Hilarious Websites


Bearded Dancing King
Please post links to hilarious websites so that your fellow forum members might receive the health benefits of a hearty chuckle.

I'll kick it off with this site that my sister turned me on to, which I just felt compelled to share with y'all:

Hot Chicks with Douchebags

Acts of Gord

Fear the Gord, Love the Gord. That is all. :D

Accordion music. They thrive on it.

You know how black people are always saying “Pimp That Shit!”(usually pretty loud, in the movie theater, amirite?) Well, “pimping” is a complicated move in accordion playing that involves both squeezing and pulling on the noise box at the same time. It is a difficult move, and the ability to perform it is highly prized amongst the black peoples.

It is truly sad that in today’s world of political correctness, we can no longer see the boatloads of negroids arriving on our shores, accordions in hand, ready to play a song and dance a jig.

And pick our cotton.

I saw this in a movie once, something about flying over a cuckoos nest. The main guy was like, really angry a lot, which didn’t make sense because he was in this really cool place with a bunch of friends.

So he’s angry all the time and they like cut out a bit of his brain and he totally chills out. So I figure you have to go where he went.

Long story short—the place was a mental institution, the guy was Jack Nicholson, and you’re gonna need to rape someone.

I’ll be honest—a lot of people are going to tell you that Jesus reviled violence, that his disciples did not carry swords, and the one used to cut off the ear was taken from a soldier. They’ll try and convince you that Jesus actually healed the ear. They’ll say that Jesus said “live by the sword, die by the sword.”

And they’ll try and pretend like that isn’t the most awesome motto ever.

The important thing is that you ignore all of those idiots, and look through the Bible for other stories you can use to justify possession of an item designed only for killing.

I’ll help you out—“Would God have needed a flood if he just gaved Noah a uzi?”

Having interned at a funeral home, I can tell you that not only is it okay, it’s almost expected. Hell—if it’s an open casket, feel free to get up in there with the corpse.

Slip the embalmer a fifty and he’ll even position the fingers into gang signs. Y’know, for your MySpace page.

Oh, also? 2007 called. It wants its MySpace page back.

Well, I saw the Easter Bunny once, if that helps.
I still hear the screams.
How is babby formed is hilarious!
Zombo Com! (Actually, it's not so much hillarious as slightly frightening.)

*phew!* :mpff:

That was a good time... thanks all, and keep 'em coming!