Gun rights

Tim dao

1.What do you think on the right to own fire arms?

2. Should there be a limit on weapons available?

3. Who should own guns?

4. Do people have the right to defend themselves?

5. If any what gun do you want?
We should lower the age of gun ownership so that elementary school kids can protect themselves better by having guns
1.What do you think on the right to own fire arms?
It's an American spook.

A spook is any abstract concept/ social construct that people act as though really existed.
2. Should there be a limit on weapons available?

3. Who should own guns?
Responsible adults who aren't a danger to themselves or others.

4. Do people have the right to defend themselves?
Yes, but that doesn't mean they can or will.

5. If any what gun do you want?
I'll let you know when I have a wife and family to protect. For now, it's not super important.
I have what I need, unless there is war.
1.What do you think on the right to own fire arms?

I think people (who are pro gun) misunderstand what the amendment means.

2. Should there be a limit on weapons available?

Yes, but I think people (who are against guns) do not understand what weapon descriptions mean.

3. Who should own guns?

Responsible adults who pass background checks.

4. Do people have the right to defend themselves?

Do people need an arsenal of crazy weapons and do they need to showboat those weapons in public places and go shooting on any public (or un-posted private) land they feel like using? No.
Should most people living in cities have guns? Probably not.

5. If any what gun do you want?

My SO is going to buy a rifle, so that will be our next gun purchase. I have a pistol and I don't love it, so I'd like a different one.
I did the gun thing for awhile. was into handguns and got involved in combat shooting competition. i owned several at one time, and did my own hand loading for competition as well. It was fun and i even became an instructor . . i have since sold them all and gotten away from it,though I do think about getting at least a handgun or two, just to have.
A Smith & Wesson collector was getting old and sick, so he started calling his fellow collector friends to see if they could help him liquidate a collection of a lifetime. This was back in the 1990's(comparing prices). One collector bought $100,000 of just Model and Pre-Model 29's: rare ones, scarce ones, special orders, engraved ones engraved by old Smith & Wesson employees while working there, special serial numbered Model 29's. Five inch guns, which were by special order only. First-year guns, cased guns, boxed guns....and most of them are unfired from the factory. Since, he is past president of the S&W Collectors Association. Helped to start the S&W Historical Foundation. I like his first-year five inch .44 Magnums, but like them all. These guys have safes inside of vaulted rooms with climate control and armed to the tee. Some places are so safe, they leave the guns out for display.

...and there are many out there like him. I have unfired-from-the-factory and rare guns. I have some I have shot thousands of times or more. We still have militia districts, too. How many guns should a person own? Depends on the person and his/her wishes. You do not know why they buy them. Had a gun go to auction owned by special people sell to collectors for tens of thousands of dollars. They sell at auction every month guns from the early wars owned by officers and taken well care of.

When I go to the range, I like to take several guns with me(more than three). Three of us went to the country to shoot one day, many moons ago, and all rode together. I can't imagine what that would have looked like to someone that does not enjoy guns. To each his own, but don't call everyone with more guns than you some kind of a moron. Collecting is a gentleman's endeavor. Shooting is a challenge. Hunting is wonderful, for those who do not kill and waste. White geese are harvested to help keep them from ruining the nesting areas of some other migratory waterfowl. They pull the grass up by the roots. There are more than any group of hunters can ever kill too many of.
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I'd like a S&W Model 16-4 with 8 3/8" barrel and full underlug, and a Model 16-4 with 6" barrel with full underlug, to go with my 16-4 with 4" barrel and full underlug. They are all blued finishes. All with S&W smooth finger-grooved combat grips of Goncala Alves with S&W medallions, boxes, tools, paperwork, and unfired from the factory.
1.What do you think on the right to own fire arms?
UK - No
US - Yes
Why? History of gun ownership. Brits don't need it. You can't take it away from the Americans.

2. Should there be a limit on weapons available?
UK - Yes
US - Yes
Brits should have nothing. US can have anything that isn't rapid fire. Single bullet per trigger pull? Something like that.

3. Who should own guns?
UK - No one
US - Any legally responsible adult without a violent criminal history or other exceptional history
Brits don't need guns to defend themselves. The police have armed assault units and that is sufficient to keep people safe. We're Her Majesties subjects, not citizens.
Americans have rights which should be respected. You can't recall all guns and criminals have guns so you do need a level playing field.

4. Do people have the right to defend themselves?
UK - Yes, but no guns
US - Yes
Brits haven't had guns for decades and our society is safer because of it. Yes we can't rebel at the level of Americans but the Brits know their place and aren't the rebellious ones anyway.
Americans have a long history of gun ownership and independance. You can't change that. You can't take all the guns out of the system so just regulate it legally.

5. If any what gun do you want?
UK - None
US - Maybe?
When I become a US Citizen I might get one as part of my Constitutional Rights, but I'm not really going to be big into guns.