Have you ever encountered Sasquatch?


Right the First Time!
Or any other mysterious creature (Nessie, chuba-chubara-chu-uhh... the goat sucker!, Mothman, Shai Gar etc.)?
Hmm. Not in real life. I once had a dream that sasquatch was coming for my family and I had to shoot him dead. And in another one I had a dream I made friends with Nessie LOL. But Never anything real life.
Yeah my ex was friends with him. He let him live at the place he was staying at because his mom threw a plate at his head. Eventually my ex had to kick him out because everything became covered in some strange greasy substance and a nasty pungent odor permeated every room.
I have had many adventures of this nature

One late summer night, while drifting in a launch near a creek's mouth on a cove of Prince William Sound, my companions and I spied a large mass that sounded like it was feeding on the returning salmon. As we drifted closer one of our crew pleaded that we speed away as she was sure it was a bear. It was a rock.
One late summer night, while drifting in a launch near a creek's mouth on a cove of Prince William Sound, my companions and I spied a large mass that sounded like it was feeding on the returning salmon. As we drifted closer one of our crew pleaded that we speed away as she was sure it was a bear. It was a rock.

Bigfoot was ahead of me in the grocery line one time. I tried not to stare but my gaze kept drifting toward him...
I once saw a Shai Gar noming on some bunnies. It looked up for a second and we locked eyes. As the blood dripped from it's mouth I knew I faced my death, so I threw some INFJ-nip (made from real INFJ's as sweet as mountain rain!) onto the ground from a small stash I carried with me. It immediately started rolling around in it, so I got the heck otta there!

....the pictures all came out blurry. it looks like a boar with camisole on!
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Only vicariously through adventurous souls who happen to share a common preference for Jack Link's beef jerky.
No... but I am half tempted to go camping in an area here in Australia that numerous people claims to be the territory of a Yowie, otherwise known as a Bunyip.

Some sort of horrible, deformed, troll-like animal.
Bigfoot was ahead of me in the grocery line one time. I tried not to stare but my gaze kept drifting toward him...

Funny you say this, I've been called Sasquatch and Bigfoot before.