[INFJ] Hyper & Inferior Se ?


Community Member
So I went out with a friend and her friend whom I haven't seen in a really long time. My best friend was there too and we had a drink and some appetizers. My friend goes on about how she told this guy who I was just meeting for the first time (who just moved in with her) about me. She brings up a subject and gets excited to ask me about it. She looks to the guy and says I'm the perfect person to ask because I'm sooo analytical. My best friend laughs and says how I'm always spot on.

I'm embarrassed getting the attention so I confess that I'm no good if my heart is in the mix but sure, show me the text and circumstances and I'll tell you what I think. Next thing I know, the entire night rolls and we're having good conversation and I'm happy. I only had 2 drinks. Anyways, I pretty much got really annoying. I was seriously hyper!! We're talking stupid eccentric LOUD personality. It's totally weird because I'm NEVER like that in front of a new person and I'm never THAT much even in front of close friends. I really don't know what came over me. Needless to say, I walked away sooo embarrassed.

My best friend even asked afterwords if I was nervous because she's never seen me like THAT much. And she said I was like an INTJ I used to know at this Christmas party years ago. It was a weird memory we have of him where the INTJ was at a Christmas party with her family and he ended up talking like a hyper mad man the whole night.

Of course NOW I'm even MORE embarrassed with the comparative visual. Uh!!!

So weird! I have no idea what it was. I'm under a lot of pressure lately (different type of stress than what I've previously dealt with) and I thought maybe it was that. I tend to get hyper/manic with stress (enneagram layout influenced for sure) but then another online acquaintance joked on my FB "Inferior Se much?"

And I thought that was interesting. And I know that this last year especially (prior to this last month), I was so weird and that book "was that really me?" Was creepy accurate. So maybe the inferior Se had something to do with this then I'm thinking. But how/why, would trigger such a weird reaction from me?

Note: it wasn't the drinks. Lol! I'm a 2 drink person and I stop at that usually and I've never been so weird hyper like that before. The whole thing has me so embarrassed I feel like maybe I should be on drugs. :p (as in prescription drugs. It's a jk. Not really thinking that). But dear god it was bad!! I wasn't mean or anything. Just over the top hyper and bla bla bla bla it was like I was possessed!

I don't know who I am anymore! 
I feel like my Se function is a socially challenged version of the Hulk. "You wouldn't like me when I'm awkward!"

Yeah, it totally does feel like a radically different and totally stupid person sits inside of you, waiting for you to lose control of the situation.
I feel like my Se function is a socially challenged version of the Hulk. "You wouldn't like me when I'm awkward!"

Yeah, it totally does feel like a radically different and totally stupid person sits inside of you, waiting for you to lose control of the situation.

Socially challenged version of the hulk. ... That was. Perfect. Lol! So perfect!

Ugh ... Still feeling the shame. The shame!! The shame!

I hate it when I lose control of my mini inner hulk. He sits next to my "doubting" /6 cry baby inner emo.

Ya know. The more I analyze my personality the more I'm feeling like Sybil. 
Yesterday I was at around thirty five hours of no sleep and six point five coffees deep.

I basically danced and hummed (and giggled and sang and made mouth noises and beatboxed and that popping sound with my cheeks) to music, plus acting like a total retard being unable to stop saying and doing... at all. Oh, and annoying, Witty, maybe, but annoying as a huge, evergrowing, Mary impregnating hell.

That was crazy. I was so embarrassed, I went to my room after about three hours of spazzing out. Today I woke up and we had a laugh about it at breakfast. Still though, felt almost possessed haha.
Alcohol in a safe, accepting environment lowers one's inhibitions and it's not unusual for it to start highlighting one's extroverted functions (not necessarily just your inferior function). Sounds like both your Fe+Se were on full display.
INFJs can become "frenzied" due to elevation of introspective feelings...this phenomen has been analyzed and is subject of many myths with regard to classic melancholics. It all has to do with Fe, at least theoretically. In reality and from my own experience, I'd say its all about certain feelings that raise out of the lack of self-control. Its one of the reasons why INFJs are supposed to "act like the extroverts".
But don't be trick by it. The counter to it is self-control.
Oh god when I try to not act so shy and uncomfortable (I have bouts of severe social anxiety) I just end up being really loud and annoying. Also when I get drunk I go from being sweet and calm to aggressive, loud, slutty (for me which is just flirtier and more assertive), and I apparently stop speaking English so there's that. Because of this I just don't drink, especially not in public.

Most of the time I'm fine with my Se, but when I'm out of control of it I feel terribly embarrassed afterwords and a bit mortified that I could ever act so unlike myself.
So I went out with a friend and her friend whom I haven't seen in a really long time. My best friend was there too and we had a drink and some appetizers. My friend goes on about how she told this guy who I was just meeting for the first time (who just moved in with her) about me. She brings up a subject and gets excited to ask me about it. She looks to the guy and says I'm the perfect person to ask because I'm sooo analytical. My best friend laughs and says how I'm always spot on.

I'm embarrassed getting the attention so I confess that I'm no good if my heart is in the mix but sure, show me the text and circumstances and I'll tell you what I think. Next thing I know, the entire night rolls and we're having good conversation and I'm happy. I only had 2 drinks. Anyways, I pretty much got really annoying. I was seriously hyper!! We're talking stupid eccentric LOUD personality. It's totally weird because I'm NEVER like that in front of a new person and I'm never THAT much even in front of close friends. I really don't know what came over me. Needless to say, I walked away sooo embarrassed.

My best friend even asked afterwords if I was nervous because she's never seen me like THAT much. And she said I was like an INTJ I used to know at this Christmas party years ago. It was a weird memory we have of him where the INTJ was at a Christmas party with her family and he ended up talking like a hyper mad man the whole night.

