Have you ever been to a psychic/clairvoyant?


i know nothing
Have you ever been to a psychic clairvoyant?

What did you think of him/her?
What did they say?
Did it come true?
I once met a man at a party who could elicit details about how I felt about a whole range of things by reading my emotions as my face and body language portrayed them. It was shocking.
yar, i went to a party where a woman started telling me details about my life and my husband (who wasn't there) that were true. she said we'd been together for a long tiem as in past lives. i didn't really ask her much. she very gently told me that i'd be in therapy for a while under the supervision of a psychiatrist, hee.
I have no reason to think that anyone is more psychic, or clairvoyant than myself.

So, no.
Have you ever been to a psychic clairvoyant?

What did you think of him/her?
What did they say?
Did it come true?

yes i have - same once twice, but twenty some odd years apart
she is a spiritualist, actually a reverend in a spiritualist church and she is very accurate.
i won't go into what she said because it won't mean anything to any of you, but let's just say that i had no doubt of her authenticity after a very short time with her.
it wasn't a matter of things coming true the way you would think. she told me things about myself and about events that had happened in my life, why they went the way they did, etc
some closure from people who had passed on, advice etc
the things she told me would come to pass (including names of people i would meet in my future that would help things along) all happened
i'm not suggesting everyone go see a spiritualist or a psychic because i believe most of them are charlatans. this woman has a massive reputation for her accuracy, and she gets people from everywhere come to her
it's not uncommon to get an appointment that is 6 months or more in future - you call and tell her how many in your party and she gives you a date. that is the extent of the knowledge she has of you when you arrive.
if she weren't three thousand miles away i would definitely see her again.
a friend from europe read me the tarot and the runes... they said a lot of true things