How possible would a 2nd U.S. Civil War be?


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146 so/sx
With all Trump's idiotic tweets about a 2nd civil war, how would a modern US civil war play out?

It appears Trump's support "base" is from midwest states and red states mostly from the south. Most of the blue states are northeast and west coast states. However, republican voters are usually from rural areas and democratic voters from urban areas.

US is unique in that citizens own millions of guns collectively, especially in the south and rural areas.
More likely to happen would be a staged Alien invasion for the use of Scalar technology on the population under Martial Law. Within 10 years, likely. The patents for the tech are already owned.

"The people will not revolt. They will not look up long enough from their screens to know what's happening."
Well I'd been wanting to do this for a while so might as well in this thread. Ok first let's look at what got Trump elected briefly -

Donald Trump's tri-chart for July 2016 - months prior the election (featuring natal placements in black, progressed in green, and transit in red)

A few things of note


Trump experienced the extremely fortunate progressed Sun-Ascendant conjunction which also coincides with said Sun passing over Regulus, a star long associated with fame and royalty, thus putting him in the public spotlight in a particularly favorable way which is unlikely to have transpired without this star's involvement. At the same time the progressed Ascendant had tracked to conjoin progressed Jupiter (Jupiter is the planet of plenty and good fortune while the Ascendant rules interactions with others) - in other words he would have made the best impression possible under this alignment and especially with it also trining his Sun which makes him seem to personally embody the Jupiter qualities. There are some other notable arrangements such as Venus-progressed Midheaven (attracting favorable opinion from the public) the prior year which further sweetened the deal. So this is how someone can get extraordinarily lucky and/or aim for something big at just the right time depending on your opinion.

The present and impeachment

However this arrangement was a temporary influence and by 2019-20 things look rather different for Trump with much less Jupiter and much more Saturn and Chiron (and later Pluto) influences stacking up. For example this is how things looked in early November this year

Whereby the most problematic indication here is Saturn square Chiron which coincided with Saturn going stationary direct and then forward (over September 17-18 of this year) and then applying for the final square to Chiron shortly after through October as the various reports and complaints came to light. Saturn in square or opposition to Chiron always coincides with some kind of public disgrace and this is definitely what we are observing at this time. The progressed Midheaven coming up to Saturn means Trump will have to answer for his decisions and actions over the next year and this is exacerbated by transit Saturn (currently in its own sign of Capricorn) coming up to oppose Trump's own Saturn starting in late January 2020 and followed by Pluto doing the same by April of the same year - that second transit from Pluto is going to be the most challenging for Trump, more so than the Saturn opposition from January-February so I'd associate it with major changes surrounding him such as possible removal from office or something else equally big.

(the transit table - note that one of the exact hits for Chiron opposition Neptune was for July 24th, a rather significant day which brought not only the Mueller hearings but the events which would bring Trump where he is now although only when Saturn also became involved with Chiron months later)

Saturn-Pluto and the Mars squares of 2020
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is big news (in astrological circles) due to the massive changes it has brought in the past - World War I in 1913 and major financial institutions in 1947 with economic contraction in 1982 - the cycle occurs every 35 or so years and now we are due again. Not going to cover it again here but instead we get Mars coming up to square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn during its retrograde from within its own sign (Aries) in mid to late 2020 - one example is the square from Mars to Pluto for August 17, 2020 which is perhaps the first in the series.


There is indeed some agreement in the community that these squares could be associated with armed conflict or something violent (due to the involvement of Mars from Aries squaring Saturn-Pluto in another cardinal sign, Capricorn) and if we do see it it's most likely to happen int he second half of 2020 after Saturn-Pluto has destabilized financial or governmental structures around the world. So yes, hold onto your seats, it's going to be a rocky ride.
What's strange is that President Trump reminds me of two of the worst presidents: Andrew Jackson and James Buchanan, the worst leader president during before the civil war.