How does having options affect your choice of partners in dating or relationships


How does having options affect your choice of partners in dating or relationships. Do you think you would make different choices in partners if you didn't have as many options or have a variety of options in who you date.
Yes I would make different choices if I was presented with different circumstances.Or I might make the same choices if my different circumstances got me to the same conclusion. Question is too broad.
I've had times where there were a couple of options at once. Recently, it's been between two guys and well... I kinda just went with my gut on this one. I went with the guy that I just can't get out of my head..
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Reminds me of what my friend once told me..

"I think you should stop seeing guys as options, and wait until you meet someone who takes your breath away"
How does having options affect your choice of partners in dating or relationships. Do you think you would make different choices in partners if you didn't have as many options or have a variety of options in who you date.

Options? What is this options people speak of? :D
Reminds me of what my friend once told me..

"I think you should stop seeing guys as options, and wait until you meet someone who takes your breath away"

Awww.... that's a sweet way to look at it :P
If you have more than one option, you aren't as likely to make erroneous judgments out of a sense of desperation and/or fear of being alone.

It doesn't really affect my choice of partner.
I have tunnel vision. Once I give my loyalty to someone, it takes a boatload to break that, if ever. I don't like to let people go. I feel like I must protect them, frankly. It was brutal to end my marriage. It just about killed me, seriously. I'm very intense with my feelings. I'm very intense, period. I don't think people realise just how intense I am because I don't show my emotions at all sometimes. I don't realise I'm doing that. I don't like to give up on people---I'm extremely stubborn about that and make zero apologies. Deal with it.
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um, I never really looked at it as options as I usually don't actually want a relationship. Sometimes I just get swept up in someone.
Options or not, I've always been with the ones I was interested in. If there is no spark or chemistry, I wouldn't be with them. The only way I see having a variety play a factor in this, is that it would increase the likelihood of me meeting someone I like when I am single, otherwise I don't think it affects my relationship decisions at all. :/