how to precisely determine your type


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
arghh. so i dont know what personality type i am and need help. i need to read more about MBTI typology. so i took a test 2 Months ago and got INTJ, which was NOT right at all. I took two tests today, first result being INFJ and it made sense, but i just got ISFP and as much as i dont want to admit it for some seems to make more sense. is it just my obsession with relating everything that i think about? am i trying to relate ISFPs to myself, or am i really an ISFP. someone please help.
The Jungian Cognitive Functions are a really good way to clear up some questions one might have about their type, as it shows how your MBTI preferences tend to manifest themselves, and at what levels they tend to do so in.

A good starter link, but others may have better JCF descriptions on their own and not in context with specific types (both are useful)

This is something that comes through research of your proposed types and context of how those descriptions and Jungian cognitive functions work with you.

(Freakin love Haunter, btw!)
alright, thanks. im gonna get to readin. how long have you been studying/had an understanding of this?
Yeah, see how you identify more with the cognitive functions and that should help. If you know you're introverted, that can help start you off. I would try to determine whether or not I am an F or T from there and figure out whether or not it is an introverted or extroverted function. This will hint you at whether or not you are a P or a J. Lastly, I would do N vs S but you could do them first too.
im definately an I
in Sensing or iNitiative, i leaned towards N
Thinking or Feeling, went with F
Judging or Perceiving = J

this ultimately makes sense now
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Thinking or Feeling, im like completely stuck in the middle it feels like. agreements and disagreements with both.

What was the last decision you made that had any importance? Did you use feelings or logic? Were you able to articulate your reasoning very well? If you could, you probably used logic.

Do you have some sort of life dilemma happening right now? Are you using logic to think about the possibilities of what you can do or are you being melancholy about it?
I have a complex algorithim in place at the moment:

- Take the day of the week you were born on, right down on a piece of paper the day after that day. Crumple it up, put it in your pocket.

- Next, go to the nearest starbucks coffee center around. Sit down. Where are you? In the corner? or in the middle of the room?

-Order an expresso, size doesn't matter because its all shit anyways. Wink at the person at the counter. Did they blush? If not, you may not know your type, but at least you'll know you're not attractive to at least one person in the world. (Probably more)

-Sit down with your espresso. Where are you? Same spot? Or different?

- Drink the espresso and do... What? Think? view? Observe? Ponder? Taste? Scratch? Mastur- possibilities are endless; provided you're not in the territorial 50 states of america and or one of their military bases. Yes. Military bases have starbucks.

- You're done drinking the espresso. Leave the starbucks.

- Go home

-How did you get there? Did you drive? walk? Or are you still at starbucks because you were waiting for me to tell you how to get home. (If the latter is true, you're a retard and just call a cab.)

- Walk inside, and sit down.

-Where did you sit? The floor? Fool this isn't asia.* Sit properly on the couch.

- What? You don't want to sit on the couch? Interesting, take note of that down the road, Se
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my reasoning for my last decision was 'i just did it' and other reasonings would problably sound like 'just 'cause'. i feel like logically thinking about decisions is too tiring, takes too much effort.

oh my god saru thanks for the good laugh. serotonin feels good :)

Which of these do you think you use the most? If you limit it to only two (two is likely, as the auxiliary is almost as frequently used as the leading), then you are going to need to know whether you are introverted/extroverted and judging/perceiving. Hopefully you won't relate the most to two elements that are incompatible in the model, as this will make it considerably more difficult...
it takes some people alot of time and reflection to realize their type. We have many psychological facets that can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Be patient with yourself, and remember: there is no such thing as a free lunch.
You're not going to figure out your personality type overnight. It really is a journey. The best thing you can do is learn about the cognitive functions. There are some threads on here that explain them pretty well, and there is lots of info elsewhere. Really, the cognitive functions are about how you think and intake data, then how you piece it together and output this information.

If you are torn between INFJ and ISFP, I would highly reccomend you look at the differences between how Se process and Ni processes. They are both very different for how they intake information and one of them will likely feel much more "familar" to you. Reading general type descriptions online is a good place to start, but do not let that define exactly what your type is because they base an aweful lot of it off external behavioral manifestations which are not always consistent enough to determine ones type.
alright, thanks. im gonna get to readin. how long have you been studying/had an understanding of this?
I've been doing personal studies of the subject for about as long as I've been a member of the forum, so four months or so. I've got a good grasp on most of the elements of the theory, enough to be confident of my type. I was questioning my type as well for a while, thinking I may have been INFP. A few sites ( ironically left me more confused than when I started, though I hear that site helps a lot of people that were in my dilemma), mainly this one and the information and links shared from it helped me out with that. The cognitive processes are where I finally found closure, they helped me understand a few things I was really muddled about (the J/P dichotomy, mainly).