Of course NOW I'm even MORE embarrassed with the comparative visual. Uh!!!

So weird! I have no idea what it was. I'm under a lot of pressure lately (different type of stress than what I've previously dealt with) and I thought maybe it was that. I tend to get hyper/manic with stress (enneagram layout influenced for sure) but then another online acquaintance joked on my FB "Inferior Se much?"

And I thought that was interesting. And I know that this last year especially (prior to this last month), I was so weird and that book "was that really me?" Was creepy accurate. So maybe the inferior Se had something to do with this then I'm thinking. But how/why, would trigger such a weird reaction from me?

Note: it wasn't the drinks. Lol! I'm a 2 drink person and I stop at that usually and I've never been so weird hyper like that before. The whole thing has me so embarrassed I feel like maybe I should be on drugs. :p (as in prescription drugs. It's a jk. Not really thinking that). But dear god it was bad!! I wasn't mean or anything. Just over the top hyper and bla bla bla bla it was like I was possessed!

I don't know who I am anymore! 

May I suggest you that a lack of self-control doesn't have anything to do with a certain function, whatever that might be?

You say its about Se, and I answer that any Sensor has self-control, and doesn't make anything stupid so as to later feel sorry for it. There is nothing about a certain "function" here, that "triggers" a explosion or something. Every function that you have is in your power to control. The cognitive functions don't "take over" or "revolt" against you, as they these functions are depenedent and "listen" to your will.

Its all about the will here. If you are in control of yourself, you are a wise and strong person. If you practice self-control everyday, you will become stronger everyday.

Even if you want to be loud and "folish" for a period of time, its pefectly fine if you are in control of yourself and you know every second that you are in control, you are conscious and you can stop it whenever you want.
But if you feel sorry after, or you realise you had done things which you wouldn't recognise, it means you have left control of yourself, acting exactly like a person without mind. This is very dangerous!

Sorry, don't want to be nasty or scary you, but this is my opinion. And I speak as a person who has been trough the same thing many times, althought of course not in the same context, and with different implications.
May I suggest you that a lack of self-control doesn't have anything to do with a certain function, whatever that might be?

You say its about Se, and I answer that any Sensor has self-control, and doesn't make anything stupid so as to later feel sorry for it. There is nothing about a certain "function" here, that "triggers" a explosion or something. Every function that you have is in your power to control. The cognitive functions don't "take over" or "revolt" against you, as they these functions are depenedent and "listen" to your will.

Its all about the will here. If you are in control of yourself, you are a wise and strong person. If you practice self-control everyday, you will become stronger everyday.

Even if you want to be loud and "folish" for a period of time, its pefectly fine if you are in control of yourself and you know every second that you are in control, you are conscious and you can stop it whenever you want.
But if you feel sorry after, or you realise you had done things which you wouldn't recognise, it means you have left control of yourself, acting exactly like a person without mind. This is very dangerous!

Sorry, don't want to be nasty or scary you, but this is my opinion. And I speak as a person who has been trough the same thing many times, althought of course not in the same context, and with different implications.

Thanks. I'll try to practice more self control to contain my socially awkward self.

And no need to be sorry. If you apologize for thinking someone might perceive your opinion as nasty, then maybe you think it is. That's like saying, "Not to be offensive ... but ..." Which is equivalent to saying, "what I'm about to say is going to be offensive due to lack of tact but since I've forewarned you, you now are in the awkward position to not confront me on said such offense as it is now socially acceptable for me to lack "self control".

Ironic. Don't you think?

Next time don't apologize for your opinions. If you feel the need to apologize for them, then they might not be ones you know are worthy of sharing. Just a thought.

Maybe. We should try to relax and accept ourselves for who we are despite not fitting in?

There IS such a thing as TOO MUCH self control. Maybe I'm just learning to enjoy myself.

(Dude. Your post was so off putting but I know you meant well. Cognitive dissonance as to how to respond! Lol! )
Thanks. I'll try to practice more self control to contain my socially awkward self.

And no need to be sorry. If you apologize for thinking someone might perceive your opinion as nasty, then maybe you think it is. That's like saying, "Not to be offensive ... but ..." Which is equivalent to saying, "what I'm about to say is going to be offensive due to lack of tact but since I've forewarned you, you now are in the awkward position to not confront me on said such offense as it is now socially acceptable for me to lack "self control".

Ironic. Don't you think?

Next time don't apologize for your opinions. If you feel the need to apologize for them, then they might not be ones you know are worthy of sharing. Just a thought.

Maybe. We should try to relax and accept ourselves for who we are despite not fitting in?

There IS such a thing as TOO MUCH self control. Maybe I'm just learning to enjoy myself.

(Dude. Your post was so off putting but I know you meant well. Cognitive dissonance as to how to respond! Lol! )

Now I'm really sorry that my post was off putting, and this time I mean it.
When I said "sorry", I wasn't meaning to excuse myself for my opinion at all, it was just a expression.

My post was not in the slighest meant to offend in any way. I just said what I think about it :D
Interesting latter posts. :D

I think yes, it's Inferior Se in play (of course, this is strictly speaking in Jungian Cognitive Functions only. In reality; am quite sure numerous factor are playing.)

I have done that too. Sometimes I became charming and jovial and likable. Other times...crazy nutso. Usually it all dawned when I'm alone like, "HOLY SHITTING CRABS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?"

When our inferior function are in play, it tend to be...well, underdeveloped. Like using a program you haven't mastered. Sometimes you stumble, sometimes it failed / crashed, sometimes it went buggy and everything went to the toilet.

Perhaps it is one such situation.