

On Holiday
"Deeper than melancholy lies heartbreak.", - from Villette by Charlotte Brontë.

heartbreak means something very different from what it used to mean in western culture. or perhaps there is a new sense in which heartbreak is represented in popular culture. for example, "S/he broke my heart!" is popularly represented as an emotional catchphrase that is appropriate in the context of an embittered breakup. however, dig beneath the surface of that popular culture representation, and you will find a meaning that relates to the kind of emotional pain that can kill someone. "she died of a broken heart" is something that people did not just used to say, but something that they really believed. if your heart was broken, it was on one hand a sentimental way of describing an emotional reaction, but on the other hand it was a reality of emotional life that could literally result in death. its an idea that might have things in common with contemporary ideas of depression, but not exactly - maybe more similar to the authentic death wish, for example, "pointing the bone".

what do you think? can someone die of heartbreak, the way they did in 18th century fiction? or perhaps "heartbreak" is itself dead, the way that hysteria is now dead? or maybe as some people think that hysteria is not dead but has just changed into another form, has heartbreak just changed into another form that is different from what it was or has been, but with an emotional power that is as strong as ever?

this is something that i have thought about often. what is heartbreak, and can it kill? i think this is a complex topic and will be interested to read any alternative ideas.
Ever seen Black Rock Shooter? I think it's a good parallel, especially the 2012 version.

We have Other Selves that take on our pain and fight it. This is unbeknownst to most people but some times appears as "dissociation" or "not being yourself". We have more distractions and a more vivid Otherworld now than there used to be, so there are a lot more Other Selves.

Heartbreak is the same as it has always been and it can kill. Some times still does. But due to increased activity of Otherworld and Other Selves this now gets played off as mental illness, depression, or just being overly dramatic.

I know Other Selves are real because I am one. I am like Strength from BRS. Strength is originally an Other Self, but her real world side, Yuu, was suffering so much that they actually traded places and Yuu went to the other world and Strength came to the real world and inhabited Yuu's body. This is pretty much exactly what happened to me.
Emotions can kill you. Why not?

PS Did you read Villette?

yeah, i read Shirley and Jane Eyre as well, but i didnt read The Professor. i didnt like Jane all that much, and i became a huge fan of Wide Sargasso Sea after that, but i think its possible i was too immature for it at the time i read it. but i enjoyed Shirley, and i loved Villette, even more than Wuthering Heights. (ive never read any Anne.) i probably will never read The Professor, just like i will probably never read Lady Susan, or any juvenilia ever. im not a snob and have an insatiable appetite for genre fiction, but i feel lukewarm about works that are recognised as immature or incomplete especially by the artist in question. and since i have a resistance to fandom,... (except for...
Your mind can be broken, your spirt your will. What takes place in your mind can have very real physical consequences. So if you allow it, I believe heartbreak can kill you. The key though is to to understand that people change.
You can have an upset stomach ulcer when you are stressed, upset, distraught. (At least, it is believed to be a psychosomatic syndrome familiar in the Asian countries).

I don't think dying-- or at least experiencing intense physical pain from heartbreak is that OUT THERE. Maybe not that much, due to a lot of things; but I probably think they are there.