in this

Granite would outlast plastic

Granite will look like it was built yesterday while plastic has long since been eaten away by biological agents

Granite is the will survive heat blasts, water submersion and radiation
You are speculating that billionaires aren't involved in this

Granite would outlast plastic

Granite will look like it was built yesterday while plastic has long since been eaten away by biological agents

Granite is the will survive heat blasts, water submersion and radiation

I actually have kind of a secondary hobby of looking at items that would last the longest given any particular time span. Certain types of plastic would not last all that long. But there is more than enough plastic types that would easily far outlast any type of stone. Plastics biggest enemy is uv light. Titanium would be another great choice but even that given ten million years would likely not withstand time of that scale. Forget about the cost, you really would have to have deep pockets for that one. Plus it might cause people to consider stealing parts of the monument itself.

Ill not argue this because a little bit of non biased research will explain it better to you than I can or am willing to spend time on. That billionaires are not involved is speculation. Ill grant you that much. Still logical and rational thinking has always yielded better results than chaotic unhinged thinking ever has.
I actually have kind of a secondary hobby of looking at items that would last the longest given any particular time span. Certain types of plastic would not last all that long. But there is more than enough plastic types that would easily far outlast any type of stone. Plastics biggest enemy is uv light. Titanium would be another great choice but even that given ten million years would likely not withstand time of that scale. Forget about the cost, you really would have to have deep pockets for that one. Plus it might cause people to consider stealing parts of the monument itself.

Ill not argue this because a little bit of non biased research will explain it better to you than I can or am willing to spend time on. That billionaires are not involved is speculation. Ill grant you that much. Still logical and rational thinking has always yielded better results than chaotic unhinged thinking ever has.

Well what might seem like 'chaotic and unhinged' thinking is not always so

Imagine one subject area to be a single strand on a web

There are multiple connections leading to that single strand....countless other pieces of information that are all connected to that strand

When a person verbalises that single strand it seems random to the listener but only because the listener does not get to see all the countless strands of information that surround that one strand...all pointing to the same thing

Of course if the listener has the time they can listen whilst the other person verbalises more of the strands thereby showing how everything ties together...but few put in the time

Another interesting area in a similar vein to the guidestones is denver airport

Denver airport has a lot of weird shit going on not least of all a kevlar roof (what would that protect against?) and an underground tunnel complex

It is also way above sea level. Some speculate that it is a gathering point for the el-ite in the event of some sort of crisis

Theories span everything from super volcanos to planet x to nuclear war and so on

One of the most compelling talks i heard on the subject was the following one. The speaker knows a lot of info but that doesn't mean his overall theory is correct...but its certainly interesting to hear him make his case....

WARNING: only for those who can keep their paranoia in check!

Part 1 of 13

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[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] a kevlar roof is a light strong roof. Thats all. Kevlar wont protect against a huge amount of weight. It wont protect against large projectiles. Its just a light strong material and given the size of the complex they didnt have many options.

Our government clearly does thing it wants to keep secret. I find it interesting that almost a trillion us dollars has gone missing and hardly anyone is talking about it.

In the end this is what you can be sure of [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION]. Everyone WILL die. Elite, illuminate, masons and regular folk like you and me all meet the same end. I just dont think many people think about the far future that much. I do and I always wonder why I do.
Interesting stuff!

But granite is tried and tested over millions of doesn't degrade in sunlight it just glints beautifully!

No bacteria present or future is gonna chew's a dependable option
Granite has been tried through millions of years? Yes and it doesnt fair well. Just ask the blue ridge Mountains that were once as tall as the rockies.

I dont suspect the writting on the walls ha! I dont suspect the writting on those granite slabs will be legible after 4000 or perhaps less years.
@muir a kevlar roof is a light strong roof. Thats all. Kevlar wont protect against a huge amount of weight. It wont protect against large projectiles. Its just a light strong material and given the size of the complex they didnt have many options.

Our government clearly does thing it wants to keep secret. I find it interesting that almost a trillion us dollars has gone missing and hardly anyone is talking about it.

In the end this is what you can be sure of @muir . Everyone WILL die. Elite, illuminate, masons and regular folk like you and me all meet the same end. I just dont think many people think about the far future that much. I do and I always wonder why I do.

The el-ite are obsessed with longevity

It goes way back to egypt....just think about the pharoahs...they were all being mummified because they sought immortalty

Nowadays people are looking at transhumanism...the merging of man and machine and they are looking at genetics

So one interesting area the el-ite will be watching closely is the mapping of the human personality onto computer because if you can do that then you can transcend the human body

Another method that has been used by the el-ites over centuries is blood drinking. Drinking the blood of children helps prolong life

Here's a recent newspaper article about the rejuvenating properties of blood:

This is how the cabal manage to get to such old ages