Difficult and interesting question [MENTION=1669]Carrie[/MENTION]
I am very mutable. I can be who you need me to be at any given time. I try and find the best possible way to relate to others. I don't hide who I am, they are all components of my personality, but I can be vastly different from crowd to crowd. I like to blend in and have learned how to be socially flexible. I think being in a culturally different environment all the time and having to adjust my sense of cultural norms is the reason why I tend to be mutable. For example, I consider it rude and unseemly to be loud--however, that isn't really something that is "frowned" upon in American culture--so I have to adjust my sense of what I consider normal.
I am however firm in my beliefs and my sense of honor and duty. I will rarely deviate from my own internal sense of honor to satisfy or appease others. I am not afraid to say when I think something is wrong.
I will listen and respect, even re-evaluate my ideas and perceptions when speaking with others. I think I am flexible in that I am always open to the idea that I am wrong. I am also open to the idea that I am right though.
In the end, adapation is a successful strategy. If you are unable to adapt to changing circumstances and information as it comes along, you might as well go through life banging your head against the wall.