Has anyone ever had an OBE?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
An OBE is an Out of Body Experience. This is not to be confused with a NDE or Near Death Experience (although they may be a part of one) which is characterized by things such as feeling yourself floating away from you body and moving down a tunnel toward a light. The phenomenon is said to effect 1 in every 10 people over the course of their lives.


Since I was very young I have had these experiences myself. Before I share my own I'm curious if any others have.

And just in case you are wondering why, I put this in the dream section because OBEs are still considered to be altered states of consciousness.
I'm sure I did. I had been sleeping and then suddenly I was wandering around my house. When I started floating around the house I realized I was out of my body. I floated all over the place and it was sheer will that was making me move. I was pressed against the ceiling at one point and I knew I could float right through it if I wanted to but just the thought of being out there terrified me and just like that I was sucked back in to my body again. I knew it was the fear that put me back and I was kicking myself for ending it because it was such a wonderful and free experience. That was about four years ago and it hasn't happened since. Wish it would though.
I'd love to hear about your experiences.
As soon as I saw that I read it as "Has anyone ever had an "Order of the British Empire"? my immediate mental response was "not yet, soon though".

Yes, I've had a few.
I've had the flying experience. I have also recently been conscious and partly out of my body. My brother-in-law, a very spiritual man, does this frequently. I have seen people from the other side, actually, loved ones when I have been only partly awake. Once I saw a pink mist as I awoke from a nap, still half asleep, and I said, "Oh, hello." I knew who it was and then I really woke up and it disappeared and I forgot who it was. I did know, though, that person hadn't been born yet. I know the universe is very liberal and we are too conservative in our outlook on life. We just don't know enough and we aren't meant to know "enough."
Satya said:
An OBE is an Out of Body Experience. This is not to be confused with a NDE or Near Death Experience (although they may be a part of one) which is characterized by things such as feeling yourself floating away from you body and moving down a tunnel toward a light. The phenomenon is said to effect 1 in every 10 people over the course of their lives.


Since I was very young I have had these experiences myself. Before I share my own I'm curious if any others have.

And just in case you are wondering why, I put this in the dream section because OBEs are still considered to be altered states of consciousness.

Satya, I want to hear about you. What happened to you that made you feel like you were OBE? Please tell.
GenlDevora said:
Satya, I want to hear about you. What happened to you that made you feel like you were OBE? Please tell.

I've had two such experiences.

The first was when I was very young. I was crawling up a couch and then I realized that I was looking at myself from the outside. I felt like I was floating and I moved around myself. But once I was aware of it, I was right back in my body.

The second time was an attempt to make it happen. I sorta remembered what it felt like when I was young so I dedicated myself to it. I sat down and meditated and I felt myself getting colder and colder. All the hairs on my body felt like they were standing on end. And then I just slipped. It was a scary feeling and my immediate response was to grab back for reality but I was set, so I let myself go. The next thing I noticed was that I was "aware". Not like your typical awareness but a sort of amusing spectator type of aware. It was like for an instant I could see the world as it actually was. Once I was back in my body, I felt a great sense of embarrassment and humility for spending time and wasting energy on arguing about abstract things that are very important to me. In that state I had been in before, it felt like I didn't have an ego, like I wasn't me, but just a part of everything. I came back with this extraordinarily passionate perspective that everything is connected and one, and later I came to the conclusion that human egos can only work by dividing and labeling things but we don't realize it. So all those labels and all the passion I feel about them is completely meaningless, and when I was in that "egoless" state, it was an awareness that came back with me.
Satya said:
GenlDevora said:
Satya, I want to hear about you. What happened to you that made you feel like you were OBE? Please tell.

I've had two such experiences.

The first was when I was very young. I was crawling up a couch and then I realized that I was looking at myself from the outside. I felt like I was floating and I moved around myself. But once I was aware of it, I was right back in my body.

The second time was an attempt to make it happen. I sorta remembered what it felt like when I was young so I dedicated myself to it. I sat down and meditated and I felt myself getting colder and colder. All the hairs on my body felt like they were standing on end. And then I just slipped. It was a scary feeling and my immediate response was to grab back for reality but I was set, so I let myself go. The next thing I noticed was that I was "aware". Not like your typical awareness but a sort of amusing spectator type of aware. It was like for an instant I could see the world as it actually was. Once I was back in my body, I felt a great sense of embarrassment and humility for spending time and wasting energy on arguing about abstract things that are very important to me. In that state I had been in before, it felt like I didn't have an ego, like I wasn't me, but just a part of everything. I came back with this extraordinarily passionate perspective that everything is connected and one, and later I came to the conclusion that human egos can only work by dividing and labeling things but we don't realize it. So all those labels and all the passion I feel about them is completely meaningless, and when I was in that "egoless" state, it was an awareness that came back with me.

What a wonderful experience. I know that Eastern Masters have done that for ages. They travel and visit more than one part of the world in a day. Have you tried to practice this OBE, to travel outside the home, to see others in the same state? I will if you will.
GenlDevora said:
What a wonderful experience. I know that Eastern Masters have done that for ages. They travel and visit more than one part of the world in a day. Have you tried to practice this OBE, to travel outside the home, to see others in the same state? I will if you will.

Hm...it isn't something easy for me to do, but it is something I think I will experiment with more in the future. There is always this fear that I will end up dead. Also there is the possibility that its just invoking a chemical response.
Hey Satya, I know precisely what you are talking about here. I've had both OBEs and NDEs which I can tell you have some distinct differences in the way they feel, and I just recently had an OBE that was very similar to your experience. I have been meditating since I was about six years old and have had all kinds of crazy (and sometimes enlightening) experiences.

It's SO incredibly important to carry that feeling of oneness wherever you go in life.
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As soon as I saw that I read it as "Has anyone ever had an "Order of the British Empire"? my immediate mental response was "not yet, soon though".

Yes, I've had a few.

i thought that too, anyhoo back on topic, i've died for about 20~seconds(doctor got dosage wrong morphine overdose, flatlined for abit until adrenaline needle to the heart got it started again) does that count, tho no out of body experience or light at the end of the tunnel or stuff for me
Well Deathjam, I have conversed with people who have been declared dead for several minutes and have had absolutely no experience, just like a blank out. I have also conversed and read about tons of NDEs which all have similarities to those who have taken entheogens.

It takes 3-5 minutes of heart failure before brain failure begins and I don't think anyone is really certain how long total brain failure takes. My personal experience with an NDE involved cardiac arrest for about five minutes.

The big difference from what I have observed is that during an OBE you have a great sense of losing your ego. You are no longer yourself but part of everything. With my NDE I felt somewhat similarly but the experience was more focused on traveling and learning and I felt more like an individual, but completely free in every way.
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