How do you feel different emotions in your body?


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I'm not sure is this the right place where to post this. :rolleyes:

But yeah... I want to hear from you guys, that how does all the different emotions feel like in your body?

I find it very interesting how different emotions can make the body react differently.

For example:

Shocked: It makes me breathless and suddenly losing the feeling of time and common sense. Also increased heartbeat, shakiness, dizziness and panic. Once almost fainted by shock. :o

Anxiety: Hard to breath, numbness in different parts of the body, dizziness.

Happiness/joy: That amazing bubbly feeling inside you that you could just jump around. Also laughing a lot and cheeks are hurting from smiling too much.

Depression: Hard to breath, feeling tired and drowsy, sensitive for crying, numbness in different parts of the body.

Anger: I feel like blood is going to my head so fast, it makes my head feel warm, hm. o_O Also hands shaking and heartbeat increases.

Nervousness: Sweating, increased heartbeat, shakiness, dizziness, muscle tensions, a red face, also feeling cold?

Worrying: Panic, increased breathing and chest just feels very anxious, like someone has taken air out from there.

I found this photo, very cool. :)

Shocked: Increased heartbeat, trembling hands that have a weird sensation. Usually my mouth and eyes open up very wide xD

Anxiety: REALLY intense and fast heartbeat, a weird, tight feeling in my throat, chest, and fingers, really scared >_<

Happiness/joy: A warm feeling in my heart, throat and head, I feel like jumping :)

Depression: No feelings at all, sensitive to negative emotions and prone to crying and hopelessness

Anger: Tight feeling in my throat and chest, I feel like a lion that needs to growl and attack

Nervousness: Trembling, butterflies in my stomach, again, tight feeling in my throat

Worrying: Same as nervousness and anxiousness, tight feeling in my throat and chest and just feel very scared

I feel everything in my throat and chest lol >.<
Happy looks better for you than love. Interesting. But I think they mean contentment, not "happy."
Distain(contempt) looks right; all in the head. I currently think that way about someone, and it really is all mental, without feeling.
Really cool pic!!

I find it really interesting that 'proud' centers round your head and shoulders - like it's all the mind and ego talking.

And fascinating is to me that being happy apparently makes you feel better than being in love.

Depression hits certainly spot on. It's like life has been drained out of you.

Is it wrong that I find neutral just as depressing, from looking at that pic, as depression?!
Really cool pic!!

I find it really interesting that 'proud' centers round your head and shoulders - like it's all the mind and ego talking.

And fascinating is to me that being happy apparently makes you feel better than being in love.

Depression hits certainly spot on. It's like life has been drained out of you.

Is it wrong that I find neutral just as depressing, from looking at that pic, as depression?!

Yeah, I agree with you. Very interesting... ^_^

No, it's not wrong! It does look little sad though, because are there really any ''neutral'' feelings? I think this whole subject is very interesting.

It's like not feeling anything, hmm...
awwww shame is blushing!

i have a customer who is a loose cannon - for instance he has called in bomb threats but they still let him come in- I feel fear, anger, and hate.... I think it is pretty accurate how those emotions are displayed.
I found an article about it:

Mapping Emotions On The Body: Love Makes Us Warm All Over

Close your eyes and imagine the last time you fell in love. Maybe you were walking next to your sweetheart in a park or staring into each other's eyes over a latte.

Where did you feel the love? Perhaps you got butterflies in your stomach or your heart raced with excitement.

When a team of scientists in Finland asked people to map out where they felt different emotions on their bodies, they found that the results were surprisingly consistent, even across cultures.

People reported that happiness and love sparked activity across nearly the entire body, while depression had the opposite effect: It dampened feelings in the arms, legs and head. Danger and fear triggered strong sensations in the chest area, the volunteers said. And anger was one of the few emotions that activated the arms.

The scientists hope these body emoticons may one day help psychologists diagnose or treat mood disorders.

"Our emotional system in the brain sends signals to the body so we can deal with our situation," says Lauri Nummenmaa, a psychologist at Aalto University who led the study.

"Say you see a snake and you feel fear," Nummenmaa says. "Your nervous system increases oxygen to your muscles and raises your heart rate so you can deal with the threat. It's an automated system. We don't have to think about it."

That idea has been known for centuries. But scientists still don't agree on whether these bodily changes are distinct for each emotion and whether this pattern serves as a way for the mind to consciously identify emotions.

To try to figure that out, Nummenmaa and his team ran a simple computer experiment with about 700 volunteers from Finland, Sweden and Taiwan.

