Grigori Rasputin


C'est la vie
Retired Staff

An INFJ or not? What do you think?

He was argued to be a mystic with the ability to heal and tell the future. Those sound like traits commonly associated with the INFJ personality type. Strangely, he was also a promiscuous drunkard who embraced a philosophy that to reach God, one must sin and then repent.
I am not personally a Rasputin fan, Rumi, yes. A Sufi in effervescent love with God, a bit like St. Theresa of Avilla. Show me some love pasages of his? Without these, how can he become into the lands of the lovers?
I have to admit, that Garbage Dump song is kinda catchy...but Manson's always freaked me out. I remember watching Helter Skelter as a kid and being seriously afraid of him. Words notwithstanding.

I think the biggest problem I have with him now is the swastika in the forehead thing. That was a bit much.
Strangely, he was also a promiscuous drunkard who embraced a philosophy that to reach God, one must sin and then repent.

I practice something like this. Only I don't repent for anything. I'm claiming him for the home team. Although he used his gifts perversely and selfishly. Shai... you can have Crowley instead.
An INFJ or not? What do you think? He was argued to be a mystic with the ability to heal and tell the future. Those sound like traits commonly associated with the INFJ personality type. Strangely, he was also a promiscuous drunkard who embraced a philosophy that to reach God, one must sin and then repent.

I think he's an INxJ, my wife thinks an ENxP—my father-in-law is quite a fan of Rasputin. I want to read Douglas Smith's biography at some point; it's sitting on my shelf, but I currently have five books on the go. Maybe that will give me a better idea.
Strangely, he was also a promiscuous drunkard who embraced a philosophy that to reach God, one must sin and then repent.

Probably INTP.
Also, I miss you @Satya