How do you see life? | INFJ Forum

How do you see life?


Jul 8, 2009
I often hear people say "I see life as ____"

  • A war
  • A game
  • A school
  • A test
  • An absurdity
  • A challenge

...I'm not sure how to describe my perspective. A feedback loop, maybe. To me, the whole thing is tabula rasa until you write on it with your labor and creativity and then you get back what you gave. You make your own life, you make your own path.

What about you?
A box of chocolates.

You never know what ya gonna get.
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I see life by opening my eyes!
It just is.
I think I need to make life more of a challenge because I'm not doing anything else at the moment.
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An opportunity.
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A vast expanse waiting to be explored through its ups and downs. Endlessly seeking. Never ending.
A feedback loop.. Interesting.
I can see that because I tend to see life holistically.
All things interconnected..

At the same time, I see it as an absurd challenge.
I think humanity tends to create systems of thought and doing that imprison itself.
As a result, I'm mostly restless and unsatisfied and feel like an animal in captivity.

I do also fancy myself an existentialist..
I'm still figuring all of this out.
I'm inclined to agree with the OP.

Life is the time that's given to you to do what you will with.
A test. It's all a test.
A seemingly inescapable condition aggravated by the presence of others.
A long list of events combining to create the sum total of myself.
Random occurrences and individuals colliding to enhance the experience.
Requiring serious study and contemplation to divine full knowledge.
A complex web of extremes and polar opposites requiring balance.
Difficult to navigate despite attempts to the contrary.
Hopefully I see life
For what it was, what it is, and what it can be