How best to turn a wish against the wisher?


Community Member
I would play this game with my friend that was inspired by the myth of the Genie, or Djin. The idea is that this Djin must grant any wish, but as it is a being of evil it will do anything to ruin that wish while following it to a T.

So, what is the wish, and how could it be ruined?

Two examples:

"I wish for world peace" - and he grants it by killing all the people of the Earth except for the wisher who will be alone the rest of his life - but in complete peace as conflict requires two people.

"I wish for a ham sandwich" - and the ham is dry, and the bread is that gross kind with all the weird stuff in it.
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I find this interesting. Honestly, you would have to type out around like a 900 page report on your wish to make it fullproof so it could not be ruined. Assuming Djinn are all powerful, and evil, they could in essence detect any flaw in a wish and exploit it. You couldn't win.
I find this interesting. Honestly, you would have to type out around like a 900 page report on your wish to make it fullproof so it could not be ruined. Assuming Djinn are all powerful, and evil, they could in essence detect any flaw in a wish and exploit it. You couldn't win.
Google - shai gar three wishes

I already made such a wish in a way that ni jinn or god or all powerful entity could fuck it up at all. I tested it on this forum and noone could break it. I am considering calling it Shai Gars wish thesis, and betting that noone can break it. Then i would post it on every forum where they think, or hate me. To see if they can break it.
"I wish for a ham sandwich" - and the ham is dry, and the bread is that gross kind with all the weird stuff in it.


Google - shai gar three wishes

I already made such a wish in a way that ni jinn or god or all powerful entity could fuck it up at all. I tested it on this forum and noone could break it. I am considering calling it Shai Gars wish thesis, and betting that noone can break it. Then i would post it on every forum where they think, or hate me. To see if they can break it.

I'll take a stab at it, or at least theorize. Your wishes were this:

I wish all humans were immortal and invunerable without maslow primary needs.
I wish all humans were unable to harm or kill, or cause to become harmed, any living creature
I wish Humanity had access to another dimension of unending resources.

So now humans live forever, are completely invulnerable to any harm, and have none of the basic needs. Maslows, to be exact are essentially: Physical needs, safety needs (pretty much taken care of by the invulnerable thing) emotional needs, and finally the need to DO something with your life (self actualization). They can no longer harm or kill anything on purpose or by accident that lives (it's really good that they don't need to eat at this point or they would be in trouble). On top of that they have access to another dimension of unending resources.

The only problem I can see with that is without needs the human race could possibly stagnate. After all, necessity (or needs) breed invention. With nothing left to strive for, what would we do with ourselves? Without a need to keep ourselves entertained, would we bother doing anything at all?

Either that or we become the plague of the universe as we keep breeding and filling up worlds upon worlds while never dying. It would be like cockroaches, only more annoying.
I suppose you could simply say 'I wish for my idea of world peace' or 'My kind of ham sandwich' (which would absolutely not involve ham in my case LOL). Mr. Genie can do anything right? So presumably he can read your mind and provide you with what you really want. So long as you make this clear and wag a finger at him, saying 'None of your tricksy trickery, Mister' (or Mrs - I guess there are girl genies too - although I don't recall reading about any), and I suppose they would pout a bit, mutter under their breath about you ruining their fun and it's not fair etc etc, but at least you'd get what you really wanted :D
I suppose you could simply say 'I wish for my idea of world peace' or 'My kind of ham sandwich' (which would absolutely not involve ham in my case LOL). Mr. Genie can do anything right? So presumably he can read your mind and provide you with what you really want. So long as you make this clear and wag a finger at him, saying 'None of your tricksy trickery, Mister' (or Mrs - I guess there are girl genies too - although I don't recall reading about any), and I suppose they would pout a bit, mutter under their breath about you ruining their fun and it's not fair etc etc, but at least you'd get what you really wanted :D
The Jinn are genderless creatures of fire from muslim mythology.
The Jinn are genderless creatures of fire from muslim mythology.

Don't worry. I've since done some serious research, and so, according to Disney, both genders are possible, and in fact make a cute couple:

that was not my wish...

huh. ah well.

Lol 'serious research'

As for the 'your idea of world peace' thing, perhaps it would use the inferiority of the human mind (namely it's incapability to see every possible outcome of a decision) against us. For example, if your idea of world peace is a world where there are no weapons and no conflict, where all humans got along perfectly, perhaps down the line aggressive aliens take over and subjugate us because we can't resist, and the takeover is completely peaceful because there is no need for conflict, but the aliens want us to do horrible things like slave over building a space laser lol.
What if you wished for something evil?

The Djin would grant the evil, as you requested == win
Or the Djin could seek to corrupt it, and turn it into something good == win.
What if you wished for something evil?

The Djin would grant the evil, as you requested == win
Or the Djin could seek to corrupt it, and turn it into something good == win.

but it only counts as a win for corrupting evil into good if the original intention of the wish was for it to be corrupted into a good wish. I which case the djin would then just leave the wish as is thawrting your attempts to trick it.

With that being said, I wish to instead of having a chin beneath my beard to instead have a third functioning fist.
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