Has meditation (of any kind) helped you heal yourself?


is best pony
Thought it would be nice to share experiences.

From the age of 10 to 20, i've used eye glasses. It got to a pretty high number - 3.75. I used them from the moment of awakening to the moment of getting in to bed and turning off the light. Used them for reading, for walking, for shooting my weapon in my short time in the army. For everything. Each time i would take them off i would be able to see reasonably well for a few seconds, and then i'd get a headache and everything would get blurry.

At the age of 20, i started practicing Tai Chi, which is a sort of meditation in movement. I started becoming more and more aware of sensations, feeling, thoughts and whatever was going on in my mind. A little more than a month later, after practicing rigidly for over 4 hours a day (sometimes around 8), i started getting a strong sensation in my eyes. Best way to describe it - flowing of energy. Then i figured, hey, the eyes are a muscle, i am feeling a lot of strength in that muscle right now. Let's train it and see what happens.

I made a pact with myself, that for a whole month i will not even touch my glasses for anything. Now, almost 8 years later, my vision is perfect, according to an eye test i took at an eye specialist doctor's office.

Please share your "miracle" :)
As far as mediation goes, it's helped me to heal in a spiritual way. I always feel "cleansed" and peaceful afterward. There's scientific evidence that says mediation re-balances the chemicals in your brain so if you have a excess, such as major depression or anxiety disorders, it helps to reduce some of the symptoms that come from such disorders. I've experienced it first-hand with my anxiety problems. Also, if you have a loss of certain chemicals in your brain it helps those as well. For example, I have ADD and it's helped me to focus in day-to-day life but it's never cured those things. As far as sicknesses go, it doesn't help me cure them. Rather, it helps me to be aware that I'm going to be sick soon. The body doesn't breathe the same if you're sick, or going to be sick, I find. I find it fascinating that Tai Chi could help you in that way, my step mother practices it from time to time. Amazing. Congratulations, really. :)
I think relaxation is incredibly important and high levels of stress can be very damaging. I haven't any "miracle" to relate but I do relaxation exercises almost every day, it helps me cope with back pain and stress. No matter how stressed or busy just taking ten minutes to relax and unwind really helps me, physically and mentally. I can't praise it highly enough as a simple way to improve health and well being.
I used meditation for several years to combat anxiety and depression. The process of meditation is essentially synonymous with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: change the thought (through neutral observation), change the emotions (that culminate from and into various stresses). Incidentally, CBT has been shown to be highly effective at generating activity in the frontal lobe of the brain, which helps regulate motivation and planning/judgments.
I fixed a lot of back and hip problems by practicing zhan zhuang - though it's more the physical form that does this than the meditation aspect of it.

Standing in the zhan zhuang posture, while difficult at first especially if you've habitually had a bad posture, is normalizing to the body and places everything for optimal function and flow. It also builds stamina and balance. I've eliminated a lot of wear and tear on myself by being more balanced and having a better kinesthetic sense this way.
Thought it would be nice to share experiences.

From the age of 10 to 20, i've used eye glasses. It got to a pretty high number - 3.75. I used them from the moment of awakening to the moment of getting in to bed and turning off the light. Used them for reading, for walking, for shooting my weapon in my short time in the army. For everything. Each time i would take them off i would be able to see reasonably well for a few seconds, and then i'd get a headache and everything would get blurry.

At the age of 20, i started practicing Tai Chi, which is a sort of meditation in movement. I started becoming more and more aware of sensations, feeling, thoughts and whatever was going on in my mind. A little more than a month later, after practicing rigidly for over 4 hours a day (sometimes around 8), i started getting a strong sensation in my eyes. Best way to describe it - flowing of energy. Then i figured, hey, the eyes are a muscle, i am feeling a lot of strength in that muscle right now. Let's train it and see what happens.

I made a pact with myself, that for a whole month i will not even touch my glasses for anything. Now, almost 8 years later, my vision is perfect, according to an eye test i took at an eye specialist doctor's office.