The team showed the volunteers two blank silhouettes of a person on a screen and then told the subjects to think about one of 14 emotions: love, disgust, anger, pride, etc. The volunteers then painted areas of the body that felt stimulated by that emotion. On the second silhouette, they painted areas of the body that get deactivated during that emotion.

"People find the experiment quite amusing. It's quite fun," Nummenmaa tells Shots. "We kept the questions online so you try the experiment yourself." (You can try it here.)

Not everybody painted each emotion in the same way. But when the team averaged the maps together, signature patterns emerged for each emotion. The team published these sensation maps Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The team still doesn't know how these self-reported sensations match with the physiological responses that occur with emotion.

But previous studies have found marked changes in bodily sensations in mood disorders, Nummenmaa says. "For instance, with depression sometimes people have pain in their chest."

And there's even some evidence that when you change your own body language — like your posture or stance — you can alter your mind.

Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, who was not involved in this study, says he's "delighted" by Nummenmaa's findings because they offer more support for what he's been suggesting for years: Each emotion activates a distinct set of body parts, he thinks, and the mind's recognition of those patterns helps us consciously identify that emotion.

"People look at emotions as something in relation to other people," Damasio, who is a professor at the University of Southern California, says. "But emotions also have to do with how we deal with the environment — threats and opportunities." For those, Damasio says, you need your body as well as your mind.
It does look little sad though, because are there really any ''neutral'' feelings? I think this whole subject is very interesting.

It's like not feeling anything, hmm...
Man, that's really a question for ages! What the hell are neutral feelings?!
Feeling depressed is somehow hearing everything through cotton and seeing everything through stained glass. Feeling cold, slow, heavy, tired.

Neutral though truly is like feeling nothing at all...though in some way the result of a depressed state is to feel nothing at all as well.
If that's the case isn't feeling neutral just as bad as being depressed?!

'And there's even some evidence that when you change your own body language — like your posture or stance — you can alter your mind.'
My god, this made my day. I knew some things about body language, but I have never heard about that before. Change your stance only comes to my mind when you're trying to understand something simple, but can' get one's wires crossed.

"People look at emotions as something in relation to other people," [...] "But emotions also have to do with how we deal with the environment — threats and opportunities." For those, Damasio says, you need your body as well as your mind.
So ancient yogic teachings have been scientifically proven to be true now. Very cool. What people say to you, the tone, their face, the emotions behind it - how that makes you feel all depends on yourself and how you interpret their behaviour. If a day is good or bad also completely depends on how you go about it and how you, yourself feel.
It always mesmerizes me how western countries actively choose to ignore (and even call it wrong) wisdom other countries have had for thousands of years, only because they can't find a way to analyze it scientifically and make it fit into their ways.
Shocked: none, maybe dazed or slowed time, confused

Anxiety: minor tight feeling in my chest, rarely let it get to be more

Happiness/joy: none, calm neutral

Depression: Rare, feeling empty and tired

Anger: irritated at most, slow burning in my chest

Nervousness: see anxious, really the same

Worrying: Same as anxious

Generally neutral and all feelings are barely perceptible.
Man, that's really a question for ages! What the hell are neutral feelings?!
Feeling depressed is somehow hearing everything through cotton and seeing everything through stained glass. Feeling cold, slow, heavy, tired.

Neutral though truly is like feeling nothing at all...though in some way the result of a depressed state is to feel nothing at all as well.
If that's the case isn't feeling neutral just as bad as being depressed?!

'And there's even some evidence that when you change your own body language — like your posture or stance — you can alter your mind.'
My god, this made my day. I knew some things about body language, but I have never heard about that before. Change your stance only comes to my mind when you're trying to understand something simple, but can' get one's wires crossed.

"People look at emotions as something in relation to other people," [...] "But emotions also have to do with how we deal with the environment — threats and opportunities." For those, Damasio says, you need your body as well as your mind.
So ancient yogic teachings have been scientifically proven to be true now. Very cool. What people say to you, the tone, their face, the emotions behind it - how that makes you feel all depends on yourself and how you interpret their behaviour. If a day is good or bad also completely depends on how you go about it and how you, yourself feel.
It always mesmerizes me how western countries actively choose to ignore (and even call it wrong) wisdom other countries have had for thousands of years, only because they can't find a way to analyze it scientifically and make it fit into their ways.

Ahah, yup. >_< I really don't know. What are neutral feelings? Does anyone know? Lol. Maybe it's when not feeling strongly about any negative or positive emotion? It's like in ''between'' them?

Yeah, it's easy to ''cheat'' the mind. For example, there is this ''laughter yoga'' where you just laugh, even if don't feel like laughing! And bam, suddenly you really want to laugh. Never tried it before but it sounds fun.

