Gucci Mane


Happy Go Lucky
I am seriously disturbed.

I was in a friend's car for a few hours the other day
and we listened to this one cd the entire time. Mostly
the same six songs over and over and over again. :\\
There was this one song, by Gucci Mane and some
other man named Ox I think (Am not 100% positive
on this).

This song is explicitly about killing a man named Young
Jeezy and what a pussy he is. The thing is, Gucci Mane
has been tried in the past for murder (wtf right).

I understand the concept of freedom of speech but I
think this crosses a few lines.
An extreme case of intimidation as well as slander and
other laws I am sure are being broken.

So why is this okay? Because he has a record label?
I don't get it.

This is the song:


and these are the lyrics:

[Intro: Ox]
Ital, original Don Dada say
The motherfuckin saga just begun
WARNING! Warning, cinder boots
Sunk in the mud, I am

[Chorus: Ox]
(Killin, killin, killin) The original, WAR! So
Kill dem pussy, we kill dem fi fun
Killin a pussy, we kill dem fi fun
Killin pussy, we kill dem fi fun
Send a man, no mind our business or die tonight
Or tell him ass again that 'im end soon come
Before 'im come, mi Gucci Mane come
Before 'im come, de Don Dada come
When we come, it's a battle gun come
Pussy gwan see we, and started to run
But - nowhere to 'ide, me-say nowhere to run
Infrared light might dead 'pon we gun
See 'im place the spot them a dead 'im fall down so
Kill him pussy, we kill dem fi fun
Killin a pussy, kill dem fi fun

[Gucci Mane]
Man I murder fo' fun but my job is never done
From morning morn' to the setting of the sun
Bad men come come, come get murdered for fun
The hundred round drum in my tommy gun
Be a cat in the Hum' I'll cut out your tongue
Me and Ox, man we murder fo' fun
Talk talk bad man, come get murdered fo' fun
The Gucci Mane, man I murder fo' fun
See my momma ain't raised no bitch-ass nigga
Never heard Gucci Mane no snitch-ass nigga
When you dealin with a vet, don't bring a rookie
Tell Young Jeezy that I smell pussy
The top shotter with the Don Dada
The whole hood is a done daddah
M holla to the state of Nevada
Put a hole in your fuckin oblongota pussy


[Gucci Mane]
Big Cat is a Army, better yet a Navy
Try to kill Gucci Mane, bitch it ain't crazy
Tell Jeezy it's a bullet with his name on it
A ten thousand dollar hit, he put my chain on it
Ye ain't heard about it? You ain't seen the news?
Ye ain't read the paper? You fuckin player hater
Bird brain-ass nigga perpetratin the boss
Might think you won one but you really done lost, bitch!


--I copy and pasted so please excuse the spelling errors.
I left them for effect.
"After his release from hospital, Mane visited a tattoo parlour and had a large tattoo of an ice cream cone inked onto his face."

He's insane.
If Young Jeezy's legal name was actually Young Jeezy, then there might have been a problem. Street culture. Just another rap feud among millions of others.
If Young Jeezy's legal name was actually Young Jeezy, then there might have been a problem. Street culture. Just another rap feud among millions of others.

A good point you make. I suppose Young Jeezy
is not his birth name.
Why has rap come to places like this where it's about the self and how big your reputation/dick is? Rap is a platform to speak out against injustices.
Why has rap come to places like this where it's about the self and how big your reputation/dick is? Rap is a platform to speak out against injustices.
Hip Hop is about social consciousness not Rap.
(why doesn't strike through work?? This will suffice.)

Hip Hop Head mistake. Only some Hip Hop music is about social consciousness. There are many other topics, including some similar to those in Rap music.

Also Hip Hop (including Rap) has always been about braggadocio. Pride is the foundation of the movement and culture.

From the competing B-boys, to the Graff artists risked lives to "get up", to the DJs making the hippest cuts, to the MCs getting the most fame, Hip Hop lives through self-expression and therefore egocentrism.
Hip Hop is about social consciousness not Rap.

Also Hip Hop (including Rap) has always been about braggadocio. Pride is the foundation of the movement and culture.

From the competing B-boys, to the Graff artists risked lives to "get up", to the DJs making the hippest cuts, to the MCs getting the most fame, Hip Hop lives through self-expression and therefore egocentrism.

Well I think there is a fundamental difference between hip-hop and rap. And living through self-expression does not mean that you're egocentric.
I am seriously disturbed.

So why is this okay? Because he has a record label?
I don't get it.

I agree. It's frightening that that some music glorifies
violence without just cause.

This is a lot like the narcocorridos of Mexico.
It's disturbing and SCARY :(
The real problem is that murder and narcissism has been commodified and marketed to a specific demographic (lower class blacks with an ironic spillover to middle class whites). That is to say, the music itself isn't what's offensive, it's the context; that a lack of ethics, hatred of women, self-centeredness and willingness to murder for profit and stature isn't just a viable ethical system -- but is actually a commendable one.

