How many tests will I need to take?


I don't know
Every test I've taken so far, labels me as INFJ. Guess that's fairly accurate then. At least it explains my intuition, and I've found a group of people who have it too. This is kind of exciting! :m166x:
Ta-dah, your personality type is INFJ!
Introverted (I) 82%Extraverted (E) 18%Intuitive (N) 73%Sensing (S) 27%Feeling (F) 55%Thinking (T) 45%Judging (J) 50%Perceiving (P) 50%
At least 1000000000000 more. The best thing is to look into cognitive functions now. Or you could take the enneagram which is unrelated to mbti.
I've taken the SAME test a few times and came away with differing results. MOSTLY (85%+) INFJ, but once an ISFJ and another time an INTJ. I suspect a person's state of mind at the time has a lot to do with it. So yeah, take a bunch including the same (higher quality) ones a few times each, and you should have a half-decent idea of where you stand.
The more you test, the more useless the tests become because you know more about what the questions are trying to determine.

After a few tests it's good to look at descriptions of the types to see which one seems to fit you best. After that, it's a good idea to get into the specifics of cognitive functions to have a better overall understanding of yourself.
Here are some descriptions. From your test scores you're probably INFJ/INTJ/INFP/INTP.

Do you want me to try to help you narrow it down? Yes? I figured you would, you stupid bitch.

That's right. How does it feel to know what I think of you?

Alright, pause for a second. When I called you a stupid bitch a moment ago, which did you do?

If you cried, you're probably an INFP.
If you immediately and casually started thinking of what smartass response you could come back with, you're probably an INTJ.
If you were slightly hurt because someone called you a name, but you brushed it off after a moment because I'm probably a jerk, you're probably an INFJ.
If you thought about abstract physics, you're probably an INTP.

I hoped that helped. You aren't a bitch. Well... you might be, but I don't know you enough to say one way or the other. For now I'll assume that you are forgiving of being called names. In the case that you are offended: "I enjoy your company."

Yes, that should provide an equal and opposite emotional response and cancel out the initial tension.
INFJ it is

and, aren't you kind of young to be a doctor? what is your field of practice?
Testing has diminishing return, test a few times and if you not sure and care to know more study MBTI and figure out your type.
He's not a real doctor but he plays one on TV ;)

I agree with most of what people have said here, your first test should be the most accurate or at least close, beyond that you need to look into the type and see if there are some things that don't resonate with you. This method is how I found out I'm an INFJ and not an INTJ. it also helps to look at the cognitive functions just don't try and get anyone to define "Ni". :O