I believe there is some truth in those ancient teachings. Why I feel people were more smarter back then? :confused:
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Neutral =

A gentle and expanded satisfaction. Contentment. Little desire and little undesired. Fullfilled. Complete. Indifferent. No waves. Constant. It is what it is and nothing more, nothing less. Calm. Acceptance. No judgment.

It is not emptiness or void of emotion like depression. It is just emotion that is silent still and calm.
Neutral =

A gentle and expanded satisfaction. Contentment. Little desire and little undesired. Fullfilled. Complete. Indifferent. No waves. Constant. It is what it is and nothing more, nothing less. Calm. Acceptance. No judgment.

It is not emptiness or void of emotion like depression. It is just emotion that is silent still and calm.

That's a great definition, makes lot of sense.
Neutral =

A gentle and expanded satisfaction. Contentment. Little desire and little undesired. Fullfilled. Complete. Indifferent. No waves. Constant. It is what it is and nothing more, nothing less. Calm. Acceptance. No judgment.

It is not emptiness or void of emotion like depression. It is just emotion that is silent still and calm.

Perfect :)
Shocked: Nothing distinctive. Maybe a little mentally disconnected (slower response rate) for a short while.

Anxiety: Something cold and sharp in my stomach. Headaches.

Happiness/joy: Feeling at 'ease', without tension, with more energy.

Depression: Severe headaches. Heavily suppressed crying spells, which leave the eyes burning. Numbness in other parts of the body, feeling tired and without energy.

Anger: Sudden increase in overall temperature. Some restlessness - might be wandering here and there without purpose.

Nervousness: Same as in anxiety, but without headaches.

Worrying: A little restlessness. Light symptoms of anxiety.
This is really interesting...

I feel Anxiety in my stomach

Joy and exhilaration in my head

Anger in my fists

Lust in my chest, back and loins

Sadness in my shoulders

Vigor in my legs and spine

Vigor is probably not an emotion, but I don't know what it's called when you feel utterly alive and aware.
Hmm. It seems shame turns you into Spiderman.

Anyway, I've seen this graphic before and while the experience of each emotion is not the same for everyone, there are distinguishable patterns in the way our feeling manifest. I found it worthwhile to map out my own experiences. Really cool exercise. Thanks for introducing it to the forum.

Shocked - Disconnect. Numb. Fuzzy feeling in my head, buzzing in my ears. The world feels muted, unreal, even though colours and lights appear sharper, more vivid.

Anxiety - A fluttering in my chest that outlines my ribs and loops into the center that manifest into a general feeling of hollowness. I feel heavy and tired while antsy and wanting to do everything at once at the same time. It's one of my more complicated emotions.

Happiness - A lightness, ease, and warmth. A sense of contentment and peace. No tension in my body.

Anger - Intense focus, power. I move with deliberation. Everything slows down and I feel an intense sense of power and purpose. There is no confusion. There's usually a target and I am confident I will hit it.

Nervousness - Fidgeting, wringing my hands, unable to sit still. Similar fluttering feeling in my chest, but I'm more at ease with it because I can usually name the cause of my nervousness. I take it as a good thing.

Worrying - Restlessness. Looping thoughts. Checking things twice. Pounding heart and an sense of foreboding, danger.
Shocked - Forehead, brows.

Anxiety - Stomach, intestines.

Happiness - Cheeks, jaw.

Anger - Elbows, forearms.

Nervousness - Calves, balls of feet.

Worrying - Base of the skull.
I don't?

I feel energy in a column that runs along my spine. It's strongest somewhere in my chest. Bad feelings are high density, sharp, tightly coiled, like a tazer gun ready to shock somebody when the trigger is pulled. All that potential energy is just roiling there waiting to explode. Good feelings are the opposite, they're loose, soft, flowing and more formless.

Physically I only feel secondary effects from habits, such as being tense, pacing around, not wanting to eat anything, scrunching up my face muscles causing a headache... some times I make myself really sick to where my heart is racing and I feel like I can't eat anything but that's just the secondary response to this coiled up energy I described earlier.
Lets see

happiness warm feeling flushing through my body running up to my head,with a airy lightness,facial muscles relax muscle relaxation

Anxiety-scattred hurried rushed feeling throbbing in head palpation of heart,lots of energy

sadness-a feeling of heaviness and regret

depression- a numb state where I feel like crying and a dagger is being jabbed into my soul and twisted repeadtley very agonizing and unpleastent,feel like spacing out trapped and screaming.

Anger a feeling of heat through out my body especially my head feel like shaking, cant control face from scowling, eyes are dialted.