Please share your "miracle" :)

Sounds like someone finally released a blocked negative energy! Congrats! I was considering experimenting with EFT(emotional freedom technique) in trying to achieve the same exact "miracle" you accomplished. My eyesight is also in the range of -3.75 and i already know that the loss of my perfect vision is tied to my earlier childhood experiences that were quite negative. if you are to explore it from an energy healing modality (which you achieved) it is the idea that when a person starts to lose their sight; it can be concluded that the person is subconsciously unwilling to "see" their life in terms of future prospects or trauma, fear, anxiety, low self esteem etc are blocking a clear view of one's life goals. The unwillingness also results in not being able to see reality as they appear.

I was researching an exact similar experiences and thanks for sharing your wonderful miracle. Now i know for sure it is possible. The question is can i make it happen. The consistency is the key to any energy healing modalities.
it can be concluded that the person is subconsciously unwilling to "see" their life in terms of future prospects or trauma, fear, anxiety, low self esteem

Sounds just like my childhood. Makes sense.

I was researching an exact similar experiences and thanks for sharing your wonderful miracle. Now i know for sure it is possible. The question is can i make it happen. The consistency is the key to any energy healing modalities.

I think my sight healing was rather extreme when i think about it. In just a month i managed to do this huge task. I did practice rigidly for hours and hours a day but still... I was quite unbalanced at the time, and after a few months i fell into a big depression.

I think that a healthier (mentally) approach to this might be improving bit by bit, over a longer period of time (say... a year or two maybe?).

I wish for you strength, fluidity and perseverance. Feel free to ask questions through private messages and / or the thread. :)
I fixed a lot of back and hip problems by practicing zhan zhuang - though it's more the physical form that does this than the meditation aspect of it.

Standing in the zhan zhuang posture, while difficult at first especially if you've habitually had a bad posture, is normalizing to the body and places everything for optimal function and flow. It also builds stamina and balance. I've eliminated a lot of wear and tear on myself by being more balanced and having a better kinesthetic sense this way.

Omg zhan zhuang is amazing. It was part of my training routine together with tai chi. Awesome :)
Omg zhan zhuang is amazing. It was part of my training routine together with tai chi. Awesome :)

Yeah it's awesome. I often slip into a modified posture if I have to stand around somewhere for a long time, I just do it sans the arm embracing part of the stance (so I don't look silly like I'm trying to hug something that isn't there lol) It's still pretty effective especially along the spine - I can feel the inhibited energy start flowing up and down like it's supposed to.
Sounds just like my childhood. Makes sense.

I think my sight healing was rather extreme when i think about it. In just a month i managed to do this huge task. I did practice rigidly for hours and hours a day but still... I was quite unbalanced at the time, and after a few months i fell into a big depression.

I think that a healthier (mentally) approach to this might be improving bit by bit, over a longer period of time (say... a year or two maybe?).

I wish for you strength, fluidity and perseverance. Feel free to ask questions through private messages and / or the thread. :)

From the research I have done on energy healing; it is not extreme. EFT shows results within twenty minutes of tapping and releasing energy blocks. However, i love how tai chi uses the whole body and mind connection. If I were ever to take it up; it might teach me ultimate patience and perseverance.
Sounds just like my childhood. Makes sense.

I think my sight healing was rather extreme when i think about it. In just a month i managed to do this huge task. I did practice rigidly for hours and hours a day but still... I was quite unbalanced at the time, and after a few months i fell into a big depression.

I think that a healthier (mentally) approach to this might be improving bit by bit, over a longer period of time (say... a year or two maybe?).

I wish for you strength, fluidity and perseverance. Feel free to ask questions through private messages and / or the thread. :)

Well I believe this is possible in certain instances, such as if your eye muscles are in spasm or strained due to stress, that will mess up your eye shape and effect your vision, but it can be possible to rebalance that issue.

But with me for example it probably would not work as my eyes are just shaped wrong, corneal astigmatism. That's just how it is and probably won't go away without surgery, just like I'll probably never stop being short no matter how much I stretch. :P
Well I believe this is possible in certain instances, such as if your eye muscles are in spasm or strained due to stress, that will mess up your eye shape and effect your vision, but it can be possible to rebalance that issue.

But with me for example it probably would not work as my eyes are just shaped wrong, corneal astigmatism. That's just how it is and probably won't go away without surgery, just like I'll probably never stop being short no matter how much I stretch. :P

God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.


This is good with or without god in the sentence :)