It's one of those things that comes with time as you do more research into it and get a better idea of how things work in the theory.
I have a complex algorithim in place at the moment:

- Take the day of the week you were born on, right down on a piece of paper the day after that day. Crumple it up, put it in your pocket.

- Next, go to the nearest starbucks coffee center around. Sit down. Where are you? In the corner? or in the middle of the room?

-Order an expresso, size doesn't matter because its all shit anyways. Wink at the person at the counter. Did they blush? If not, you may not know your type, but at least you'll know you're not attractive to at least one person in the world. (Probably more)

-Sit down with your espresso. Where are you? Same spot? Or different?

- Drink the espresso and do... What? Think? view? Observe? Ponder? Taste? Scratch? Mastur- possibilities are endless; provided you're not in the territorial 50 states of america and or one of their military bases. Yes. Military bases have starbucks.

- You're done drinking the espresso. Leave the starbucks.

- Go home

-How did you get there? Did you drive? walk? Or are you still at starbucks because you were waiting for me to tell you how to get home. (If the latter is true, you're a retard and just call a cab.)

- Walk inside, and sit down.

-Where did you sit? The floor? Fool this isn't asia.* Sit properly on the couch.

- What? You don't want to sit on the couch? Interesting, take note of that down the road, Se
To the op, you're unsure if you're either a judger or perceiver? Judgers usually like structure and order. They make their enviorment adapt to themselves. Perceivers are more flexible. They observer first, and judge later. They adapt to their surroundings.

If you like order, and structure, don't like surprises, and like too know what you're getting yourself into, you are probably a judger.

If you like to keep things open, enjoy surprises, and don't enjoy sticking to a routine, you are probably a perceiver.
To the op, you're unsure if you're either a judger or perceiver? Judgers usually like structure and order. They make their enviorment adapt to themselves. Perceivers are more flexible. They observer first, and judge later. They adapt to their surroundings.

If you like order, and structure, don't like surprises, and like too know what you're getting yourself into, you are probably a judger.

If you like to keep things open, enjoy surprises, and don't enjoy sticking to a routine, you are probably a perceiver.

Eh, that's not the best comparison.
To the op, you're unsure if you're either a judger or perceiver? Judgers usually like structure and order. They make their enviorment adapt to themselves. Perceivers are more flexible. They observer first, and judge later. They adapt to their surroundings.

If you like order, and structure, don't like surprises, and like too know what you're getting yourself into, you are probably a judger.

If you like to keep things open, enjoy surprises, and don't enjoy sticking to a routine, you are probably a perceiver.

This can be used as an indicator at times. However, and in particular for the introverted types, this isn't quite consistent enough. That being said, it's a good starting point. This really comes down to Pi character and Pe character. The former is a J type, the latter is a P type.

Pi in general wants to intake information and centralize it into a meaningful whole. In a sense, it is convergent. It starts at a fringe, and intakes information from that point. It then seeks to connect it to something else that could be closely related, or not closely related to it, and draw a pattern and parallel from it. This continues until the initial starting point is condensed down into a general principal. You could think of it as inductive reasoning. Starting at the details, and working to the general. These are the J types.

Pe in general wants to diversify and make something as broad and understanding in sweeping sense as possible. Pe character is divergent. It starts at some point that has a general meaning and principal. It then seeks to find something that has some relation to it. It goes further out and see what's related to that. In a sense it is puddle jumping away from what the inital idea was, but it's not totally forgotten. Pe seeks to gain as many perspectives from this inital thought so that way there is a later detailed understanding. In a sense Pe is deductive reasoning. Going from the general, to the specific. These are the P types.

Because Pi character in general seeks to centralize the information that is taken in, they are seen to be focused individuals. They always seem to have this sense of always remaining on track, and they always refer back to where they started, and they always see where they want to go with things. Despite this being a perceiving function, it is later filtered through a Je function, which determines the J/P axis. Because of this focus, and desire for clarity and centralized information, Pi is seen as structured, ordered, and order seeking. Depending on if it is Ni or Si will determine the light it is seen under. In the end, this lends to classic J type behavivor, even in the intake of information.

Because Pe character in general seeks to diversify the information that is taken in, they are seen as much more free flowing individuals. Pe individuals always seem to have this sense of never leaving an option unconsidered. They seek to find all the possibillites and all the imediate options that could be used. Because of this, they tend to seem to follow their own path, and seem to lack any disernable structure to what they are doing Pe in itself locks the P axis in place. Their desire to understand an intake is driven by finding out anything that could be used in some way, no matter how related it is the inital thought. This this is classical P behavior that is often see in P types, in particular ExxP types. For IxxP types this is seen less externally, but is felt more internally.

Hopefully that helps some. This is a good starting point for seeing which one axis you work on more. Keep in mind though, that for ExxJ types and IxxP types this might feel a little less "distinct" for you, and you might feel more elements of both due to them being at auxillary/teritary posistions.