A perfect example:

50 cent - Heat:

"If there's beef, cock it and dump it, the drama really means nothin
Cause me, I ride by and blow your brains out(brains out)
There's no time to cock it, one way you can stop it
When niggas run up on you wit them thangs out (thangs out)

Keep thinkin I'm candy till ya fuckin skull get popped
And ya brain right out the top like Jack-in-da-box
In the hood summer time is the killing season
It's hot out this bitch that's a good 'nuff reason

Look nigga, don't think you safe cause you moved out the hood
Cuz ya momma still around dog, and daddy ain't good
If you was smart you'd be shook of me
Cuz I'd get tired of lookin for ya, spray ya momma crib, and let ya ass look
for me"


Yes, because 50 cent is the paragon of black enterprise. Cause, you know, there isn't an entrepreneurial ethic which all humans are a part of -- but there's a black one. And this man represents what it is and ought to be regarded as an archetype / hero for all enterprising young blacks. He made it to the top by singing about how he'll kill your mother if he can't find you. It's disgusting and destructive.

To be fair: this magazine also showcases prominent doctors and educators. However the point of my post isn't to focus on that magazine specifically, but to use that one cover as one example among many where the end result of "success" is heralded as admirable regardless of the means in which it was attained.
It's disturbing and SCARY :(
It's fine if you feel that way, but 99% of these kind of rappers aren't actually as violent as they portray themselves. Though many do keep company with violent people or at least have extended contacts that are capable of or involved in violence.

The real problem is that murder and narcissism has been commodified and marketed to a specific demographic (lower class blacks with an ironic spillover to middle class whites). That is to say, the music itself isn't what's offensive, it's the context; that a lack of ethics, hatred of women, self-centeredness and willingness to murder for profit and stature isn't just a viable ethical system -- but is actually a commendable one.

A perfect example:

50 cent - Heat:

"If there's beef, cock it and dump it, the drama really means nothin
Cause me, I ride by and blow your brains out(brains out)
There's no time to cock it, one way you can stop it
When niggas run up on you wit them thangs out (thangs out)

Keep thinkin I'm candy till ya fuckin skull get popped
And ya brain right out the top like Jack-in-da-box
In the hood summer time is the killing season
It's hot out this bitch that's a good 'nuff reason

Look nigga, don't think you safe cause you moved out the hood
Cuz ya momma still around dog, and daddy ain't good
If you was smart you'd be shook of me
Cuz I'd get tired of lookin for ya, spray ya momma crib, and let ya ass look
for me"


Yes, because 50 cent is the paragon of black enterprise. Cause, you know, there isn't an entrepreneurial ethic which all humans are a part of -- but there's a black one. And this man represents what it is and ought to be regarded as an archetype / hero for all enterprising young blacks. He made it to the top by singing about how he'll kill your mother if he can't find you. It's disgusting and destructive.

The problem is that he is a role model, but why this is a problem is not because he's pushing controversial values, it is because he was allowed to become a role model in the first place. That reflects the values of the Hip Hop community and society as a whole. In fact, I think people have it backwards. 50 Cent, among hundreds of other rappers, especially commercial, are doing their own thing - which is making money. They are surviving through exploitation. But who are the ones that allow themselves to be exploited? We are. 50 Cent cannot make a dollar if we do not buy his music. 50 Cent would not be worth anything if we did not value him. We allow ourselves to idolize him and put him on the front of our magazines, because deep down, he represents what every human in the world is striving to do - overcome the struggle and make it our bitch.

It's not "disgusting and destructive". It's empowering. And the ones who love him want that power for themselves. And the ones who hate him wish to keep power for themselves(i.e. they reject / fear his threating dominance).
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"After his release from hospital, Mane visited a tattoo parlour and had a large tattoo of an ice cream cone inked onto his face."

He's insane.


Gucci knows his tattoo is silly but the inspiration behind the tattoo is that “He is the coldest in the game” and the lighting bolt adds more attention to it.

omfg lmao. The cone part even says, "Brrr."

gucci mane is retarded, and like, the worst rapper out there.
The problem is that he is a role model, but why this is a problem is not because he's pushing controversial values, it is because he was allowed to become a role model in the first place. That reflects the values of the Hip Hop community and society as a whole. In fact, I think people have it backwards. 50 Cent, among hundreds of other rappers, especially commercial, are doing their own thing - which is making money. They are surviving through exploitation. But who are the ones that allow themselves to be exploited? We are. 50 Cent cannot make a dollar if we do not buy his music. 50 Cent would not be worth anything if we did not value him. We allow ourselves to idolize him and put him on the front of our magazines, because deep down, he represents what every human in the world is striving to do - overcome the struggle and make it our bitch.

It's not "disgusting and destructive". It's empowering. And the ones who love him want that power for themselves. And the ones who hate him wish to keep power for themselves(i.e. they reject / fear his threating dominance).

The desire for success isn't what's disgusting and destructive - it's the strategy used to arrive there and pushing it as a commendable one. Not to mention the irony of a magazine devoted to black enterprise putting a man on the cover who divides his own community.