Government changed estimates again...


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
The government has once again changed its estimates on how much oil was leaking from the well. First BP said it was 1,000 barrels a day, then the figure went up to 5,000 barrels a day, then it went up to at least 12,000 barrels a day, and now it sets at at least 25,000 barrels a day. Assuming that BP cannot siphon off much more oil, that means that by August, the BP oil spill is set to become the 2nd or 3rd worst in global history. It's already the 9th or 10th worst in global history and the worst in United State's history. This of course, is not accounting for the up 20% increase in oil leakage that occured when they cut the riser pipe. My guesstimate is that this oil spill will hit between 100 and 125 milllion gallons (approximately 2.3 million to 3 million barrels) by the time they get it under control. It's currently sitting at about 50 million gallons by the new federal estimates.
Damn. Why did they build there in the first place? It makes me angry! Ready to make money, but not thinking about the risks.
welcome to florida
Personally, I am not paying the slightest bit attention to this, but it keeps getting thrown in my face (in particular by my mom). To be honest, it is starting to really piss me off too. I just want to know when it stops, that's it.

There is nothing I can do, there is nothing almost everyone I am contact with can do. As such there is no point in focusing on it so intently as all it does is cause negative feelings for whoever does focus on it (when they can't do anything about it).
You are right. At present there is very little we can do. Ignoring it might be the best option for the people who are frustrated and feeling helpless. I'm about at that point myself. I'm saturated with anger and there is not even so much as a glimmer of hope.
Kevin Costner is right.

[ame=""]YouTube- BP Spills Coffee[/ame]
They think we are stupid!
I don't believe anything I hear about this spill other than what is said by all those directly affected by the oil destroying their lives.
I've been watching the live feeds from 5,000 feet below, and always felt it was obviuos that there was far more oil coming out of that pipe than what was being reported.

It is all so heart breaking that I can understand not wanting to hear anything about it until it is stopped.
Seeing the animals coated in the oil, or dead from it makes me want to cry.
I already fight depression, this doesn't help matters.
This is when having a strong empathetic nature can feel crippling. Especially when there is nothing I can do to help fix the situation.
Haven't felt some of these emotions since 9/11.

Seen the latest issue of the Onion?,17564/

They always manage to find a way to bring some levity to even the worse situation.
Why did they build there in the first place?
The better sources are drying up.

About the good old "blame the Government" approach, I wonder, if governments are quite imperfect in important estimations that affect the global equilibrium, how does anyone expect business and local people to operate with better estimations, since their scope of information and interest is even more limited.
BP oil spill has been stopped. They put a wedding ring on it and it stopped putting out.
I was thinking about this kind of thing happening almost right after this whole crap started. You know, there's so much of that crap seeping out, the ground is going to give out eventually.

[ame=""]YouTube- RED ALERT! MSM reports "DOOMSDAY scenario" about new Oil Spill developments[/ame]
My guesstimate is that this oil spill will hit between 100 and 125 milllion gallons (approximately 2.3 million to 3 million barrels) by the time they get it under control. It's currently sitting at about 50 million gallons by the new federal estimates.

It seems I was wrong. The newest, most accurate estimates have put the spill at over 200 million gallons, only approximately 33 million of which has been recovered or burned by BP. That puts the damages at around 172 million gallons, or as the news has made clear, the 2nd largest oil spill in world history and the largest accidental spill.

The largest oil spill in history, which was the intentional release of oil in Iraq during the Persian Gulf War, has demonstrated the long term effects of oil damage on coastlines. It will take decades for the salt marshes and wetlands of the Persian gulf to recover and there is no reason to believe that isn't true for the Gulf of Mexico.
What a waste of oil!

There's so little oil in the world, and they're going to go letting it all leak out into the sea, unused?

It's no wonder we're running out of oil, as much as they're wasting with all these spills.

Oh, well... I guess it's no use crying over spilled oil. ;)

I'm surprised that an intentional oil spill was larger than this one, though. That's just creepy.
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What a waste of oil!

There's so little oil in the world, and they're going to go letting it all leak out into the sea, unused?

It's no wonder we're running out of oil, as much as they're wasting with all these spills.

Oh, well... I guess it's no use crying over spilled oil. ;)

I'm surprised that an intentional oil spill was larger than this one, though. That's just creepy.

Actually, the total amount spilled into the Gulf of Mexico doesn't even come to the daily amount of oil that the United States consumes.

The Gulf of Mexico spill was approximately 5 million barrels and the country uses 7 million barrels every day.