how infjs created fanfiction


Community Member
i was thinking about the concept of fanfiction today. it's become such a well known pasttime since the internet became common. i was thinking about in the "olden days" though, before the internet and even personal computers (some of us remember that far back).

and i realized that i and other infj people i knew had such an imaginative inner world as children. we were creating fanfiction in our heads all the time.

i still have really strong memory of the dogs from the dr. seuss book "go dog go". when i was four or five i spent so much time imagining about the dogs in that book, as if they were friends of mine. i also loved mighty mouse, the cartoon, and remember spending my time in church entertaining myself with thoughts of mighty mouse sneaking below the pews, or flying up to the chandeliers.

and as i got a little older, i had so many imaginings of laura ingalls wilder. what if she got transported to the future and i was her sidekick tour guide as she experienced the technology of the 20th century? or what if i was transported to the past and got to experience the things she wrote about first hand?

do you remember the first fanfictions of your imaginative mind?
i still have really strong memory of the dogs from the dr. seuss book "go dog go". when i was four or five i spent so much time imagining about the dogs in that book, as if they were friends of mine.

I loved reading Dr. Seuss to my kids. I miss it. First rule of good parenting: read to your kids every night.
HEHE I remember not having internet, personal computers or cell phones...Life was so much fuller then lol...

I too did this, I loved to read, Nancy drew was my favorite and I remember doing sleuthing missions around the neighborhood. I had a hide out in a field and everything.

I also remember pretending I was a mermaid...and creating my own undersea adventures.

as an adult I have started writing books, and I have been tempted to write a fan fic...
Heh. I write far too much fanfic (and not enough original stuff).

As a child, though, I sometimes became angry with certain books, because I thought I could do better/write it better...and if I felt that way, I'd end up writing a story in that vein, but I'd come up with my own original characters in a similar setting. But most of the time I didn't feel like improving on books, because my imagination created the world I wanted to see.

But when it came to TV shows and movies, I certainly got into fanfiction - mostly because those worlds were far too static, and I could imagine more than I saw in a simple thirty minute show or 90 minute movie. Lol. I think my very first fanfiction story was based on Looney Tunes characters, because I was angry that the "bad guys" were always cats, and I liked cats and wanted them to be heroes.
Arby, you invented fan fic...just sayin!
Arby, you invented fan fic...just sayin!

LOL! I feel old enough to have done it. I will say this: I remember when fanzines were paper copies that you paid subscriptions to. And then the internet happened...:mhula:
I remember inventing additonal Thundercats and imagining their adventures, aged 7. :D