How Do You See INFJs?


Into the White
I'm trying to compile a collection of opinions about INFJs from each of the other types.


[Your Type]

[Your answers to the prompts]

+ What do you think of INFJs, in general?

+ How do you see them?

+ What are your interactions with them like?

- You can include an abstract summation of any experiences you've had with them, or whatever will help you express your answer. I don't really care that much; you can do it your way. Go into as much depth as you want.
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General- caring, passionate about just causes, peace makers, idea people, 'gentle souls', taking the side of the underdogs

How i see INFJs - I'm not necessarily unhappy to be this type, but I do feel that INFJs are a bit 'weird' compared to other types, especially when you read things about being mystical, psychic or having premonitions.. Far from clairvoyant, I feel like the contrast between my ideals and reality creates an obstacle to interacting with the world... I feel a bit fragile as an INFJ. I also feel that INFJ qualities are not necessarily those that best fit with what the corporate world is looking for. Sometimes I wish I was more practical, more focused on the present and more ambitious... But at the end of the day I know that I probably couldn't motivate myself to be a high flying consultant etc because I need to know that whatever career I choose is helping people, or at least not causing harm. (Eg helping a company become more 'efficient' by downsizing and therefore being indirectly responsible for lots of people/families losing their livelihoods)... I'm proud of the moral compass of an INFJ but a bit sad that it limits certain opportunities for traditional social success.

Interactions - I only know one other person who is an INFJ for sure, and I think we do get along though sometimes conversation is a little hard when it's just the two of us... Because we re both quite shy! We re much 'bubblier' when we re with a group of close mutual friends. We do have good long philosophical discussions and like theorising together.

General- caring, passionate about just causes, peace makers, idea people, 'gentle souls', taking the side of the underdogs

How i see INFJs - I'm not necessarily unhappy to be this type, but I do feel that INFJs are a bit 'weird' compared to other types, especially when you read things about being mystical, psychic or having premonitions.. Far from clairvoyant, I feel like the contrast between my ideals and reality creates an obstacle to interacting with the world... I feel a bit fragile as an INFJ. I also feel that INFJ qualities are not necessarily those that best fit with what the corporate world is looking for. Sometimes I wish I was more practical, more focused on the present and more ambitious... But at the end of the day I know that I probably couldn't motivate myself to be a high flying consultant etc because I need to know that whatever career I choose is helping people, or at least not causing harm. (Eg helping a company become more 'efficient' by downsizing and therefore being indirectly responsible for lots of people/families losing their livelihoods)... I'm proud of the moral compass of an INFJ but a bit sad that it limits certain opportunities for traditional social success.

Interactions - I only know one other person who is an INFJ for sure, and I think we do get along though sometimes conversation is a little hard when it's just the two of us... Because we re both quite shy! We re much 'bubblier' when we re with a group of close mutual friends. We do have good long philosophical discussions and like theorising together.
Solely through the infra-red spectrum.
On the surface, their bottom line seems to be: Treat me nice, and I'll treat you nice. Which is good and bad because it's very near unconditional. The bad part is that they place this rule of conduct over other people's value systems without understanding them. They don't consider that anything beneficial could possibly come out of not being treated well/nicely. As a P, it almost feels contractual. As long as you behave within certain parameters, things are okay.

This leads to my other observation that they have rigid emotional structures. They tend to place emotions in blocks, and the dynamics between them are pretty much static. For them, it is a quick operation to determine what is good or bad based on few facts they gathered from you. I tend to associate INFJs' affinity between each other (INFJs vibing with each other) with Si (SJs) users' innate understanding of "the way things are" in "the real world". I'm not saying those two are the same, I am saying that Ni users share a lot of their inner model with each other in the same way that Si users do.

Ni users tend to lump ideas into pattern blocks, so it's difficult for an untrained P to communicate with them at times. They tend to see your words as a pattern that they've seen/heard before rather than seeing individual words that compose a granular idea. If your idea doesn't exist in their "database", it is a silly one (ask an INFP about their ideas being invalidated by an INFJ).

INFJs with tertiary Ti have somewhat of a respect for dominant Ti if it can be used in their terrain. The dynamics between their emotions with others' behavior may often present issues where the INFJ has yielded too much for the sake of others, and Ti helps to fine-tune their inner-world for personal growth. I tend to associate their "mystical" or spiritual tendencies with the magic that Ti gives their ideas. To be able to place some logic between ideas, and watch the gears of their inner-world turn.
Im an INFJ - i want to contribute because i like this topic - even though you prefer other types

I see INFJs as an endangered species. The only way for INFJs to sustain a healthy living in the world is by adapting to their environment with the development of their weaker functions(this can be applied to other types as well). Conditions of the world is not ideal for the INFJs to be themselves without ridicule and backlash. Adaptation is an evolutionary necessity. Depending on the INFJ and where they live in the world - they need to adjust their functions to that of their environment without losing their sensitive core which can be tricky but can be done. Different environments will call for different functions to dominate - i think INFJs can develop these functions to adapt and still sustain their sensitive, nurturing and idealistic tendencies. i think the INFJs who cannot strengthen their weaker functions struggle much more in their environments.

My interaction with other INFJs have been mutually understanding but with variety in experiences and thought patterns. All INFJs are at different levels of their development. Younger INFJs are much more lost, confused and curious by nature while mature INFJs are worldly, idealistic and tolerant. I also see that the best way for INFJs to experience themselves and their limits is to go out there and experience whatever interests them int he real world. There is no substitution for life experience and i think for INFJs it is crucial in developing their understanding of who they are and where they may fit into the world.